
Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam 2015 sinhala sub|සු...සු...සුධී වත්මීකම් 2015 සිංහල උපසිරැසි සමඟ

Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam is a 2015 Indian Malayalam language movie.Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam is categorized as Comedy, Drama, and World Cinema and Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam is co-directed and co-written by Arjunan Saakshi and Ramante Eden Thottam (2017) and Sunny (2021) director Ranjith Sankar. Since 2009, he has been an active member of the Malayalam film industry and has directed about 13 films. He has also won Kerala State Award for Best Screenplay and Dubai AMMA Award for Best Debut Director. Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam has been co-written by Abhayakumar and the story has been penned by the two screenwriters Sudheendran Avittathoor. The Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam movie is produced by the Dreams N Beyond production company and by Jayasurya and Ranjith Sankar. Cinematography by Vinod Illampally and Editing by V.Saajan Music Director by Bijibal Maniyil under the brand Muzik 247 The song "Ente Janalarikil" is sung by P. Jayachandran and the second song "Kayamboo" is sung by Swetha Mohan and Thripunithura Girija Varma. Both the singers sing and the last song here is "Raavinte" sung by singer Ganesh Sundaram. However, Jayasurya won the Kerala State Film Award and the National Film Award for his performance in Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam, which was released on November 11, 2015, by Central Pictures Release. Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam has a large cast of actors, among which Jayasurya plays the role of Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam, Shivada Nair plays the role of a speech therapist named Kalyani, Swathy Narayanan plays the role of Sheela and Aju Varghese plays the role of a school teacher and actor named Gregan. Mukesh Madhavan plays his own role, Anson Paul plays the role of a school owner named Vijay Babu, Muthumani Somasundaran plays the role of the principal of the school, and Arjun Nandhakumar plays the role of Mohan. The movie Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam with a running time of 134 minutes has a Google user rating of 89% and an IMDB rating of 7.7/10.


The story of the movie Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam 2015 revolves around the life story of Sudhi Vathmeekam, a person who suffers from a speech impediment since childhood. The film has shown how he is ostracized by society due to his stuttering speech difficulty and how people with such disabilities are faced with various hardships and sufferings in human society and how to overcome them and succeed in life. The story of Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam begins with a conversation between a group of people who are preparing to shoot a scene at the Karur Vysya Bank premises in Bangalore, where Sudhi works as a manager. Here Sudi meets Gregan, who has been his friend since childhood and is now a famous actor, as well as Mukesh Madhavan, another actor. Since the shooting was done till night, Sudhi is unable to return to his village and since the bus services are not running at night, he also has to leave with Mukesh Madhavan in his car for his village. During this journey, Sudhi and Mukesh have a small argument after a boring conversation with the driver. Later, Mukesh settles it and Sudhi starts telling them her life story during the journey.


Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam 2015 ඉන්දියානු මලයාලම් භාෂා චිත්‍රපටයක්.Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam චිත්‍රපටය ප්‍රහසන,නාට්‍යයමය සහ ලෝක සිනමා  වර්ගයට වෙන් කර තිබෙනවා ඒ වගේම Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam චිත්‍රපටයේ සම අධ්‍යක්‍ෂණය සහ සම තිර රචනය සිදුකර තිබෙන්නේ  Arjunan Saakshi සහ Ramante Eden Thottam (2017) සහ  Sunny (2021) චිත්‍රපට අධ්‍යක්ෂණය කෙරූ  Ranjith Sankar වෙන අතර ඔහු 2009 වර්ෂයේ සිට මලයාලම් සිනමා ක්‍ෂේත්‍රය තුල ක්‍රියාකාරී සාමාජිකයෙක් ලෙස කටයුතු කරමින් චිත්‍රපට 13 ක් පමණ අධ්‍යක්ෂණය කර තිබෙනවා. ඒ වගේම ඔහුට හොඳම තිර රචනය සඳහා කේරලා ප්‍රාන්ත සම්මානයත් හොඳම කුලුදුල් අධ්‍යක්ෂණය සඳහා Dubai AMMA සම්මානයත් දිනාගෙන තිබෙනවා.Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam චිත්‍රපටයේ සම තිර රචනයෙන් Abhayakumar දායක වී තිබෙන අතර කතාව රචනා කර තිබෙන්නේ Sudheendran Avittathoor පිටපත් රචකයන් දෙපල විසිනුයි.Dreams N Beyond නිෂ්පාදන සමාගම හරහා නිෂ්පාදනය කර තිබෙන මේ චිත්‍රපටය Jayasurya සහ Ranjith Sankar විසින් නිෂ්පාදනය කර තිබෙනවා.

සිනමාරූපනය Vinod Illampally ද සංස්කරණය V.Saajan සිදුකර තිබෙන අතර Muzik 247 වෙළෙඳ සන්නාමය යටතේ Bijibal Maniyil සංගීත අධ්‍යක්‍ෂකවරයා වෙන අතර  මෙහි එන "Ente Janalarikil"නමැති ගීතය P. Jayachandran විසින් ගායනා කරන අතර "Kayamboo"නමැති දෙවෙනි ගීතය Swetha Mohan සහ Thripunithura Girija Varma ගායක ගායිකාවන් දෙපල විසින් ගායනා කරනවා ඒ වගේම මෙහි ඇති අවසාන ගීතය වෙන "Raavinte"නමැති ගීතය Ganesh Sundaram ගායකයා ගායනා කරනවා.

කෙසේවෙතත් Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam චිත්‍රපටයේ රංගනය හේතුවෙන් Jayasurya ට කේරලා ප්‍රාන්ත චිත්‍රපට සම්මානය සහ ජාතික චිත්‍රපට සම්මානය දිනාගැනීමට සමත් වෙන අතරම 2015 වර්ෂයේ නොවැම්බර් 11 වෙනිදා ප්‍රදර්ශනය සඳහා මේ චිත්‍රපටය නිකුත් කෙරුවේ Central Pictures Release ආයතනය හරහායි.Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam චිත්‍රපටය සඳහා රංගනයෙන් විශාල නළු නිලියන් ප්‍රමාණයක් දායක වී තිබෙන අතර ඒ අතරින්  Jayasurya සුදී වත්මීකම්ගේ චරිතයත් Shivada Nair කල්‍යාණි නමැති කථන චිකිත්සකවරියකගේ චරිතයත් Swathy Narayanan ශීලාගේ චරිතය සහ Aju Varghese ග්‍රේගන් නමැති පාසල් ගුරුවරයෙක් සහ රංගන ශිල්පියෙක්ගේ  චරිතය ඉදිරිපත් කරමින්  ප්‍රධාන රංගන දායකත්වය ලබා දී තිබෙන අතර Mukesh Madhavan ඔහුගේම චරිතයත් Anson Paul විජේ බාබු නමැති පාසල් අයිතිකරුවකුගේ චරිතයද Muthumani Somasundaran පාසලේ විදුහල්පතිවරයාගේ චරිතයත් Arjun Nandhakumar මෝහන් නමැති චරිතය ඉදිරිපත් කරන අතරම සහය රංගනයෙන් තවත් විශාල නළු නිලි පිරිසක් මේ චිත්‍රපටයට දායක වී තිබෙනවා.මිනිත්තු 134 ක ධාවන කාලයක් සහිත Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam චිත්‍රපටය සඳහා ලැබී ඇති ගූගල් පරිශීලක අගය 89% ක් ලෙසත් IMDB දර්ශක අගය 7.7/10 ක් විදිහටත් සටහන් වී තිබෙනවා.

Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam 2015 චිත්‍රපටයේ කතාව දිවයන්නේ සුධී වත්මීකම් නමැති කුඩා කල සිටම කථන ආබාධයෙන් පෙලෙන පුද්ගලයෙකුගේ ජීවිත කතාව වටායි. ඔහුට තුල ඇති ගොත ගැසීමේ කථන අපහසුතාව නිසා සමාජයෙන් ඔහුව අපහසුතාවට ලක් කරන ආකාරය මෙන්ම මෙවැනි ආබාධ සහිත පුද්ගලයින්ට මිනිස් සමාජය තුලින් එල්ලවෙන විවිධ පීඩා මෙන්ම දුක් කරදර පිළිබඳව මෙන්ම ඒවා මැඩපවත්වා ගනිමින් ජීවිතය සාර්ථක කරගන්නා අයුරු පිළිබඳව චිත්‍රපටයෙන් පෙන්වා දී තිබෙනවා.Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam චිත්‍රපටයේ කතාව ආරම්භ වෙන්නේ සුධී කළමනාකරුවෙකු ලෙස රැකියාව කරනා බැංගලෝර් නගරයේ  පිහිටි  Karur Vysya බැංකු පරිශ්‍රයේ චිත්‍රපට දර්ශනයක් රූගත කිරීමට සූදානම් වෙමින් සිටින පිරිසක් අතර ඇතිවෙන කතාබහක් සමඟයි. මෙහිදී සුදීට තම කුඩා කාලයේ පටන් තමන්ගේ මිතුරෙකු වූද දැන් සුප්‍රසිද්ධ නළුවෙකු වී සිටින ග්‍රේගන්ව මෙන්ම තවත් නළුවෙකු වූ Mukesh Madhavan ව මුණගැසෙනවා. මෙහිදී එම රූගත කිරීම් කටයුතු රාත්‍රිය තෙක්ම සිදුකෙරූ නිසා සුධීට තම ගමට ආපසු යාමට නොහැකි වෙන අතර රාත්‍රියේ බස් සේවාවන් ක්‍රියාත්මක නොවන නිසා ඔහුටද  Mukesh Madhavan සමඟ ඔහුගේ රථයෙන්  සිය ගම් පළාත සඳහා නික්ම යාමට සිදුවෙනවා.මේ ගමන යන අතරතුරදී සුධී සහ මුකේෂ් අතර රියදුරා සමඟ ඇතිවෙන නොරිස්සුම් කතාබහකින් අනතුරුව සුළු ආරවුලක් ඇතිවෙනවා.පසුව මුකේෂ් විසින් එය සමතයකට පත් කරමින් ගමන යන අතරතුරදී සුධී තම ජීවිත කතාව ඔවුන්ට කීමට පටන් ගන්නවා. 


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Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam

Hardcode film

700MB & 1.4GB .zip

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Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam

Normal Film

700MB .zip

---------------------------------IDX සහ SRT--SSA උපසිරැසි--------------------------------

Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam


554 KB .zip

Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam


1.09MB .zip

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Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 Sinhala subtitle | ත්‍රිවිල් රථ රියදුරුගේ බිරිඳ 2022 සිංහල උපසිරසි


Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 or Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 is an Indian Malayalam language movie. Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 is a drama film directed by Harikumar, an Indian film scriptwriter and director. He has been working in Malayalam cinema since 1981 and has scripted and directed over 20 films. Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 is written and scripted by Maniyambath Mukundan and he has managed to create his first screenplay based on a short story written by the same name as the film. Also, he is a person who plays a big role in the field of Malayalam literature and is also considered one of the pioneers of modern Malayalam literature.

Among his books, Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil and Daivathinte Vikrithikal as well as Kesavante Vilapangal and Pravasam are considered to be his most famous novels. The film Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 has been produced under Benzy Productions with the contribution of producer KV Abdul Nasser and has been released on October 28, 2022, through Dream Big Films. The cinematography of Autorickshawkarante Bharya's 2022 movie is by N. Alagappan cinematographer and music direction is done by Mechery Louis Ouseppachan music director. He also works as a singer in the Indian Malayalam film industry and is considered to have won many awards including the National Award.

Also, the editing work of this film has been done by the editing artist Ayub Khan and Anne Augustine and Suraj Venjaramoodu have participated in this film by portraying the roles of tricycle drivers. Also, CB Varghese will be acting in the movie Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 and as a stage actor, he is more famous in the film industry than Kailash. He has acted in more than 50 films and in Dravidian cinema, he has also contributed to a number of prominent roles.

Swasika aka Pooja Vijay, who is popularly known in the film industry by her stage play Swasika, is an Indian television anchor, actress, and dancer, and she plays the role of a teacher in this film. Janardhanan Nair, who is an ex-army officer as well as a film actor and producer, plays the role of French Vasu in this film and plays the role of Sajeevan's uncle. However, the IMDb rating for the movie Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 is 6.4/10 and the Google user rating is 64%.

Autorickshawkarante Bharya Story  

The storied movie Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 is based on an Indian Malayalam short story and it has been shown in this cinematography that various upheavals and chain of events in the life of Sajeev, who is a three-wheeler driver.

Here, Sajeevan's father has died a short time ago and he is presented in the story as someone who works as a three-wheeler driver and lives a normal life with his mother. There, Sajeevan is shown to be a lazy person who does not try very hard and is an irresponsible person who always neglects his duties and because of some of his behaviors, he is not well received even among his friends. Here his routine as well as lifestyle changes with entering into married life, here he gets married to a young woman named Radhika and she initially imagines Sajeevan as a person who is very successful in his work and a hardworking person.

But after the marriage, Radhika regrets his weak character and lazy nature while going to live together. Finally, she learns that Sajeevan has spent a lot of money on her marriage and has taken loans from many people. Here, after an argument between her and Sajeevan, Radhika gets Sajeevan's tricycle and eventually starts running a taxi service. For this reason and because of his anger with Radhika, Sajeevan rents another tricycle and tries to earn more money than Radhika as well as to compete against her.


Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 නැත්තං ත්‍රිවිල් රථ රියදුරාගේ බිරිඳ 2022 චිත්‍රපටය ඉන්දියානු මලයාලම් භාෂා චිත්‍රපටයක්.Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 චිත්‍රපටය නාට්‍යයමය වර්ගයට වෙන් කර තිබෙන අතර  අධ්‍යක්ෂණය සිදුකර තිබෙන්නේ ඉන්දියානු චිත්‍රපට තිරපිටපත් රචකයෙක් සහ අධ්‍යක්ෂකවරයෙක් වෙන Harikumar අධ්‍යක්‍ෂකවරයායි.ඔහු 1981 වසරේ සිට මලයාලම් සිනමා ක්‍ෂේත්‍රය තුල කටයුතු කරමින් සිටින අතර ඔහු විසින් තිරපිටපත් ලිවීමෙන් සහ අධ්‍යක්ෂණය කෙරූ චිත්‍රපට 20 කට අධික ප්‍රමාණයක් පවතී. Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 චිත්‍රපටයේ කතාව රචනා කරමින් තිරපිටපත සකසා  තිබෙන්නේ Maniyambath Mukundan වෙන අතර  චිත්‍රපටය හඳුන්වා ඇති නමින්ම ඔහු ලියු කෙටි කතාවක්  පාදක කරගෙන සිය පළමු තිරපිටපත නිර්මාණය කරන්නට සමත් වී තිබෙනවා.

ඒ වගේම මොහු මලයාලම් සාහිත්‍යය ක්‍ෂේත්‍රය තුල විශාල කාර්යභාරයක් සිදුකරන පුද්ගලයෙක් වෙන අතර නූතන මලයාලම් සාහිත්‍යයේ එක් පුරෝගාමියෙක් ලෙසද සලකනවා.ඔහුගේ පොත්පත් අතරින් Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil සහ Daivathinte Vikrithikal මෙන්ම Kesavante Vilapangal සහ Pravasam යනු ඔහු විසින් රචනා කල වඩාත් ප්‍රසිද්ධියට පත් වූ නවකතා ලෙස සලකනවා. 

Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 චිත්‍රපටයේ නිෂ්පාදනය Benzy Productions ආයතනය යටතේ KV Abdul Nasser නිෂ්පාදකවරයාගේ දායකත්වය හරහා නිෂ්පාදනය කර තිබෙන අතර 2022 වසරේ ඔක්තෝම්බර් 28 වෙනිදා Dream Big Films ආයතනය හරහා ප්‍රදර්ශනයට යොමු කර තිබෙනවා.Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 චිත්‍රපටයේ සිනමාරූපණය N.අලගප්පන් සිනමාරූපණ ශිල්පියා වෙන අතර සංගීත අධ්‍යක්ෂණය සිදුකර තිබෙන්නේ Mechery Louis Ouseppachan සංගීත අධ්‍යක්‍ෂකවරයායි.

ඔහු ඉන්දියානු මලයාලම් සිනමා ක්‍ෂේත්‍රය තුල ගායකයෙක් ලෙසද කටයුතු කරන අතර ජාතික සම්මානය ඇතුළු නොයෙක් සම්මාන රාශියකින් පිදුම් ලැබූ අයෙක් ලෙස සලකනවා.එසේම මේ චිත්‍රපටයේ සංස්කරණ කාර්යන් සිදුකර තිබෙන්නේ අයුබ් ඛාන් සංස්කරණ ශිල්පියා වෙන අතර ප්‍රධාන රංගන දායකත්වයෙන් ඈන් ඔගස්ටින් සහ සුරාජ් වෙන්ජරාමූඩු ත්‍රිවිල් රථ රියදුරන්ගේ චරිත නිරූපණය කරමින් මේ චිත්‍රපටයට සහබාගි වී තිබෙනවා.ඒ වගේම Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 චිත්‍රපටය තුල සීබී වර්ගීස් රංගන දායකත්වය ලබා දෙන අතර වේදිකා නාට්‍යය නළුවෙකු ලෙස ඔහු සිනමා ක්‍ෂේත්‍රය තුල වඩාත් ප්‍රසිද්ධියට පත්ව සිටින්නේ කයිලාෂ් නමැති නමිනුයි. 

ඔහු චිත්‍රපට 50 කට අධික සංඛ්‍යාවකට රංගන දායකත්වය ලබා දී තිබෙන අතර  ද්‍රවිඩ සිනමාව තුලද ඔහු කැපී පෙනෙන චරිත ගණනාවක් සඳහා දායකත්වය ලබා දී තිබෙනවා.

සිනමා ක්‍ෂේත්‍රය තුල තම වේදිකා නාට්‍යය නාමය වෙන ස්වාසිකා නමින් ප්‍රචාලිත වී සිටින ස්වාසිකා නොහොත් පූජා විජේ ඉන්දියානු රූපවාහිනී නිවේදිකාවක් මෙන්ම නිලියක් සහ නර්තන ශිල්පිනියක් ලෙස කටයුතු කරන අතර ඇය මේ චිත්‍රපටය තුල ගුරුවරියකගේ චරිතයක් ඉදිරිපත් කරනවා.

හිටපු හමුදා නිලධාරියෙක් මෙන්ම චිත්‍රපට නළුවෙක් සහ නිෂ්පාදකවරයෙක් වෙන ජනාර්ධනන් නායර් මේ චිත්‍රපටය තුල ප්‍රංශ වාසු නමැති චරිතයක් ඉදිරිපත් කරන අතරම සජීවන්ගේ මාමාගේ චරිතය ඉදිරිපත් කරනවා.කෙසේවෙතත් Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 චිත්‍රපටය සඳහා IMDb අගය 6.4/10 ක් ලැබී තිබෙන අතර ගූගල් පරිශීලක අගය 64% ක් ලෙස පෙන්වා දී තිබෙනවා.

Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 චිත්‍රපටයේ කතාව

Autorickshawkarante Bharya 2022 චිත්‍රපටයේ කතාව නිර්මාණය කර තිබෙන්නේ ඉන්දියානු මලයාලම් කෙටි කතාවක් පාදක කරගෙන වෙන අතර ත්‍රිවිල් රථ රියදුරකු වෙන සජීවන්ගේ ජීවිතය තුල සිදුවෙන විවිධ හැලහැප්පීම් සහ සිදුවීම් දාමයක් පෙන්වා දීම මේ සිනමා නිර්මාණය තුලින් පෙන්වා තිබෙනවා.මෙහිදී සජීවන්ගේ පියා කෙටි කලකට පෙර මියගොස් තිබෙන අතර ඔහු ත්‍රිවිල් රියදුරකු ලෙස සේවය කරමින් සිය මව සමඟ සාමාන්‍යය ජීවිතයක් ගත කරමින් සිය දිවිපෙවෙත ගෙන යාමට උත්සහ දරන අයෙක් ලෙස කතාවෙන් ඉදිරිපත් කරනවා.

එහිදී සජීවන් එතරම් උත්සාහවන්ත නොවෙන කම්මැලි පුද්ගලයෙකු මෙන්ම නිතරම සිය රාජකාරි පැහැර හරිමින් වගකීම් විරහිත පුද්ගලයෙක් බව පෙන්වා දී තිබෙන අතර ඔහුගේ සමහර චර්යාවන් නිසාම ඔහුගේ හිතමිතුරන් අතර පවා එතරම් හොඳ පිළිගැනීමක් ඔහුට ලැබෙන බවක් පෙන්නුම් නොකරයි.මෙහිදී ඔහුගේ දිනචර්යාව මෙන්ම ජීවන රටාව වෙනස් වෙන්නේ විවාහ ජීවිතයට පිවිසීමත් සමඟයි මෙහිදී ඔහු විවාහ වෙන්නේ රාධිකා නම් තරුණියක් සමඟ වෙන අතර ඇය මුලින් සිතාගෙන සිටින්නේ සජීවන් සිය රැකියාව ඉතා සාර්ථකව කරගෙන යන පුද්ගලයෙක් මෙන්ම උත්සාහවන්ත අයෙකු ලෙසයි.

නමුත් විවාහයෙන් අනතුරුව එකට වාසය කිරීමට යාමේදී ඔහු සතුව ඇති දුර්වල ගතිගුණ මෙන්ම කම්මැලි ස්වභාවය පිලිබඳ කනගාටු වෙන රාධිකා අවසානයේදී සජීවන් විසින් තම විවාහය සඳහා පවා වියදම් කර තිබෙන්නේ විශාල ලෙස නොයෙක් පුද්ගලයින්ගෙන් ණයතුරුස් ලබාගෙන බව දැනගැනීමට ලැබෙනවා.මෙහිදී ඇය සහ සජීවන් අතර සිදුවෙන බහින්බස් වීමෙන් අනතුරුව සජීවන්ගේ ත්‍රිවිල් රථය ලබාගන්නා රාධිකා අවසානයේදී ටැක්සි සේවාවක් පවත්වාගෙන යාමට පටන් ගන්නවා.මේ හේතුව නිසාත් රාධිකා සමඟ ඇති කෝපය නිසාත් සජීවන් තවත් ත්‍රිවිල් රථයක් කුලියට ලබාගනිමින් රාධිකාට වඩා මුදල් ඉපයීමට මෙන්ම ඇයට එරෙහිව තරඟ කිරීම සඳහාද උත්සහ කරනවා. 


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Autoricksha 2022

Hardcode film

612MB & 1.6GB .zip

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Autoricksha 2022

Normal Film

800MB .zip

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Autoricksha 2022


554 KB .zip

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Autoricksha 2022


1.09MB .zip

nitham oru vaanam 2022 sinhala subtitle | සදාකාලික අහසක් 2022 සිංහල උපසිරැසි සමඟ


Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 is an Indian Dravidian language romantic and drama film. Nitham Oru Vaanam is directed and written by newcomer Ra. Karthik is the film director. Also, it was announced to the media for the first time that this will be created in January 2017. It was reported that Dhuleekar Salman will team up with a new director R. Karthik for the first time in a Dravidian film. Initially, Akshara Hasan, Nasriya Naseem, and Parvathy were considered for acting in the film but none of them signed up for the project.

However, after changing the cast again, Nitham Oru Vaanam film was started in December 2018 in the face of many obstacles. However, Nitham Oru Vaanam has been produced by Viacom18 Studios and Rise East Entertainment, while Sreenidhi Sagar as well as P. Rupak Pranav Tej, and Ajit Andhare, the three film producers have borne the production costs of the film. Also, Vidhu Ayyanna has contributed as the cinematographer of Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 and Llewellyn Anthony Gonsalvez has been involved in the editing work.

Also, nitham oru vaanam 2022 movie music direction is done by Gopi Sundar's music director, and a music track of 6 songs with a running time of 24 minutes 57 seconds has been created under the Zee Music South brand. Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 The song "Unakkena Naan" is written by Krithika Nelson and sung by Deepthi Suresh and Deepak Blue. Nitham Oru Vaanam's second song "Kaatril Sikki" is penned by Krithika Nelson and sung by Deepak Blue. Nitham Oru Vaanam's third song "Paathi Nee Paathi Naa" is written and sung by Krithika Nelson and the song "Oru Vezham" is sung by Krithika Nelson." Vandhai En Varamagave" and nitham oru vaanam 2022 song "Vandhai En Varamagave" is written by Krithika Nelson and sung by Keerthana Vaidhyanathan and "Yaara Ve" is also written by Krithika Nelson and sung by Megha Harini. The film Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 released for public release on November 4, 2022, has an IMDb rating of 7.4/10 and a Google user rating of 91%.

nitham oru vaanam cast

The film Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 was supposed to start with Dulikar Salman and other actors and after a problematic situation, a completely new cast has been roped in for this film. In the movie Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022, Ashok Selvan has contributed to several roles like Arjun Veera Prabha and in the year 2013, he managed to get a lot of popularity through the movie Soodhu Kavvum.

Also, he has acted in more than 25 films and web telenovelas and has acted in the upcoming movie Estate 2022. Also, Indian actress and model Ritu Varma are portraying a character named Subhadra or Subha in the movie Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 and she made her debut in a lead role in the movie Pelli Choopulu (2016). She has also received Nandi Award for Best Actress and Filmfare Critics Award for her performance in this film. Aparna Balamurali, who is mainly seen in Malayalam films, plays the role of Madiwadini Senniappan or Madhi in this film.

She rose to fame with Maheshinte Prathikaaram (2016) and won the National Film Award for Best Actress for her performances in Sunday Holiday (2017) and Soorarai Pottru (2020). Also, Shivathmika Rajashekar, who is a newbie actress, is playing the role of Meenakshi in this film and K. V. Srilekha Nair has played the role of the real Meenakshi. Also, in the movie nitham oru vaanam 2022, Vinsu Rachel has presented roles as actress Janani or Arjun's engaged girl. Indian actor Arjunan plays the role of Janani's ex-boyfriend and Abhirami plays the role of a psychiatrist named Docta Krishnavani in this film.

Kaali Venkat, who appears most frequently in Dravidian cinema, has acted as Prabha's assistant in the film Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022. Also, Azhagam Perumal, an Indian film director, presents the role of Seniyappan, or Madhi's father in this film. Also, Kalyani Natarajan, who plays a major role in Telugu cinema, plays the role of Arjun's mother in this film and Mathew Varghese plays the role of Arjun's father in this film. Also, Badava Gopi is Arjun's boss in this movie, Mona Bedre is Arjun's office colleague in this movie, Amar Choudary aka Jiiva as the real Prabhakaran in this movie, and Eesha Rebba is the real madiwadini are contributing to Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 movie.

nitham oru vaanam Story

The story of Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 revolves around a young man named Arjun who is also shown to be suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Here, he becomes a person who is not so social and is always concerned about cleanliness, and when he reads novels and short stories, he sinks into the characters and attributes the characters to himself. After a long period of time, he meets a young woman named Janani and finally manages to take the relationship to a distance until he marries her.

But on his wedding day, Janani finally breaks the marriage bond with Arjun by deciding to start married life with her ex-boyfriend. In order to calm Arjun's mind, his parents refer Arjun to a psychiatrist. There, the psychiatrist gives Arjuna some short stories written by her to read and Arjuna gets to know that some person has torn the last few pages of those stories. After this, when she meets the doctor and asks about the end of the story, she tells Arjun that they are not imaginary stories written by her, they are the stories of real people. In the end, Nitham Oru Vaanam's 2022 movie shows the journey to find the real characters that led to the short stories to know the rest of these stories.

Nitham Oru VaanamThe story of Veerappan and Meenakshi

The life story of Veera and Meenakshi has been shown in this short story and their marriage has been shown in the film as a love marriage where Veera or Veerappan is a civil engineer by profession and Meenakshi is shown as a mechanical engineer who plays basketball for her hobby. Here they love each other immensely and at one point Veera goes out to observe a building he is constructing eventually he meets with a tragic accident after the story stops suddenly in this part Arjuna is curious to know what happened to Veera in the end. Here Arjun finds the psychiatrist and what happened to Veera. In order to find out, they ask to read the diary with the life story of Madi and Prabha.


Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 ඉන්දියානු ද්‍රවිඩ භාෂා රෝමාන්තික සහ නාට්‍යමය වර්ගයට වෙන් කර තිබෙන චිත්‍රපටයක් වෙනවා. Nitham Oru Vaanam චිත්‍රපටයේ අධ්‍යක්ෂණය සහ කතාව රචනය සිදුකර තිබෙන්නේ නවකයෙක් වෙන Ra. Karthik සිනමා අධ්‍යක්‍ෂකවරයායි. එසේම මෙය නිර්මාණය කරන බවට මුල්ම වරට මාධ්‍ය සඳහා ප්‍රකාශයට පත්කරේ 2017 වසරේ ජනවාරි මස තුළදීයි. දුලීකර් සල්මාන් නවක අධ්‍යක්‍ෂකවරයෙක් වෙන R.කාර්තික් සමඟ මුල්ම වරට ද්‍රවිඩ චිත්‍රපටයකට සහබාගි වෙන බව වාර්තා වූ  අතර.මුලින්ම චිත්‍රපටය තුල රංගනය සඳහා අක්ෂරා හසන් නස්රියා නසීම් සහ පාර්වතී ඇතුළු තවත් නිලියන් කීප දෙනෙකු සලකා බලන ලද අතර නමුත් ඔවුන්ගෙන් කිසිම කෙනෙක් මේ ව්‍යාපෘතිය සඳහා අත්සන් කර තිබුනේ නැත.කෙසේවෙතත් නැවත නළුනිලි පිරිස වෙනස් කිරීමෙන් අනතුරුව නොයෙක් බාධක හමුවේ Nitham Oru Vaanam චිත්‍රපටය 2018 වසරේ දෙසැම්බර් මසදී නිර්මාණය කිරීම ආරම්භ කෙරුවා. කෙසේවෙතත් Nitham Oru Vaanam චිත්‍රපටයට නිෂ්පාදන දායකත්වය ලබා දී තිබෙන්නේ Viacom18 Studios සහ Rise East Entertainment ආයතන වෙන අතර Sreenidhi Sagar මෙන්ම P.Rupak Pranav Tej සහ Ajit Andhare නමැති චිත්‍රපට නිෂ්පාදකවරු තිදෙනා  Nitham Oru Vaanam චිත්‍රපටයේ නිෂ්පාදන වියදම් දරා තිබෙනවා. එසේම Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 චිත්‍රපටයේ සිනමාරූපණ ශිල්පියා ලෙස දායකත්වය ලබා දී තිබෙන්නේ Vidhu Ayyanna වෙන අතර සංස්කරණ කටයුතු සඳහා Llewellyn Anthony Gonsalvez සහබාගි වී තිබෙනවා.ඒ වගේම nitham oru vaanam 2022 චිත්‍රපටයේ සංගීත අධ්‍යක්ෂණය සිදුකර තිබෙන්නේ Gopi Sundar සංගීත අධ්‍යක්‍ෂකවරයා වෙන අතර Zee Music South වෙළෙඳ සන්නාමය යටතේ මිනිත්තු 24 තත්පර 57 ක ධාවන කාලයක් සහිත ගීත 6 කින් යුත් සංගීත ඛණ්ඩයක් නිර්මාණය කර තිබෙනවා.Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 මෙහිදී  "Unakkena Naan"ගීතයේ පද රචනය Krithika Nelson සිදුකර තිබෙන අතර ගායනය Deepthi Suresh සහ Deepak Blue දෙපලයි. මෙහි දෙවන ගීතය වෙන "Kaatril Sikki"ගීතය පද රචනය Krithika Nelson සිදුකර තිබෙන අතර ගායනය Deepak Blue සිදුකරනවා.තෙවෙනි ගීතය වෙන "Paathi Nee Paathi Naa"ගීතයේ පද රචනය මෙන්ම ගායනය  සහ "Oru Vezham"නමැති ගීතයේද පද රචනය මෙන්ම ගායනයද සිදුකරන්නේ Krithika Nelson ගායන ශිල්පියායි."Vandhai En Varamagave"ඒ වගේම nitham oru vaanam 2022 චිත්‍රපටයේ ඇති "Vandhai En Varamagave"ගීතයේ පද රචනය Krithika Nelson සිදුකර තිබෙන අතර ගායනය Keerthana Vaidhyanathan ගායිකාව සිදු කරනවා එසේම "Yaara Ve"ගීතයේ පද රචනය Krithika Nelson විසින්ද ගායනය Megha Harini ගායන ශිල්පිනිය ගායනා කරනවා.2022 වසරේ නොවැම්බර් 4 වෙනිදා මහජන ප්‍රදර්ශනය සඳහා නිකුත් කෙරූ nitham oru vaanam 2022 චිත්‍රපටයට ලැබී තිබෙන IMDb අගය 7.4/10 ක් වෙන අතර ගූගල් පරිශීලක අගය 91% ක් ලෙස සටහන් වී තිබෙනවා.

Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 චිත්‍රපටයේ නළු නිලියන් 

Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 චිත්‍රපටය ආරම්භ කිරීමට නියමිතව තිබුනේ දුලීකර් සල්මාන් ඇතුළු තවත් නලුනිලි පිරිසක් සමඟ වෙන අතර පසුව ඇතිවූ ගැටලුකාරී තත්වයකින් පසුව මුළුමනින්ම අලුත් නලුනිලි පිරිසක් මේ චිත්‍රපටය සඳහා සහබාගි කරගෙන තිබෙනවා.Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 චිත්‍රපටයේ Ashok Selvan අර්ජුන්  වීරා ප්‍රභා වැනි චරිත කීපයක් සඳහා රංගන දායකත්වය ලබා දී තිබෙන අතර 2013 වසරේ ඔහු රඟපෑ Soodhu Kavvum චිත්‍රපටය හරහා ඔහු විශාල ජනප්‍රියත්වයක් ලබා ගැනීමට සමත් වුනා.එසේම චිත්‍රපට සහ වෙබ් ටෙලිනාට්‍ය 25 කට අධික සංඛ්‍යාවකට ඔහු රංගන දායකත්වය ලබා දී තිබෙන අතර ඉදිරියේදී තිරගත වීමට නියමිත Estate 2022 චිත්‍රපටය සඳහා රංගන දායකත්වය ලබා දී තිබෙනවා.ඒ වගේම ඉන්දියානු නිලියක් සහ නිරූපිකාවක් වෙන Ritu Varma සුභද්‍රා නොහොත් සුභා නමැති චරිතයක් nitham oru vaanam 2022 චිත්‍රපටය තුල නිරූපණය කරන අතර ඇය මුල්ම වරට ප්‍රධාන චරිතයක් සඳහා රංගන දායකත්වය ලබා දුන්නේ Pelli Choopulu (2016) චිත්‍රපටය සඳහායි.මේ චිත්‍රපටයේ රඟපෑම වෙනුවෙන් ඇයට හොඳම නිළිය සඳහා හිමිවෙන නන්දි සම්මානය සහ ෆිල්ම්ෆෙයා ක්‍රිටික්ස් සම්මානයද ලැබී තිබෙනවා.ප්‍රධාන වශයෙන් මලයාලම් සිනමා පට තුල දක්නට ලැබෙන Aparna Balamurali මේ චිත්‍රපටය තුල මදිවදිනි සෙන්නියප්පන් නොහොත් මදීගේ චරිතය ඉදිරිපත් කරනවා.  ඇය වඩාත් ජනප්‍රියත්වයට පත්වුණේ  Maheshinte Prathikaaram (2016) චිත්‍රපටය හරහා වෙන අතර  Sunday Holiday (2017) චිත්‍රපටය සහ  Soorarai Pottru (2020) චිත්‍රපටය තුල කල රංගනය හේතුවෙන් ඇයට හොඳම සිනමා නිලියට හිමිවෙන ජාතික සිනමා සම්මානය ලැබී තිබුනා.එසේම නවක නිලියක් වෙන Shivathmika Rajashekar මේ චිත්‍රපටය තුල  Meenaksh නමැති චරිතයක් ඉදිරිපත් කරනවා අතර K. V. Srilekha Nair සැබෑම මීනක්‍ෂිගේ චරිතය ලෙස රංගන දායකත්වය ලබා දී තිබෙනවා.එසේම nitham oru vaanam 2022 චිත්‍රපටය තුල Vinsu Rachel සිනමා නිළිය Janani නොහොත්  අර්ජුන්ගේ විවාහ ගිවිසගත් තරුණිය ලෙස චරිත ඉදිරිපත් කර තිබෙනවා.ඉන්දියානු නළුවෙකු වෙන Arjunan ජනනිගේ හිටපු පෙම්වතාගේ චරිතය ඉදිරිපත් කරන අතර Abhirami මේ චිත්‍රපටය තුල  ඩොක්ට ක්‍රිෂ්නවානි නමැති මනෝ වෛද්‍යවරියකගේ චරිතයක් ඉදිරිපත් කරනවා.ද්‍රවිඩ සිනමාව තුල වඩාත් බහුල වශයෙන් පෙනී සිටින Kaali Venkat ප්‍රභාගේ සහයකයා ලෙස nitham oru vaanam 2022 චිත්‍රපටය තුල රංගන දායකත්වය ලබා දී තිබෙනවා.එසේම ඉන්දියානු සිනමා අධ්‍යක්‍ෂකවවරයෙක් වෙන Azhagam Perumal මේ චිත්‍රපටය තුල Seniyappan නොහොත් මදීගේ පියාගේ චරිතය ඉදිරිපත් කරනවා.එසේම තෙලිඟු සිනමාව තුල වැඩි රංගන දායකත්වයක් දක්වන Kalyani Natarajan මේ චිත්‍රපටය තුල අර්ජුන්ගේ මවගේ චරිතය ඉදිරිපත් කරන අතර Mathew Varghese මේ චිත්‍රපටය තුල  Arjunගේ පියාගේ චරිතය ඉදිරිපත් කරනවා.එසේම Badava Gopi මේ චිත්‍රපටය තුල Arjunගේ බොස් ලෙසත් ,Mona Bedre මේ චිත්‍රපටයේ  Arjunගේ කාර්යාල සඟයෙකු ලෙසත්,Amar Choudary නොහොත් Jiiva මේ චිත්‍රපටය තුල සැබෑ ප්‍රභාකරන්ගේ චරිතය මෙන්ම Eesha Rebba සැබෑම මදිවදිනි ලෙස Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 චිත්‍රපටයට රංගනය දායකත්වය ලබා දෙනවා.

Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 චිත්‍රපටයේ කතාව

Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 චිත්‍රපටයේ කතාව ගොඩනැගී තිබෙන්නේ අර්ජුන් නමැති තරුණයෙක් වටා වෙන අතර ඔහු උමතු-සම්පීඩන ආබාධය නමැති මානසික රෝගයකින් පීඩා විඳින අයෙක් ලෙසද පෙන්වා තිබෙනවා.මෙහිදී ඔහු එතරම් සමාජශීලි නොවෙන පුද්ගලයෙක් මෙන්ම නිතරම පිරිසිදු භාවය පිලිබඳව සැලකිලිමත් වෙන අයෙක් වෙන අතර ඔහු කියවන නවකතා සහ කෙටි කතා කියවන විටදී ඒවායේ සිටිනා චරිත තුලට කිඳාබසිමින් ඒවායේ සිටින චරිත තමන්ට ආරෝපණය කරගන්නා පුද්ගලයෙක් වෙනවා.දීර්ඝ කාලයක් ගත වීමෙන් අනතුරුව ඔහුට ජනනි නමැති තරුණියක් මුණගැසෙන අතර අවසානයේදී ඔහු ඇයව විවාහ කරගැනීම දක්වාම සම්බ්නධතාව දුරදිග ගෙනයාමට සමත් වෙනවා.නමුත් ඔහුගේ විවාහ දිනය තුලදී අවසානයේදී ජනනි තම හිටපු පෙම්වතා සමඟ යුග දිවිය ආරම්භ කිරීමට තීන්දු කරමින් අර්ජුන් සමඟ තිබු විවාහ බන්ධනය බිඳ දමනවා.මෙයින් සිත් තැවුලට පත්වෙන අර්ජුන්ගේ මනස සන්සුන් කරගැනීම සඳහා ඔහුගේ දෙමව්පියන් අර්ජුන්ව මනෝ වෛද්‍යවරයෙකු වෙත යොමු කරනවා.එහිදී මනෝ වෛද්‍යවරිය අර්ජුනට කියවීම සඳහා ඇය විසින් රචනා කරන ලද කෙටිකථා කීපයක් ලබාදෙන අතර ඒ කතන්දර වල අවසාන පිටු කීපය කිසියම් පුද්ගලයෙකු ඉරා දමා තිබෙන බව අර්ජුනට දැනගැනීමට ලැබෙනවා.මින් අනතුරුව එම වෛද්‍යවරිය හමු වී කතාවේ අවසානය විමසා සිටින විටදී ඇය අර්ජුන්ට කියන්නේ ඒවා තමන් විසින් රචනා කල මනඃකල්පිත කතා නොවන බවත් ඒවා සැබෑම පුද්ගලයින්ගේ කතා බවයි.අවසානයේදී මේ කතන්දර වල ඉතුරු කොටස දැන ගැනීම සඳහා කෙටි කතා වලට හේතුවූ සැබෑම චරිත සොයාගෙන යන සංචාරය Nitham Oru Vaanam 2022 චිත්‍රපටය තුලින් පෙන්වා තිබෙනවා. 

වීරප්පන් සහ මීනාක්‍ෂිගේ කතාව

වීරා සහ මිනාක්‍ෂිගේගේ ජීවිත කතාව මේ කෙටි කතාවෙන් පෙන්වා තිබෙන අතර ඔවුන්ගේ විවාහය ප්‍රේම විවාහයක් තුලින් සිදුවී තිබෙන බව චිත්‍රපටය තුලින් පෙන්වා තිබෙනවා මෙහිදී වීරා නොහොත් වීරප්පන් වෘත්තියෙන්  සිවිල් ඉංජිනේරුවෙක් ලෙසත් මීනක්‍ෂි තමන්ගේ විනෝදාංශය උදෙසා පැසිපන්දු ක්‍රීඩාවේ යෙදෙන යාන්ත්‍රික ඉංජිනේරුවරියක් ලෙස පෙන්වා තිබෙනවා.මෙහිදී ඔවුන් එකිනෙකාට අතිශයින් ප්‍රේම කරන අතරම එක්තරා අවස්ථාවකදී වීරා තමන් ඉදිකරනා ගොඩනැගිල්ලක් නිරීක්ෂණය කිරීමට පිටත් වෙන අතර අවසානයේදී ඔහු ඛේදජනක අනතුරකට මුණ පාන අතර මේ කොටසෙන් කතාව හදිසියේම නතර වීමෙන් අනතුරුව අර්ජුනට වීරාට අවසානයේදී කුමක් සිදුවුනාද පිළිබඳව දැනගැනීමේ කුතුහලයකින් පෙළෙනවා.මෙහිදී අර්ජුන් මනෝ වෛද්‍යවරිය සොයාගොස් වීරාට සිදුවුනේ කුමක්දැයි විමසා සිටියත් එය දැනගැනීම සඳහා මදී සහ ප්‍රභාගේ ජීවිත කතාව සහිත දිනපොත කියවනා ලෙස ඉල්ලීමක් කරනවා.   


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Padavettu (2022) Sinhala subtitle


Padavettu (2022) is an Indian Malayalam language film and is categorized as a Political and Action Thriller. Padavettu (2022) is written and directed by Liju Krishna and most of the scenes are shot in Malur, a village in Kannur, Kerala, which is also considered Liju Krishna's hometown. Also, for acting in the film Padavettu (2022), short-term acting training has been given to more than a thousand villagers in that village and the main photographer has been invited to Kannur district in the year 2019. 

Due to the covid epidemic, the work of the film had to be postponed later and then the shooting was started again in the month of March 2022. In a controversial incident during the filming of the film Padavettu (2022), Liju Krishna was arrested for sexually assaulting a girl named Geetu Mohandas, and for this reason, his membership in the Kerala Film Employees' Federation was suspended. However, the film Padavettu (2022) has been produced by Yoodlee Films and Sunny Wayne Productions and the production contribution has been made by the three film producers Vikram Mehra, Siddharth Anand Kumar, and Sunny Wayne. The cinematography has been done by Deepak D. Menon and the editing has been done by Shafique Mohamed Ali.

Also, Govind Vasantha has supported the music direction for the film Padavettu (2022) and he has been contributing to the creations in the film industry as well as in the music industry since 2012. He has contributed to Malayalam cinema as well as Dravidian cinema mainly through music direction and singing as well as a violinist. He even managed to win the Filmfare Award for Best Music Director for his music direction for the movie 96 (2018). The movie Padavettu (2022) has a running time of 145 minutes and it has been released on October 21, 2022, by Century Release. However, movie fans are of the opinion that the description of Ravi's character in the movie Padavettu has been done too much and the editing needs to be done better and has received many criticisms as well as praise. The IMDB rating for Padavettu (2022) is 7.2/10 and the Google user rating is 89%.

Padavettu 2022 Cast & Crew

Padavettu (2022) Malayalam movie has Nivin Pauly as a lead actor. He has been involved in the Malayalam film industry since 2010 and holds a degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the Federal Institute of Science and Technology and is an actor, film producer, and distributor by profession. He also portrays the role of Ravi, an apathetic young man suffering from some physical disorder in the film Padavettu. There, he always spends time in the house and spends time lazily without doing any work and is also shown to be suffering from some past incident.

Aditi Balan has been chosen as the lead actress of Padavettu and joined Malayalam cinema in 2015. She has also acted in Dravida and Telugu films and she became famous through the 2016 film Aruvi. An actress, dancer, model, and lawyer by profession, Aruvi won the Filmfare Award for Best Actress for her performance in the film. However, she plays the role of a village girl named Shyama in the film Padavettu as well as Ravi's girlfriend. Shammi Thilakan, who is an Indian actor and dubbing artist, plays the role of Kuyyali, the main villain in this film. Here he works as a leader of a local political party and uses various tactics and strategies to bring his political party to power and for this reason, various conflicts arise in the film.

Shine Tom Chacko, who plays the role of a farmer named Mohanan and Ravi's main rival in the movie padavettu, has been contributing to Malayalam cinema since 2002 as an actor as well as an assistant director. He played a supporting role in Gaddama 2011 and also acted in films like Ee Adutha Kaalathu 2012. Actor Indrans, who has been involved in Malayalam cinema since 1981 as an actor, playback singer, and costume designer, released in 1994 CID Unnikrishnan B.A., B.Ed. He became famous through the film Padavettu and plays the role of Shyama's father and a key member of the LSF political party.

Vijayaraghavan, who has been involved in Malayalam cinema as an actor since 1973, plays the role of Ravi's sports coach in this film and shows that he tries hard to get rid of Ravi's indifference and lead him to the right path. Sujith Unnikrishnan aka Sunny Wayne, who contributes to the film padavettu in a supporting role as well as a producer, is more famous in the stage drama industry.

Padavettu (2022) review & Story

The story of the movie Padavettu (2022) revolves around a young man and a group of villagers who fight against the sufferings and misdeeds of the people by making them aware of the various political tricks and scams used by politicians to deceive the people. Malur is a village inhabited by farmers and ordinary people whose main livelihood is agriculture.

Here, the film padavettu shows Ravi as a young man who is building his career as a talented athlete before he suffers a severe leg injury due to a car accident in his childhood. However, at the beginning of the film, he is shown as a person who spends his time lazily without participating in any sports or even housework. Even though both his parents are dead, Ravi spends time with his aunt who is his relative and is often seen as a quiet character. It is seen that he always thinks about his car accident and for that reason, the girl he once loved gets married to someone else and then returns to the village after her divorce and is seen working in a government institution in the village. Here, Ravi is building hopes for Shyama again and often visits her place of work to see her.

Ravi's life, who plays cricket with other young people in the village in the evening, suddenly turns upside down when a local political leader joins the latest political programs. Kuyali, who has a mutual enmity with the ruling party LSF, is launching a new program for his Jan Seva Party to win the upcoming general elections. In the first phase of the program, he asked for house renovation assistance through the Village Council, but in the end, the request for assistance was rejected. Ravi's house

Kuyali offers to repair it through his subsidy project. Kuyali comes when Ravi is not at home and gets permission to repair the house only from his aunt and finally comes with his party members and repairs Ravi's house. Kuyali, who later plants a plaque in the yard of Ravi's house claiming to be a subsidized house, eventually leaves the place and gives a lot of publicity for it. After this incident, Ravi and his aunt are made fun of by the villagers who despised Gampura as a family that lives on the subsidies of others without doing any work. Due to this reason, hatred arises between Ravi and the politician, and later due to some deceitful and cunning actions of the politician, Ravi clashes with him and eventually starts organizing the villagers against the politician.


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Vikings Valhalla S02 Sinhala Subtitle


Vikings Valhalla 2023 Season 02 Cast & Crew

Vikings: Valhalla is a historical drama series created by Jeb Stuart for Netflix. Vikings Valhalla season 2 release date Jan. 12, 2023, The show is based on the popular series Vikings, created by Michael Hirst. The show follows the adventures of famous Vikings as they blaze new paths in an ever-changing Europe. The series is a combination of historical drama, action, and adventure, which makes it an exciting and engaging watch for audiences of all ages.

The show stars an impressive vikings valhalla cast, including Sam Corlett, Frida Gustavsson, Leo Suter, Bradley Freegard, Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson, Caroline Henderson, Laura Berlin, and David Oakes. The music for the series is composed by Trevor Morris, which adds an extra layer of depth to the storytelling.

Vikings: Valhalla is a co-production between Canada, Ireland, and the United States. The Valhalla Netflix show has been given a two-season order, with 16 episodes in total. The show's executive producers include Jeb Stuart, Morgan O'Sullivan, Michael Hirst, Sheila Hockin, Steve Stark, James Flynn, John Weber, Niels Arden Oplev, Sherry Marsh, Alan Gasmer, and Paul Buccieri. The series is produced by Mark Murdoch and Cáit Collins, who have been working together to bring this exciting new series to life.

Each episode of Vikings Valhalla has a running time of 44-59 minutes, which allows for a well-paced and detailed story vikings valhalla trailer. The show is produced by Metropolitan Films International, History, Toluca Pictures (season 2–), and MGM Television. The show is distributed by MGM Television and Digital Distribution, with Netflix Streaming Services as the primary platform. The series premiered on February 25, 2022, and it is still currently airing.

Vikings: Valhalla is a must-watch series for anyone interested in the history of the Vikings and their impact on Europe. The show provides a detailed and accurate portrayal of the Viking culture and its way of life. The series also provides a glimpse into the political and social issues of the time, making it an educational and entertaining watch. The show's action and adventure elements add an extra layer of excitement, making it a thrilling watch.

The show's cast is also impressive, with each actor bringing their own unique energy and skill to the series. The performances are convincing and make the audience feel like they are truly living in a world of the Vikings. The show's music also adds an extra layer of depth, making the series an immersive experience.

In conclusion, Vikings: Valhalla is an exciting and engaging series that is a must-watch for anyone interested in the history of the Vikings. The show provides an accurate and detailed portrayal of the Viking culture and its way of life. The series also provides a glimpse into the political and social issues of the time, making it an educational as well as entertaining watch. The show's action and adventure elements add an extra layer of excitement, making it a thrilling watch. Overall, the series is well-produced and well-acted, and the audience will surely enjoy it.

Vikings Valhalla 2023 S02 E01 "The Web of Fate" Story Recap

In "The Web of Fate," the story picks up following the Battle for Kattegat, where Forkbeard's forces emerged victorious. Olaf and his surviving men are captured and taken to Kattegat where they are held as prisoners. Meanwhile, Leif, who is still grieving the loss of his wife Liv, sets out on a mission to hunt down Olaf with the hope of exacting revenge.

During his journey, Leif meets Jorundr Torvilsson, a mysterious stranger who appears to have some knowledge of Olaf's whereabouts. As they travel together, Leif begins to suspect that Jorundr may not be who he appears to be.

In order to prevent his own execution, Olaf strikes a deal with Forkbeard. He agrees to help Canute's eldest son, Svein Knutsson, rule as King of Norway in exchange for keeping his now-captured son, Magnus, alive. With this agreement in place, Forkbeard's forces depart from Kattegat, leaving Olaf behind to carry out his part of the bargain.

Meanwhile, in London, Godwin grows increasingly concerned for Emma's safety due to Canute's continued absence. He successfully prevents an assassination attempt on her life and begins to take measures to protect her from any further threats.

Freydís and Harald, who are still in hiding, learn that many pagans now revere Freydís as a hero and that Jomsvikings are taking them to Jomsborg for safety. They soon reunite with Leif, who has tracked down the bounty hunters sent to kill Harald. Jorundr, who has been following Leif, reveals that he is a Jomsviking and agrees to help them escape. Together, they successfully evade Olaf's forces and are rescued by Jorundr's longships.

Freydís, who has been keeping a secret, reveals to Leif that she is pregnant with Harald's child. Harald and Leif then depart, hoping to get aid from Harald's uncle in Novgorod, while Freydís sails for Jomsborg.

As the story progresses, the viewer is presented with a web of fate that weaves together the various characters and their individual storylines. The viewer is left to wonder what will become of Olaf, Leif, Godwin, Emma, Freydís, Harald, and Jorundr as their paths continue to intersect and their fates become entwined. The viewer is also left wondering what the outcome of the story will be and how the characters will navigate through the web of fate that has been spun for them.

Overall, the story of "The Web of Fate" is one of the power struggles, betrayal, and redemption, set against the backdrop of the Viking Age. The viewer is presented with a complex and nuanced portrayal of the characters, and the story is filled with twists and turns that keep the viewer on the edge of their seat. The viewer is left wanting more and eagerly awaits the next season to discover what happens next.

Vikings Valhalla 2023 S02 E02 "Towers of Faith" Story Recap

In the story, we follow several different characters and their experiences in different locations. In Norway, Olaf is portrayed as a ruthless hunter of pagans, and Svein, Olaf's companion, kills one of them in his pursuit. However, Ælfgifu, Olaf's mother, begins to express concern for her son's safety in these dangerous endeavors.

In London, Godwin is shown to be a powerful and intimidating figure, as he is able to torture a captured assassin in an attempt to extract information about a conspiracy to kill Emma. However, the assassin is ultimately killed to prevent Godwin from discovering who is behind the plot.

In Jomsborg, Freydís arrives and meets with the rulers of the city, Lord Harekr, and Lady Gudrid. They hope to use Freydís as a spiritual leader and make Jomsborg a "new Uppsala."

In Novgorod, Leif and Harald meet with Harald's uncle, Grand Prince Yaroslav the Wise, and Lord Vitomir. However, despite their pleas for assistance, Yaroslav refuses to aid Harald and instead chooses to maintain trading relationships with Canute's empire. This is because the trade route to Constantinople is blocked by the Pechenegs.

Leif meets Mariam, an Astrolabe maker, and begins to experience hallucinations of Liv. In an attempt to see her again, Leif takes opium, but this leads to a dangerous situation where he nearly falls to his death. Eventually, Leif collapses.

Harald, on the other hand, is determined to buy an army with gold. He fights against the African warrior Kaysan and wins, but despite his victory, Harald and his partner Batu flee with the winnings. Vitomir agrees to pay Harald to escort precious cargo past the Pechenegs.

In conclusion, the story paints a picture of various characters struggling to achieve their goals in different locations. Olaf is portrayed as a ruthless hunter of pagans, while Ælfgifu expresses concern for her son's safety. Godwin is shown to be a powerful and intimidating figure, but his efforts to uncover a conspiracy are ultimately unsuccessful. Freydís is seen as a potential spiritual leader in Jomsborg, and Leif experiences hallucinations of Liv. Harald is determined to buy an army with gold, but despite his victory in battle, he and his partner Batu flee with the winnings. Vitomir agrees to pay Harald to escort precious cargo past the Pechenegs. Overall, the story emphasizes the idea that in order to achieve their goals, the characters must navigate complex and often dangerous situations.

Vikings Valhalla S02E03 "Pieces of the Gods" Story Recap

In "Vikings Valhalla S02 E03 "Pieces of the Gods", the story follows Leif, a Viking warrior who awakens in Mariam's lodgings after being rescued from the cold. Leif soon discovers that Mariam is terminally ill and must come to terms with her impending death. Meanwhile, Harald, another Viking warrior, meets with a slaver named Gestr and agrees to protect his boat on a journey to Constantinople. However, before embarking on this journey, Harald must first find a crew to accompany him.

He recruits the warrior Kaysan, the con man Batu, and the blind Pecheneg Kurya, who can guide them along the Dnieper river. Leif, moved by Mariam's condition, invites her to join them on their journey. Along with them, the crew includes Vitomir and his supposed servant Eleana, who carry a precious silver chest. Together, they leave Novgorod on a sled, but shortly after beginning their journey, one of Gestr's slaves dies from the cold.

The story also takes us to London, where Emma discovers that one of her ladies-in-waiting, Aelfwynn, and Godwin's lover, is the sister of an assassin. Furthermore, Godwin has proposed marriage to Aelfwynn. Emma must now confront the truth about Aelfwynn and her relationship with Godwin.

In Jomsborg, many of the pagan refugees whose ancestors aren't from Jomsborg are forced into labor as Harekr goes raiding, leaving his nephew Jorundr in charge. Hrefna, a young girl who idolizes Freydís, is tricked by Jorundr to journey alone to a nearby boneyard to prove her worth. Freydís, upon finding Hrefna injured, defends her from a wild boar before returning her home.

The episode of "Vikings Valhalla S02 E03 "Pieces of the Gods" is a powerful story that explores themes of life and death, loyalty, and the human condition. The characters' journeys are filled with challenges and obstacles, but they also offer moments of hope and triumph. The story also highlights the complexities of human relationships, as we see the struggles and triumphs of the characters as they navigate the different stages of their lives.

One of the most striking aspects of the episode is the character of Leif and his reaction to Mariam's terminal illness. He is initially devastated by the news, but his love for her ultimately leads him to invite her to join them on their journey. This shows the depth of their relationship and the lengths Leif is willing to go to be with Mariam in her final days.

Another interesting aspect of the episode is the character of Harald and his decision to protect Gestr's boat on the journey to Constantinople. This decision shows Harald's loyalty to his fellow Vikings and his willingness to take risks for the greater good. His recruitment of a diverse crew, including a warrior, a con man, and a blind guide, also showcases his adaptability and resourcefulness as a leader.

The episode also delves into the theme of loyalty, as seen in Emma's struggles with Aelfwynn and Godwin's relationship. Emma must come to terms with the fact that her lady-in-waiting is not who she thought she was and must navigate the complexities of their relationship. This storyline highlights the importance of trust and loyalty in human relationships.

Vikings Valhalla S02E04 “The Thaw” Story Recap

In the fourth episode of Vikings Valhalla, "The Thaw," the story takes place in Kievan Rus' as the crew continues their journey along a frozen river. Unfortunately, the river breaks, and the sled becomes trapped. Despite the crew's efforts to free the sled, the ice dam that kept the river frozen has since thawed, forcing them to release the boat from the sled. However, this leads to tragedy as both Eleana and Vitomir fall through the ice. Only Eleana can be saved in time, as Vitomir drowns, and it is revealed that Eleana is his daughter.

The episode also features storylines in other locations, such as Kattegat and London. In Kattegat, Olaf receives word that Harald has met with their uncle in Novgorod and plans to travel there with Svein. In London, Emma imprisons Aelfwynn and tortures her for information about her brother and Godwin. Aelfwynn reveals that Godwin wishes for his future children to rule England, but succumbs to her wounds before she can say more. Emma informs Godwin of Aelfwynn's death and Gytha confides in him.

In Jomsborg, the episode also explores the tension between the pagan refugees and the Jomsvikings. Gudrid chastises Jorundr for mixing with the pagan refugees, and she becomes suspicious of the now heavily pregnant Freydís. Harekr, who returns from raiding, is angered by Freydís' actions and sends his Jomsvikings to massacre the refugees, believing that the people of Jomsborg are superior to them. As a result, he imprisons both Jorundr and Freydís.

The episode presents themes of loyalty, power, and identity. The crew's loyalty to each other is tested when they are forced to release the boat from the sled, resulting in the death of Vitomir. The power struggle between Emma and Godwin in London is also highlighted, with Emma using torture to gain information and Godwin struggling with the loss of his sister. In Jomsborg, the theme of identity is explored through the tension between the pagan refugees and the Jomsvikings, with Harekr believing that the Jomsvikings are superior and taking drastic measures to assert his power.

Overall, "The Thaw" presents a complex and multi-layered episode that explores themes of loyalty, power, and identity, while also advancing the storylines in Kievan Rus', Kattegat, London, and Jomsborg. It also raises questions about the consequences of actions and the cost of ambition.

Vikings Valhalla S02E05 “Birth and Rebirth” Story Recap

On the way to Constantinople, the group traveling with Harold and Leif breaks the boat's stern due to an accident in the Dnieper river. Here, Leif and Harold leave for the nearby village to repair the stern, and after entering the village, they find that the village has been destroyed by robbers. The way it is put. Meanwhile, Freidis gives birth to a child while in Hareker's custody following the refugee massacre at Yomsborg.

At this time, Harekar snatches the child from Freidis and finally prepares to kill her. While Leif and Harold went to the village to repair the boat, Gester, who is in charge of the boat, befriends a group of robbers and reveals to Gester that their guide is Khan's brother, Kurya.

Gester then joins the Varangi group and plots to kill Kurya and share the Khan's bounty on his head, followed by a battle with his boatmates.

Vikings Valhalla S02E06 “Leap of Faith” Story Recap

In Vikings Valhalla S02E06, England's Queen Emma and Agnor Godwin travel to Sussex, where they spent their childhood, in order to confirm the suspicion that Earl Godwin had something to do with the plot to kill the Queen and to gather evidence for it.

But their efforts are wasted because Godwin's guardian, Vena Fletcher, who was a key link in Godwin's conspiracy, has been murdered. But when Emma returns to London, she sees King Canute returning to England after defeating his enemies.

In the meantime, Olaf and his army, chasing after Harold and Leif, make their way to Novgorod and, having made some sort of agreement with his uncle, finally manage to find out where Harold and his party went.

Meanwhile, at Yomsbog, Yorundar is persuaded to kill Freidis, giving Yorundar a chance to win back Harekar's trust. But Yorundar does the exact opposite and helps Freidis escape from the temple and escape into the forest. But as a result of this, Yorundar is punished by Harekar where his hand is cut off and he is exiled from the country.

Harald and his group, who are traveling to Constantinople with the aim of supplying their army, eventually have to cross a waterfall. In the face of the controversial situation, they have to throw all their leather goods into the water and prepare for a dangerous fate.

Vikings Valhalla S02E07 “Pecheneg” Story Recap

One member of the team including Harold who falls down the waterfall loses his life and the boat gets stuck in a shallow sandbar and becomes dilapidated.However, all the group members split into two groups and Harold is captured by the Pechenegs.

Mariam tells everything that happened to Leif and the group who came to find Harold and Mariam, and finally Leif and the group launch a special operation to save Harold. Mariam and Batu and the group give instructions to free the boat from the trapped place and prepare it for the journey.

In the meantime, Harold, who was taken to the Pecheneg camp, is being tortured by the Pecheneg soldier, and Leif sneaks into the enemy camp, falsely implying that he has come to rescue Harold by handing Kurya to Khan.But eventually the enemies make a deal with Leif, but eventually break it and prepare to kill everyone.

Vikings Valhalla S02E08 “The Reckoning” Story Recap

Yorunder Mahmudge, who was exiled from Yomsbog by Harekar, is rescued by Olaf and his group.Here, Olaf tells about his purpose, saying that he will kill Harekar and give Yorunder the kingship of Yomsbog, and Yorunder agrees to it.

However, Yorunder plans how to attack Yomsbog and during the meeting between the two parties, he learns that Harekar is dead and Freidis is alive, and finally launches a secret conspiracy with the people on the island to bring a terrible fate to Olaf and the group.

In the meantime, Mary eventually dies near Constantinople and Harold and his group meet the emperor in Constantinople and finally give the emperor the prize he has brought so far.Meanwhile, they get to know that the emperor was waiting for a gift that surprised everyone.

Vikings Valhalla S02 All sub Updated


 ---------------------Vikings Valhalla S02E01 Web Of Fate----------------------

 ---------------------Vikings Valhalla S02E02 Towers of Faith--------------------

 --------------------Vikings Valhalla S02E03 Pieces of the Gods---------------

--------------------Vikings Valhalla S02E04 The Thaw---------------

--------------------Vikings Valhalla S02E05 "Birth and Rebirth"-------------

--------------------Vikings Valhalla S02E06 "Leap of Faith"-------------

-------------------------Vikings Valhalla S02E07 "Pecheneg"----------------------

---------------------Vikings Valhalla S02E08 "The Reckoning"---------------

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Mukundan Unni Associates 2022 sinhala subtitle


Mukundan Unni Associates 2022 is a Malayalam language movie classified under the dark comedy and crime genre. Mukundan Unni Associates 2022 is directed by Abhinav Sundar Nayak and the story of Mukundan Unni Associates is written by Vimal Gopi Krishnan and Abhinav Sundar Nayak.

The film Mukundan Unni Associates has been produced through Joy Movie Productions at the expense of producer Ajith Joy. The cinematography has been done by Vishwajith Odukkathil and the editing has been done by Nitin Raj Arol and the director Abhinav Sundara Nayak.

Music directed by Sibi Mathew Alex Musician, the Mukundan Unni Associates film with a running time of 128 minutes and Mukundan Unni Associates Release Date was released in theaters on November 11, 2022, through Joy Movie Productions and has earned a record box office revenue of INR 11 crores within Mukundan Unni Associates ott Release Date.

However, Vineeth Srinivasan plays the role of a lawyer named Mukundan Unni as the lead actor in this film and Arsha Chandani Biju plays the role of a hospital receptionist named Meenakshi Jayaraj and Mukundan Unni's wife in this film.

Also, Suraj Venjaramoodu plays the role of lawyer Venu and Sudhi Koppa plays the role of lawyer Robin in this film as Pudalaya who supports the fraudulent work of Mukundan Unni. Also, after the release of Mukundan Unni Associates ott the IMDB index value for Mukundan Unni Associates 2022 movie has been recorded as 8/10 and Google user preference has also been shown as 92%.

Mukundan Unni Associates Cast

Cast of Mukundan Unni Associates is a 2022 Indian Malayalam-language black comedy crime film directed by Abhinav Sunder Nayak. The film stars Vineeth Sreenivasan, Aarsha Chandini Baiju, and Suraj Venjaramoodu in lead roles and has received mostly positive reviews from critics. The film was reported to have structural similarities with the 2014 movie Nightcrawler.

Mukundan Unni Associates Near Me Vineeth Sreenivasan plays the role of Adv. Mukundan Unni is a failure as a lawyer who is struggling to make ends meet. Despite his efforts to get cases, he fails and eventually loses his job due to his plain speaking to a politician. Driven by the desire to become rich, Mukundan tries to lead a structured life for years, but success still eludes him.

Aarsha Chandini Baiju plays the role of Meenakshi Jayaraj in the Mukundan Unni Associates Movie, a character who remains a mystery throughout the film. Suraj Venjaramoodu plays the role of Adv. Venu O V is a seasoned lawyer who is Mukundan's friend and mentor. Sudhi Koppa plays the role of Adv. Robin Thazhatthu is a young lawyer who joins Mukundan's firm. Tanvi Ram plays the role of Adv. Jyothi Lakshmi, a colleague of Mukundan helps him in his legal battles.

Jagadish plays the role of Judge Sanghameshwaran, a strict but fair judge who is respected by the legal community. Manikandan Pattambi plays the role of Mani, a key character in the film which helps Mukundan in his legal battles. Biju Sopanam plays the role of Dr. Sebatti, a corrupt doctor involved in several illegal activities. George Kora plays the role of Dr. Vincent George Illikkal, a corrupt medical professional involved in several illegal activities.

Sudheesh plays the role of George Illikkal, a key character in the film which helps Mukundan in his legal battles. Althaf Salim plays the role of Ambulance Driver Suresh, a key character in the film which helps Mukundan in his legal battles. Vijayan Karanthoor plays the role of ASI Chandrababu, a police officer who is corrupt and involved in several illegal activities.

Mukundan Unni Associates Ahowtimes Near Terrace Theater Riya Saira plays the role of Annie Kurian, a journalist who helps Mukundan in his legal battles. Ranjith plays the role of Adv. Gangadharan is a seasoned lawyer who is a mentor to Mukundan. Sreejith Ravi plays the role of Clerk Satheeshan, a key character in the film which helps Mukundan in his legal battles. Noble Babu Thomas plays the role of DSP Sriram, a corrupt police officer who is involved in several illegal activities.

Asha Madathil plays the role of MLA Reshma George, a corrupt politician who is involved in several illegal activities. Jishnu Mohan plays the role of the Hospital Attendant, a key character in the film who helps Mukundan in his legal battles. Thankam Mohan plays the role of Mukundan Unni's mother, a supportive and loving mother who encourages her son in his legal battles.

Arun Kurian plays the role of Radhakrishnan Iyer, Jyothi's fiancé (photo appearance). Salim Kumar provides the voice for Mukundan's grandfather, a wise and knowledgeable grandfather who helps Mukundan in his legal battles.

Mukundan Unni Associates Review and Story

The storied movie Mukundan Unni Associates Review 2022 revolves around a lawyer named Mukundan Unni who has failed in his career.

The film shows how his attempts to get cases from clients are always failed, so he is tempted to engage in illegal and fraudulent activities by following a certain plan, and finally using his knowledge of the law and cunning, commits murders and threats and intimidation to many people. It can be seen as someone who is progressing unfairly in his career.

Also, in order to become a rich person, he maintains self-discipline and works according to the rules he has assigned to his life. In the end, he even loses his job due to excessive greed and trying to make money for instant advancement.

Unni, who is unemployed for about a month, suddenly has to hospitalize her mother due to an accident, and finally, unable to provide money to pay the hospital fees, joins another lawyer and arranges to obtain the traffic insurance money obtained illegally for accidents.

In the end, he even succeeds in killing the lawyer Venu, who is competing with him, and in the end, because of his desire to earn money, he deceives the police officers and is motivated to kill more directly and indirectly.


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Black Panther Wakanda Forever 2022 Sinhala Subtitle


Black Panther Wakanda Forever Review

The release of "Black Panther Wakanda Forever" has been highly anticipated since the success of the first Black Panther movie, which was released in 2018. Also Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Release Date is 11 November 2022 In the United States OF America Directed by Ryan Coogler, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Joe Robert Cole, the film brings back the world of Wakanda, a technologically advanced African nation, and its beloved characters. 

The movie stars Letitia Wright as Shuri, the sister of the late King T'Challa, who was played by the late Chadwick Boseman. Other actors in the film include Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, Winston Duke, Florence Kasumba, Dominique Thorne, Michaela Coel, Mabel Cadena, Tenoch Huerta Mejía, Martin Freeman, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Angela Bassett.

The plot of the movie revolves around the aftermath of T'Challa's death and the challenges faced by the leaders of Wakanda as they try to protect their nation. The film explores themes of grief, loss, and responsibility, as well as the importance of tradition and legacy. It also features new characters, such as the villainous Namor the Sub-Mariner, played by Tenoch Huerta Mejía, and a mystery character played by Michaela Coel.

One of the strengths of "Black Panther Wakanda Forever" is its strong cast. Letitia Wright, who plays Shuri, shines in her role as the young genius and potential new Black Panther. Lupita Nyong'o and Danai Gurira also deliver powerful performances as Nakia and Okoye, respectively. Winston Duke's portrayal of M'Baku, the leader of the Jabari tribe, adds a layer of complexity to his character, and the chemistry between the actors is evident on screen.

The film's cinematography, which is done by Autumn Durald Arkapaw, is also noteworthy. The use of vibrant colors and breathtaking landscapes captures the beauty and majesty of Wakanda, while the action sequences are well-choreographed and visually stunning. The film's score, composed by Ludwig Göransson, is also a standout feature. The music blends traditional African sounds with modern elements to create a unique and immersive experience.

Despite its many strengths, "Black Panther Wakanda Forever" is not without its flaws. One of the main criticisms of the film is its pacing. At times, the movie feels slow and dragged out, which can make it difficult to stay engaged. Additionally, some of the plot points feel predictable and lack the element of surprise that made the first Black Panther film so successful.

Another issue with the movie is the way it handles the absence of Chadwick Boseman. The late actor, who passed away in 2020, played a pivotal role in the first movie and was set to reprise his role in the sequel. The filmmakers had to rework the script after Boseman's death, and while they do pay tribute to him in the film, some fans have criticized the decision to recast the role of T'Challa in future movies.

Overall, "Black Panther Wakanda Forever" is a worthy sequel to the first Black Panther movie. The film's strong cast, stunning visuals, and powerful themes make it a compelling watch, despite some of its shortcomings. It remains to be seen how the movie will be received by fans, but it is clear that the world of Wakanda will continue to captivate audiences for years to come.Also You Can Find Here Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Full Movie.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever The Characters

The characters in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever are one of the strongest aspects of the movie. Letitia Wright shines as Shuri, the genius inventor and younger sister of T'Challa. Wright brings a lot of energy and humor to the role, and her performance is a highlight of the movie. Lupita Nyong'o and Danai Gurira also deliver strong performances as Nakia and Okoye, respectively. Their characters are given more depth and complexity in this movie, and their relationship with T'Challa is explored in a poignant way.

Winston Duke's portrayal of M'Baku is also noteworthy. In the first movie, M'Baku was presented as a rival to T'Challa, but in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, he is shown as an ally who works with the Wakandan leaders to protect their nation. The character of Riri Williams, played by Dominique Thorne, is a welcome addition to the movie. Riri is a young inventor who looks up to Shuri and plays a key role in the plot.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever The Performances

The performances in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever are uniformly excellent. The cast members are all talented actors who bring their A-game to their roles. Letitia Wright is a standout, but the other actors also deliver strong performances. The emotional scenes in the movie are particularly well-done, with the actors conveying a lot of depth and nuance in their performances.

Black Panther Wakanda Forever Cast In The Full Detail

  1. Letitia Michelle Wright as Shuri/New Black Panther And Wakanda Princess 
  2. Lupita Amondi Nyong'o as Nakia - A former War Dog turned undercover Wakandan spy.
  3. Danai Jekesai Gurira stars as Okoye, the general of Wakanda's all-female special forces, the Dora Milaje.
  4. Winston Duke plays M'Baku, a powerful warrior and leader of Wakanda's mountain tribe, the Jabari.
  5. Florence Kasumba is an Ayo Ugandan-born German actress-A member and the Dora Milaje's second-in-command after Okoye is relieved of her duties.
  6. Dominique Thorne, better known as Riri Williams, is an American actress. An MIT student and brilliant inventor from Chicago who designs a suit of armor inspired by Tony Stark or Iron Man.
  7. Michaela Ewuraba Boakye-Collinson plays Aneka, a Wakandan warrior, and Dora Milaje member. Aneka, along with Okoye, later assumes the mantle of the Midnight Angels. Aneka is in a romantic relationship with Ayo.
  8. Namora's cousin is played by Mabel Cadena.
  9. Namor: The king of Talokan, an ancient civilization of underwater dwelling people who refer to him as the feathered serpent god K'uk'ulkan, is played by Mexican actor José Tenoch Huerta Meja.
  10. Martin John Christopher Freeman is an English actor who plays Everett K. Ross, a Central Intelligence Agency agent (CIA)
  11. Julia Scarlett Elizabeth Louis-Dreyfus as Valentina Allegra de Fontaine: The new director of the CIA and the ex-wife of Ross.
  12. Angela Evelyn Bassett is an American actress as Ramonda:
  13. The Sovereign Queen Mother of Wakanda is grieving the death of her son T'Challa.

Additional Actors And Actress

  1. Michael B. Jordan
  2. Isaach de Bankolé
  3. Danny Sapani
  4. Dorothy Steel
  5. Connie Temweka Gabisile
  6. Trevor Noah
  7. María Mercedes Coroy
  8. Lake Siegel Bell
  9. Natalia Alianovna Romanov Black Widow in Marvel Studios' animated series
  10. Robert John Burke 
  11. Richard Schiff 
  12. Kamaru Usman
  13. Anderson Cooper

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever The Production Values

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is a visually stunning movie. The production design and special effects are top-notch, and the movie features some truly breathtaking shots of Wakanda. The cinematography by Autumn Durald Arkapaw is particularly noteworthy, with the movie making great use of light and shadow to create a sense of mood and atmosphere. The music by Ludwig Göransson is also excellent, with the composer creating a score that is both epic and emotional. Black Panther Wakanda Forever Box Office is $858.1 million In Worldwide and It is Becoming The Sixth Highest Grossing Film Of the 2022 Year.

Who is The Kukulkan In The Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 

Kukulkan is a deity in ancient Mesoamerican mythology, particularly among the Maya civilization. He is also known as Quetzalcoatl in Aztec mythology.

Kukulkan was worshiped as a feathered serpent god, associated with wisdom, fertility, and creation. He was believed to have brought knowledge, culture, and civilization to the Maya people, and was often depicted as a serpent with feathers.

Kukulkan was also associated with astronomy and the calendar, and many Maya cities were built to align with the movements of the sun and other celestial bodies.

The worship of Kukulkan was widespread throughout Mesoamerica, and many temples and other structures were built in his honor. Today, he remains an important cultural and religious figure in the region and is still celebrated in various festivals and ceremonies.

Black Panther Wakanda Forever 2022 What is Talokans explained?

Regarding Aztec mythology, the Aztecs believed in different paradises or afterlife realms depending on the nature of a person's death and their status in life. One of the most well-known and highly regarded realms was the paradise of Tlalocan, which was associated with the god Tlaloc, the god of rain, fertility, and agriculture.

Tlalocan was believed to be a lush and verdant land with flowing streams, abundant crops, and eternal spring. It was reserved for those who died from water-related causes such as drowning, lightning strikes, or diseases like dropsy, as well as for those who were associated with the god Tlaloc, such as priests, farmers, and warriors who captured enemies for sacrifice.

In Tlalocan, the souls were believed to continue their earthly existence, tending to gardens and fields, enjoying dances and feasts, and living in houses made of precious stones and metals. The paradise was also associated with purification and renewal, and the souls who entered it were believed to undergo a cleansing process that prepared them for eventual reincarnation.

Black Panther Wakanda Forever Story And Review

Wakanda, a nation that has long kept itself hidden from the world, is now facing intense pressure to share its vibranium with the outside world. Vibranium, a rare and powerful metal found only in Wakanda, has made the nation one of the most advanced in the world. But this precious resource has also made them a target for those who seek to exploit it for their own gain. The CIA and U.S. Navy SEALs are trying to locate a new vibranium deposit underwater using a vibranium detector. But before they can succeed, they are attacked by a group of blue-skinned, water-breathing superhumans led by Namor.

Namor, the ruler of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, believes Wakanda to be responsible for the vibranium race and demands that the scientist responsible for the vibranium detector be delivered to him or face his wrath. Queen Ramonda and Shuri, T'Challa's sister, are left with a difficult decision. They could hand over the scientist and hope that Namor keeps his word or they could refuse and risk an attack on their nation.

However, there may be another option. Shuri has been working to recreate the heart-shaped herb that once gave T'Challa his powers as the Black Panther. If she can succeed in her research, a new Black Panther could be created to defend Wakanda. Queen Ramonda implores Shuri to continue her research, but Shuri refuses, believing that the Black Panther is a figure of the past.

This is where the conflict lies. Should Wakanda cling to tradition and rely on the past to protect themselves, or should they embrace new technology and innovation? It's a dilemma that is relevant to our world today. Many countries are faced with similar choices as they navigate new challenges and threats.

Ultimately, the decision rests with Queen Ramonda and Shuri. If they choose to create a new Black Panther, they will be embracing their past and the traditions that have kept Wakanda safe for centuries. If they refuse, they will have to find a new way to protect themselves from the dangers that threaten their nation.

In conclusion, the hypothetical scenario presented raises important questions about tradition and innovation, and how they can be used to protect a nation. While it is ultimately up to Queen Ramonda and Shuri to decide what path Wakanda will take, it is clear that their decision will have far-reaching consequences not just for their own nation, but for the rest of the world as well.


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Appan (2022) Sinhala Subtitle


"Appan" is a 2022 Malayalam film directed by Maju and written by Maju and R Jayakumar. Produced by Josekutty Madathil and Ranjith Manambarakkat, the film boasts an impressive cast, including Sunny Wayne as Njoonju, Alencier Ley Lopez as Ittychan, Pauly Valsan as Kuttyamma, Ananya as Rosy, Grace Antony as Molykutty, Vijilesh Karayad as Boban, Radhika Radhakrishnan as Sheela, Anil K. Sivaram as Varghese, Drupad Krishna as Abel, Geethi Sangeetha as Latha, Unni Raja as Suku, Shamsudheen Makarathodi as Jhonson, and Ashraf as Kuriako.

The film centers around Njoonju, played by Sunny Wayne, and his family, which includes his father Ittychan, his wife Rosy, and his younger sister Molykutty. The story revolves around their relationships and how they navigate their lives in a small village in Kerala.

The cinematography by Pappu is stunning and captures the essence of the village beautifully. The film is edited by Kiran Das, who has done an excellent job of keeping the pace of the story consistent throughout. The music by Dawn Vincent adds to the overall feel of the film and complements the scenes perfectly.

The Appan film's runtime is 129 minutes, and it is distributed by SonyLIV. "Appan" was released on October 28, 2022, in India and is in the Malayalam language. The film has received positive reviews, with an IMDb rating of 7.5/10 and an 85% liking on Google. You Can Also Find it in Appan 2022 wiki. 

Overall, "Appan" is a heartwarming film that showcases the importance of family and relationships. The performances by the cast are exceptional, and the story is well-written and engaging. The film is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys a good family drama set in the beautiful landscape of Kerala.

Appan 2022 Trailer 

you can easily find the trailer for "Appan" (2022) on YouTube or any other video streaming platform by searching for it using keywords such as "Appan Malayalam movie trailer" or "Appan 2022 official trailer".

Appan 2022 Cast

The cast of "Appan" (2022) includes:

  1. Sunny Wayne as Njoonju
  2. Alencier Ley Lopez as Ittychan (Njoonju's father)
  3. Pauly Valsan as Kuttyamma (Ittychan's wife)
  4. Ananya as Rosy (Njoonju's wife)
  5. Grace Antony as Molykutty (Njoonju's younger sister)
  6. Vijilesh Karayad as Boban (Molykutty's husband)
  7. Radhika Radhakrishnan as Sheela
  8. Anil K. Sivaram as Varghese (Ittychan's friend)
  9. Drupad Krishna as Abel (Njoonju's son)
  10. Geethi Sangeetha as Latha (a neighbor)
  11. Unni Raja as Suku
  12. Shamsudheen Makarathodi as Jhonson
  13. Ashraf as Kuriako

Appan (2022) Malayalam Film has a talented cast who have delivered captivating performances, making the film a must-watch for Malayalam movie enthusiasts. Appan Movie OTT Release Date was Announced as October 28, 2022. and it was released as an Appan (2022) HDRip Malayalam. also you Can find Here Appan 2022 Full Movie

What Are The TamilRockers 

TamilRockers is a website that has been around since 2016 and has become increasingly popular as a source for downloading movies, music, and other media. The website is most well-known for its collection of Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu films. It also offers an extensive library of Hollywood films dubbed in various Indian languages. TamilRockers is the go-to source for many movie buffs looking to watch their favorite films without having to pay for them. With the help of its user-friendly interface and easy navigation, users can quickly find the film they are looking for with just a few clicks. For those who don't want to download movies, TamilRockers also offers streaming services for some of its content.

Appan (2022) Review & Appan (2022) Malayalam Film Story 

Appan (2022) is a Malayalam movie classified as Comedy and Drama. So the story of this film is based on several events that happen around a small village, a man named Nunju, runs rubber cutting on his own land as a livelihood, along with his wife, mother, father, and other family members.

Nunju's father, Itti, has been shown in this story to be a cruel man who harasses his wife, and always goes after the women of other people in the village, abusing them and sometimes even trying to rape the women in the village.

Due to this reason, he had to spend his last days in a bed as a person paralyzed from the waist down after being assaulted by the husband of a woman who had been abused by him.

But even in this situation, he tries to maintain his usual life and is tempted to deceive his family to bring home the prostitute named Sheila who lives in another house, and even ridicule them.

For this reason, his family always waits for his death and many people in the village who suffered from his previous activities always hang around the house where Nunju and others live, always using different tactics to kill him.

In the end, because of his father's behavior and insults from the villagers, Nunju was about to leave his home and the village where he had lived until then, and a person named Kuriakosa killed Verghese, an associate of his father, Itti.

After that, the villagers warn Nunju that Kuriakosa will also come to kill Itti. But as a son, Nunju considers it his responsibility to protect his father and eventually decides to fight Kuryakosa who arrives on Christmas Day to kill his father Wena Itti.

Kuryakosa fights with Nunju, who comes to kill Itti on Christmas Day. Here, Itti tells Kuriakosa to kill his son Nunju and take his wife Rosie and the other women in the house as well, making a deal with him and requesting not to kill him.


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The Rise of Tamilrockers: How the Piracy Site is Disrupting the Movie Industry in 2018


The Rise of Tamilrockers: How the Piracy Site is Disrupting the Movie Industry

Since time immemorial, world cinema has dealt with the piracy of films and TV serials under tremendous pressure. The ease with which people can access pirated content online has had a disastrous impact on the industry.

 With the advent of Tamilrockers, a website that specializes in providing pirated copies of movies and TV shows, the industry has been jolted to its core. The website's growing popularity has posed a serious challenge to the industry's traditional business model, leading to significant revenue losses.

Tamilrockers was founded in 2011 and has been around for quite some time. However, the website's fame has only recently skyrocketed. The reason for this is simple – Tamilrockers provides high-quality pirated copies of movies and TV shows that people can watch for free. The website's user-friendly layout and extensive content collection have made it a popular destination for those looking to watch free movies and TV shows.

However, the rise of Tamilrockers has not been without controversy. The website has been the target of several legal actions, with various studios and producers seeking to shut it down. Despite these efforts, Tamilrockers has managed to stay afloat, adapting to changes in technology and the legal landscape to continue to provide pirated content to its users.

The impact of Tamilrockers on the movie industry has been significant. With people opting to watch movies and TV shows for free on the website, the industry has been hit hard. This has had a ripple effect on the entire ecosystem, from the studios and producers to the actors and crew members who work on the films. The revenue losses have been staggering, with the industry struggling to come up with a solution to the problem.

The difficulty of enforcement is one of the main reasons why piracy is so prevalent in the film industry. With the internet being a global network, it is virtually impossible to shut down every website that provides pirated content. The rise of Tamilrockers has highlighted this issue, making it clear that companies need to come up with innovative solutions to combat piracy.

In conclusion, the rise of Tamilrockers has had a significant impact on the movie industry. The website's ability to provide high-quality pirated content for free has disrupted the industry's traditional business model, leading to significant revenue losses. 

Despite legal efforts to shut it down, Tamilrockers has managed to stay afloat, highlighting the difficulties of combating piracy in the digital age. If the film industry is to survive and thrive in the future, it must continue to adapt to technological changes and find new ways to combat piracy.

Exploring the History of Tamilrockers and Its Impact on the Film Industry

Tamilrockers has etched a notorious reputation as one of the most influential piracy sites in the movie industry. Its history dates back over a decade when it first came to the forefront as an online platform for sharing pirated films. Since then, it has grown into a behemoth of a site, wreaking havoc on the movie industry, causing filmmakers, distributors, and actors to hemorrhage colossal losses due to its illegal activities.

In this article, we delve into the history of Tamilrockers, the colossal impact it has had on the film industry, the persistent attempts by authorities to shut it down, and potential solutions to mitigate its insidious influence.

Tamilrockers emerged on the scene in 2011, starting as a modest website that provided Tamil movie enthusiasts with access to free Tamil movies. However, as its popularity grew, it expanded its horizons, offering pirated copies of movies and TV shows across multiple languages. This expansion made it one of the most sought-after piracy sites in the world.

The impact of Tamilrockers on the movie industry has been staggering. It has caused massive revenue losses, forcing filmmakers, distributors, and actors to bear the brunt of its nefarious activities. 

The site's ease of use, a vast collection of content, and high-quality streaming have made it an attractive destination for viewers who are unwilling to pay for their entertainment. As a result, the movie industry has been left struggling to find innovative solutions to combat piracy and prevent the erosion of their revenue streams.

Despite numerous attempts by authorities to shut it down, Tamilrockers continues to operate, evading legal action by frequently changing domains and servers. 

This has made it incredibly difficult for the authorities to keep up with the site's activities and bring its perpetrators to justice.

The persistence of Tamilrockers has raised questions about how to tackle the issue of piracy. The movie industry must come up with a multifaceted strategy to combat piracy, which involves technological, legal, and educational measures. 

One solution could be to invest in better technology that can detect and take down pirated content. Educating consumers on the ethical and financial implications of piracy could also be an effective measure. In addition, authorities need to strengthen their legal framework to crack down on piracy more effectively.

In conclusion, Tamilrockers has a dark history in the film industry, causing immense damage and revenue losses to filmmakers, distributors, and actors. Despite the best efforts of authorities to shut it down, the site continues to operate, leaving the industry struggling to find solutions to combat piracy. 

It is essential to adopt a multifaceted approach that involves technological, legal, and educational measures to tackle this problem. Only then can the industry protect its revenue streams and ensure a sustainable future.

Exploring the History of Tamilrockers and Its Impact on the Film Industry

Tamilrockers has undergone a dramatic evolution since its inception in 2011. What started as a modest website offering free Tamil movies has grown into a major threat to movie studios, wreaking havoc on the movie industry by providing access to pirated content. 

Its ability to remain active despite numerous attempts by governments and movie studios to shut it down has made it a major concern for the industry. In this article, we explore the evolution of Tamilrockers and the reasons behind its success as a major piracy threat to the movie industry. We will also discuss how AI writing tools can help combat piracy in the future.

In its early days, Tamilrockers was primarily focused on providing free Tamil movies to viewers. However, as it gained popularity, it began to expand its offerings to include pirated copies of movies and TV shows across multiple languages. This expansion brought Tamilrockers into the spotlight as one of the most notorious piracy sites in the world.

Tamilrockers' evolution has been fueled by its ability to keep up with technological advancements. It has been quick to adapt to changes in the online landscape, such as the rise of social media and streaming services, to increase its reach and impact. It has also leveraged peer-to-peer networks and file-sharing technologies to distribute its content quickly and efficiently.

Tamilrockers' success as a major piracy threat can be attributed to several factors.Firstly, the site offers a vast collection of high-quality content that is easily accessible to viewers. 

Secondly, because it's an almost entirely free service, the inability to pay movie theaters and streaming services to watch movies, as well as the viewing difficulties for people in various foreign countries, made it even more popular.entertainment. 

Finally, Tamilrockers has been able to evade legal action by frequently changing domains and servers, making it difficult for authorities to track and shut it down.

To combat piracy in the future, AI writing tools can be a useful tool for movie studios. These tools can be used to generate high-quality, original content that is both engaging and informative for viewers. They can also help identify and track instances of copyright infringement online, allowing movie studios to take action more quickly and efficiently.

In conclusion, Tamilrockers' evolution over the years has made it a major threat to movie studios worldwide. Its success as a piracy site can be attributed to its ability to adapt to technological changes and evade legal action.

How Has the Movie Industry Responded to Tamilrockers?

The fight against piracy has been an ongoing battle for the movie industry, and Tamilrockers has been one of the major adversaries in this war. The site has been actively leaking movies and TV shows, causing significant losses to movie producers and distributors. The movie industry has been responding to this challenge in various ways, including legal action and technological solutions.

One of the most prominent steps taken by the movie industry has been to initiate legal action against Tamilrockers. Over the years, several cases have been filed against the website and its owners. In 2018, the Indian government ordered internet service providers to block access to Tamilrockers. However, the site continues to operate using different domain names and proxy servers.

Apart from legal action, the movie industry has also been implementing technological solutions to tackle piracy. One of the methods used is the use of digital watermarking, which allows studios to track the source of any leaked content. Studios can then take action against the source of the leak, preventing further losses.

Another approach has been to educate people about the harms of piracy and encourage them to watch movies legally. The movie industry has been running several campaigns to raise awareness about piracy and its impact on the industry. They have been encouraging people to use legal streaming platforms and to avoid visiting piracy websites like Tamilrockers.

In conclusion, the movie industry has been responding to the threat of piracy posed by Tamilrockers in various ways, including legal action, technological solutions, and education. Despite these efforts, piracy remains a major challenge for the industry. The fight against piracy is ongoing, and it will require continued efforts from all stakeholders to curb this menace.

Why are People Using Tamilrockers Despite Its Legal Risks?

The popularity of illegal online streaming and movie piracy has been on the rise for many years, with websites like Tamilrockers being at the forefront of the trend. Despite the legal risks associated with using such sites, many people still choose to do so. So, what drives people to take the risk of using Tamilrockers?

One of the main reasons is the convenience that the website offers. Tamilrockers provides easy access to a vast collection of movies and TV shows, without any geographical restrictions or expensive subscription fees. Users can download the latest movies and TV shows quickly and easily, without having to wait for long download times or risk their privacy by providing personal information.

Another factor that contributes to the popularity of Tamilrockers is its cost-effectiveness. Compared to the high cost of movie theater tickets or subscription fees for legal streaming services, Tamilrockers offers its content for free. This makes it an attractive option for people who cannot afford to pay for legal streaming services.

Furthermore, the website has a wide selection of content, which appeals to people from different backgrounds and interests. From Hollywood blockbusters to independent films and regional movies, Tamilrockers has something for everyone.

Despite the risks of using Tamilrockers, including legal repercussions and malware infections, many people continue to use the site. This is partly due to the lack of awareness about the consequences of piracy, as well as the convenience and affordability that the site offers. However, it is important to note that the movie industry is taking strong measures to combat piracy and protect their intellectual property rights.

Who is the real owner of TamilRockers?

The legend of TamilRockers, a notorious hub of piracy that continues to baffle even the most astute minds. Its origin story is shrouded in mystery, but it is said that in the year 2011, four individuals from the southern state of Tamil Nadu were inspired by none other than the infamous Pirate Bay. Their names were whispered in hushed tones: Prabhu, Karthi, Suresh, and Johnson. 

Some say that Prabhu, the enigmatic mastermind behind TamilRockers, was not only a co-founder but also the sole owner of the site. It is rumored that he was the one who provided the funds necessary to keep the operation running smoothly. Yet, in a world of shadowy figures and clandestine dealings, it is difficult to discern fact from fiction. One thing is for certain: TamilRockers has managed to evade the grasp of authorities and copyright holders for years, leaving many to wonder who truly holds the reins of this enigmatic and elusive empire.

How does TamilRockers make money?

It is believed that the members of TamilRockers are compensated based on the number of times their prints have been downloaded by users. This incentivizes them to upload high-quality prints of movies and TV shows, which in turn attracts a larger audience. The more downloads a print receives, the more money the member makes.

However, the exact financial structure of TamilRockers remains shrouded in mystery. With no transparency , it is impossible to determine how much money is being made or where it is being funneled.

To add to the confusion, TamilRockers keeps changing its URL to evade enforcement agencies. If a particular URL is taken down in one country, the website swiftly shifts to another one, making it difficult to track and shut down. This level of adaptability and agility has allowed TamilRockers to continue its illegal activities for years, much to the chagrin of copyright holders and authorities alike.

What Are Some Alternatives To TamilRockers?

You can find various options on the internet to watch movies and TV shows in different languages. While TamilRockers is a popular choice for many, it is important to note that it is an illegal website that can put users at risk of legal consequences. 

For those prefer legal options, streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video have a wide selection of movies and TV shows for a monthly subscription fee. 

Such websites and streaming services have user-friendly interfaces and can be easily accessed through various devices, including desktop computers, laptops and tablets, mobile phones and nowadays many people have mobile phones and are able to use them easily.

 Additionally, many of these services offer original content that cannot be found elsewhere.

For those who prefer free movie websites, Popcornflix and Viewster are two options that offer a wide selection of movies and TV shows without requiring a subscription or payment. However, it is important to note that these websites may not have the latest releases or the same quality as paid streaming services. Additionally, these sites may be supported by ads, which can be annoying for some users.

For those who still prefer torrent websites, there are alternatives to TamilRockers such as The Pirate Bay and KickassTorrents. However, these sites are not always reliable or safe, as they can contain malware or fake files. It is important to use caution when downloading content from these websites and to use a reliable anti-virus software to protect your device.

In conclusion, while TamilRockers may be a popular choice for some, it is important to consider the legal risks and potential consequences of using an illegal website. There are many legal alternatives available that offer a safe and convenient way to watch movies and TV shows online.

Ela Veezha Poonchira 2022 Sinhala Subtitle & Review, Recap, Story.


Ela Veezha Poonchira: An Indian Malayalam-Language Crime Thriller Film

Ela Veezha Poonchira is an Indian Malayalam-language crime thriller film directed by Shahi Kabir, who is known for scripting Joseph and Nayattu. The film stars Soubin Shahir, Sudhi Koppa, and Jude Anthany Joseph, and was released on 15 July 2022. Ela Veezha Poonchira is the first ever Malayalam film to be released in Dolby Vision 4K HDR. Also ela veezha poonchira 2022 ott Released on Amazon Prime.

The film is produced by Vishnu Venu under the banner Kadhaas Untold, and features real-life police officers from various quarters of police work. Sudhi Koppa and Jude Anthony Joseph are the other important characters in the film. The film is scripted by Nidhish G and Shaji Maarad. Manesh Madhavan, who earlier helmed the cinematography for Joseph, handled the cinematography. While Anil Johnson composed music for the film, Ajayan Adat designed the sounds. Kiran Das is the editor.

The film is set in the secluded region of Ilaveezhapoonchira, a tourist destination located at an altitude of over 3000 feet above sea level. The place is located in Melukavu village in Kottayam district. Although the place is a tourist attraction, the chances of thunderstorms are very high.

Madhu, played by Soubin Shahir, is a Poonchira hilltop cop who is returning to duty. The hilltop is frequently struck by lightning, so the patrolling policemen risk their lives to keep visitors out. As Madhu returns to the station, he discovers Venkayam, played by Jude Anthany Joseph, the policeman already stationed there, is set to leave the next day to go home, while Sudhi, played by Sudhi Koppa, another policeman, is supposed to join.

The film showcases the challenges and struggles faced by the policemen while carrying out their duty in the midst of natural calamities. It also highlights the social issues and the underlying tension that exist in society. Ela Veezha Poonchira is a gripping tale that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats till the very end.

The cinematography of the film is noteworthy, with stunning visuals capturing the beauty of Ilaveezhapoonchira and the dangers lurking in the shadows. The music and sound design also add to the overall atmosphere of the film, creating an immersive experience for the audience.

The performances of the actors are also commendable, with Soubin Shahir delivering a standout performance as Madhu. The supporting cast also does a great job in bringing their characters to life.

Overall, Ela Veezha Poonchira is a must-watch for fans of crime thrillers and Malayalam cinema. The film offers a unique perspective on the challenges faced by the police force and the society as a whole. With its breathtaking visuals, immersive sound design, and gripping storyline, it is sure to leave a lasting impression on the audience.

Cast of Ela Veezha Poonchira 

The cast of Ela Veezha Poonchira includes:

  • Jude Anthany Joseph as Jude Anthany Joseph

  • Jithu Asharef as Jithu Asharef

  • Vincent Vadakkan as Superintendent of Police

  • Kiran Peethambaran as Joshi

  • Majesh Sandhya as Shaji

  • Jitin Puthanchery as Jijo

  • Ajayan Adat as Vlogger

  • Krishna Prabha as Bus Traveller

  • Archana Padmini as Female Lover

  • Akhila Nath as Amritha

  • Rini Udayakumar as Mother

  • P.V. Manoj Kumar as Dy. Superintendent of Police

  • Din Nath Puthenchery as Jomon

  • Jineesh Chandran as Male Lover

  • Sanjo K.V. as Sebastian

  • Rajesh Kumar P.A. as Police Driver

  • Muhammad Shebin as CPO

  • Remya K.R. as Police Officer

  • Girish Mohan as Forensic Expert

  • Sijo Chandapilla as Forensic Assistant

  • Sarath Kovilakam as Cyber Cell CPO

  • Joshy M. Thomas as Bus Conductor

  • Navin Raj as Book Seller in Bus

  • Boney George as Tourist

  • Pappan as Provisional Store Owner

  • Chandran Kudallur as Lumberman

  • Shibu Nandi as Vlogger's Friend

  • Ashley Isaac Abraham as Vlogger's Friend

  • Aswin Yaduzz as Vlogger's Friend

  • Jay Alleppey as Vlogger's Friend

  • Shawn Antony as Vlogger's Friend

  • Riyas Pattambi as Tea Shop Owner

  • Rijomon Baby as Gunman of S.P.

  • Rahulan V. Abraham as Dog Squad

  • Unni Vaikom as Dog Squad

  • Syam Prasad as Police Photographer

  • Mathew Jose as Sub-Inspector of Police

  • Gireesh C. as Sub-Inspector of Police

  • Shaji Maarad as Asst. Sub-Inspector of Police

  • Sreeraj V.R. as CPO

  • Vipin Balakrishnan as CPO

  • Enaniya as Girl in Bus

The film also features real-life police officers from various quarters of police work. Ela Veezha Poonchira Actors have performed their acting duties very well and have shown their acting skills very well.

Ela Veezha Poonchira Crew

Here's a list of the main crew members of the Malayalam movie "Ela Veezha Poonchira":

  • Director: Shahi Kabir

  • Screenplay: Nidhish G.

  • Story: Nidhish G.

  • Screenplay: Shaji Maarad

  • Executive Producer: Augustine Mascarenhas

  • Producer: Vishnu Venu

  • Music: Anil Johnson

  • Cinematography: Manesh Madhavan

  • Film Editing: Kiran Das

  • Production Design: Dileep Nath

  • Costume Design: Sameera Saneesh

  • Makeup Artist: Ronex Xavier

  • Production Controller: Binu Murali

  • Production Executive: Riyas Pattambi

  • Chief Associate Director: Jithu Asharef

  • Sound Designer/Sound Mixer: Ajayan Adat

  • Dialogue Editor: Akshay Kunnummal (as Akshay Kunnumil)

  • Associate Sound Recordist/Boom Operator: Alen C. Kuriakose

  • Sound Recordist: Sanu P. (as P Saanu)

  • Dialogue Editor: Sidhardh Ramesh

  • Associate Sound Designer/Atmos Premix Engineer: Piousmon Sunny

  • Re-Recording Mixer: Pramod Thomas

  • Additional Sound Recordist: Lenin Valapad

  • Visual Effects Supervisor: Vishakh Babu

  • Visual Effects Supervisor: Andrew Jacob Dcrus

  • Digital Intermediate Line Producer: Mahesh Kunder

  • Visual Effects Producer: Arunlal S. Pillai

  • Stunts: Murali. G.

  • Still Photographer: Nidad K.N.

  • Colorist: Robert Lang

  • Public Relations Officer: Manju Gopinath

  • Marketing: Hains

  • Business Development Manager: Ankush Rai (After Studio)

Also, You can use the subscenelk website for Ela Veezha Poonchira Download.

Ela Veezha Legend and Myths about Mount Poonchira

As per local legend, the Pandava clan spent some time in this region incognito. Draupadi, their consort, arrived at a lake that existed then to take a bath. A few devas, captivated by her beauty, attempted to gratify their voyeuristic desires. 

Lord Indra, the king of devas, discovered the situation and erected screens or mounds overflowing with flowers to deter them from such a practice. Consequently, the pond transformed into a barrier encircled by floral elevations. Since no trees existed around the bund, it remained bereft of leaves, and thus, was christened Ila-veezha-poonchira. 

Some suggest that the name arose because it is perpetually breezy in the area, causing the leaves to scatter.The myth of Poonjira is also linked to the account of Agastya and his abode, where he resided, and some of the natives trust that he still resides there, hidden away. 

Another attraction is the ancient temple of Krishna, established by Panjali herself. It is believed that Panjali's akshayapatra, an inexhaustible vessel of food, is concealed here and guarded by Agastya. 

The legend is also connected to the Ramayana, as it is commonly believed that Lord Rama lived here with Lakshmana for a few months during his vanavasa.

Ela Veezha Poonchira Imdb

"Ela Veezha Poonchira" is a well-executed suspense thriller with an intriguing twist that keeps you engaged throughout the movie. Although the plot lacks steam at certain points, the movie makes up for it with its balanced execution. 

The film's rating of 7.3/10 on IMDb is a testament to its quality, and it is definitely worth a watch for fans of the genre. The storyline revolves around a mysterious death that leads to a complex investigation, with unexpected revelations at every turn. Overall, "Ela Veezha Poonchira" is a well-crafted movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

Ela Veezha Poonchira Meaning

"Ela Veezha Poonchira" is a phrase in the Malayalam language, which is spoken mainly in the Indian state of Kerala. It refers to a scenic hill station called "Ilaveezhapoonchira," which is located in the Kottayam district of Kerala.

Ilaveezhapoonchira is a beautiful destination Ela Veezha Poonchira Location that is popular among tourists for its breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and valleys. The name "Ilaveezhapoonchira" is derived from the Malayalam words "Ilam" meaning "young leaves,""veezha" meaning "spread," and "poonchira" meaning "valley." Therefore, the phrase "Ela Veezha Poonchira" can be roughly translated to "the valley where young leaves Not spread."

Ela Veezha Poonchira English Subtitles & Ela Veezha Poonchira Sinhala sub 

"Ela Veezha Poonchira" is a Malayalam language movie that tells the story of a group of friends who go on a trip to the scenic hill station of Ilaveezhapoonchira. The movie is available with English subtitles & Ela Veezha Poonchira Sinhala sub, which can be helpful for non-Malayalam speakers to understand and enjoy the film. also film Released on ela veezha poonchira amazon prime website.Also You Can Watch Ela Veezha Poonchira Story from this Website.

Ela Veezha Poonchira Ending Explained

The ending of Ela Veezha Poonchira is quite dark and disturbing. It is revealed that Madhu's wife, Amrutha, had an affair and was pregnant with another man's child. Madhu, who was already struggling with erectile dysfunction and marital issues, discovers his wife's infidelity and eventually finds her hanged in their home. In a fit of rage and despair, Madhu dismembers her body and stores the parts in a freezer.

Sudhi, another policeman stationed at the hilltop, discovers a human hand buried in the soil near the station. Madhu admits the hand is from his wife's corpse but denies killing her. He tells Sudhi the story of his troubled marriage and how he found out about Amrutha's affair. He also reveals that he fed the man that his wife was having an affair with to Sudhi in the form of chicken biryani, which makes Sudhi retch as he realizes he ate the fetus.

Police discover call records from Amrutha's phone to Sudhi, confirming that he was the person she was having an affair with. Sudhi, who was already set to marry another woman, had turned Amrutha away when she told him about the pregnancy.

In the end, Madhu ties Sudhi to a metal fence where he gets struck by lightning and dies. When the police arrive, Madhu tells them that Sudhi was struck by lightning and died. The highest official, who had experienced a similar situation with his own wife, understands Madhu's motive and decides to let him go. He closes the investigation and reports to his seniors that Sudhi died from lightning and no other suspicious elements were in play.

Ela veezha poonchira Review & Story Recap

The movie “Ela Veezha Poonchira” is a thriller that keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats. The movie follows the story of Madhu, a hilltop cop who has returned to duty after some time off. 

The hilltop he patrols are frequently struck by lightning, making his job extremely dangerous. The plot takes a sharp turn when a mother and her two sons visit the hilltop, and one of the sons forgets something in the car and makes his way back down the hill. 

Madhu senses that lightning is about to strike and urges the mother and the other son to get inside the station for safety. As expected, lightning strikes the station, and the woman's second son is found dead a few meters down the hill.

The event leaves Madhu deeply disturbed, and things take a darker turn when Sudhi, the new cop joining Madhu, is shown to be nosy and carefree. He gets drunk and tries to spy on a couple visiting the hilltop. 

Madhu remarks that Sudhi should mind his own business and stay out of other people's lives. Things escalate when a team of policemen visit the station, and body parts are discovered all over the district. Sudhi notices that the pet dogs living near the station are trying to dig up something. 

He inspects the soil closely and notices that there is a human hand buried partially. Madhu suddenly points a gun at him from behind, and Sudhi acts as if he hadn't spotted the hand and covers it back up, fearing Madhu will murder him.

From this point, Sudhi tries to report Madhu without him finding out. When the same team of policemen decide to visit the hilltop for more investigation regarding the ongoing case, Madhu ties up Sudhi and hides him in some bushes with his mouth gagged. 

When the team leaves, Madhu unties him, and in the process, gets pushed down while Sudhi runs and tries to escape. After a long chase, Madhu catches him and invites him to talk. Sudhi drinks with Madhu, and Madhu serves him chicken biryani while drinking.

The conversation takes a dark turn when Madhu reveals that the hand Sudhi had found earlier was from his wife's corpse. Doctors had called Madhu's erectile dysfunction "honeymoon depression" after their wedding. 

After months of counseling, his condition persisted. Madhu realized his wife was having an affair, but he disregarded it because of all the pre-existing problems in their marriage. One day, Madhu returns from duty and discovers his wife has hanged herself. 

In her suicide note, she mentions that she was pregnant and the guilt of cheating on him led her to take her own life. Madhu is devastated and dismembers his wife. He stores the parts in the freezer.

Madhu tries Sudhi to the metal fence where he gets struck by lightning and dies. The police conclude that Sudhi died from lightning, but the highest official sees a piece of Madhu's shirt torn and stuck to the fence near the body and suspects him. 

Having experienced the same situation with his own wife, he understands Madhu's motive and decides to let him go. He closes the investigation and reports to his seniors that Sudhi died from lightning, and no other suspicious elements were in play.

The movie is a gripping thriller that keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats. The story is well-written and executed, with twists and turns that keep the audience guessing until the end. The performances of the actors are excellent, particularly that of the lead actor, who plays Madhu. 

His portrayal of a troubled cop is convincing, and the viewers can feel the pain and anguish he is going through. The rest of the cast also gives strong performances, adding depth

In conclusion, 'Madhu' is a gripping and intense film that keeps the audience engaged throughout. It does an excellent job of portraying the harsh realities of being a police officer stationed in a remote location and highlights the sacrifices made by these officers to keep us safe.

The acting, background score, and cinematography are all top-notch, making for an excellent viewing experience. The film's message is clear and resonates long after the film's end. Overall, 'Madhu' is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys a good thriller with a powerful message.


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Avatar The Way of Water 2022 Sinhala Subtitle & Cast, Crew, Review.


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Avatar The Way of Water Sinhala Subtitle & Cast Review.

Avatar The Way of Water Review.

Avatar: The Way of Water is a 2022 American epic science-fiction film directed and produced by James Cameron, co-written by Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver, Josh Friedman, and Shane Salerno, and distributed by 20th Century Studios. watch avatar 1 It is the sequel to Avatar (2009) and the second installment in the Avatar film series. 

The avatar way of the water movie follows the blue-skinned humanoid Na'vi, Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), as he and his family seek refuge with the aquatic Metkayina clan of Pandora, a habitable exomoon on which they live, under renewed human threat.

Cameron stated in 2006 that he would like to make sequels to Avatar if it was successful, and he announced the first two sequels in 2010. Following the widespread success of the first film, with the first sequel aiming for a 2014 release, the addition of two more sequels for a total of five Avatar films and the necessity to develop new technology to film performance capture scenes underwater led to significant delays. Also, you can find Avatar The Way of Water Characters From Here.

The crew required more time to work on the writing, preproduction, and visual effects. The filming process began in Manhattan Beach, California, on August 15, 2017, and the filming location moved to Wellington on September 25, 2017. After repeated delays in the expected release schedule, Avatar: The Way of Water premiered in London on December 6, 2022, and was theatrically released in the United States on December 16, 2022 avatar the way of water release date.

The way of water movie received positive reviews from critics, who praised the visual effects and technical achievements but criticized the plot and lengthy runtime. The film was a major box office success, breaking multiple records and grossing about $2.314 billion worldwide. 

It is the highest-grossing film of 2022, the highest-grossing film of the COVID-19 pandemic era, and the third-highest-grossing film of all time. Organizations like the National Board of Review and the American Film Institute named it as one of the top ten films of 2022. The film was nominated for four awards at the 95th Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and won for Best Visual Effects.Also, you can watch Avatar The Way of Water Trailer.

Avatar: The Way of Water features returning cast members Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldaña, Stephen Lang, Joel David Moore, CCH Pounder, Giovanni Ribisi, Dileep Rao, and Matt Gerald reprising their roles from the original film, along with Sigourney Weaver returning in an additional role while Kate Winslet joined the cast. 

Among these actors, Sam Worthington reprises his role as Jake Sully, who fell in love with Neytiri and befriended the Na'vi after becoming a member of the Avatar Program. He left his human body to permanently become Na'vi and is now the chief of the Omatikaya. 

Zoe Saldaña plays Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite (Neytiri Sully), daughter of the previous clan chief, future Tsahìk of the clan, and Jake's mate. Sigourney Weaver plays Kiri te Suli Kireysi'ite (Kiri Sully), the 14-year-old daughter of Dr. Grace Augustine's Na'vi avatar, who was adopted by Jake and Neytiri. Weaver also reprises her role as Dr. Grace Augustine, despite previously stating that she would not do so.

Stephen Lang plays Colonel Miles Quaritch, a human military officer who led the paramilitary security division of the RDA in their conflict with the Na'vi. Other actors include David Thewlis, Vin Diesel, and Michelle Yeoh in supporting roles. The film's cinematography was done by Russell. Someone Asked "How long is Avatar The Way of Water" I can say its running time is 192 minutes and it is almost 3 Hour Long film. amc avatar-Avatar: The Way of Water showtimes at an AMC movie theater near you. Get movie times, watch trailers and buy tickets.

What is The Songcord In Avatar The Way of Water?

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Songcord in Avatar Way of Water

The Na'vi people use a mnemonic device called the songcord, or waytelem in Na'vi language, for recounting information, stories, and mythology. These songcords can be personal or communal and are used to represent an individual's personal or family/clan history, as well as complex information such as astronomical and historical data. 

While serving as the primary form of record-keeping, the songcord does not replace the Na'vi's oral tradition but serves as an aid to assist in oral storytelling and recounting. In essence, the songcord is similar to writing for humans, but it remains an essential part of the Na'vi's oral culture.

Avatar The Way of Water: Zoe Saldana The Songcord English Lyrics

Lie si oe Neteyamur :-  I experience Neteyam
Nawma Sa’nokur mìfa oeyä :-  To the great mother my inside 
Atanti ngal molunge:-  You brought the light
Mìpa tìreyti, mìpa tìkanti:-  New life, new goal
Lawnol a mì te’lan :-  Great joy that is in the heart
Lawnol a mì te’lan:-  Great joy that is in the heart
Ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe :-  We thank you
Tonìri tìreyä :-  For the nights of life
Ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe:-  For the days of life
Srrìri tìreyä :-  We thank you
Ma Eywa, ma Eywa:-  O Eywa, o Eywa

Zola’u nìprrte’ ma Kiri :-  Welcome, Kiri
Ngati oel munge soaiane:-  I bring you to the family
Lie si oe atanur:-  I experience the light
*Pähem parul, tì’ongokx a oeta:-  A miracle arrives, a birth that comes from me
Lawnol a mì te’lan:-  Great joy that is in the heart
Lawnol a mì te’lan :-  Great joy that is in the heart
Ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe:-  We thank you
Tonìri tìreyä:-  For the nights of life
Ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe :-  We thank you
Srrìri tìreyä :-  For the days of life
Ma Eywa, ma Eywa:-  O Eywa, o Eywa

Avatar: The Way of Water Cast

The full cast of the film "Avatar: Way of Water" Also avatar the way of water reviews includes:

  1. Sam Worthington as Jake Sully
  2. Zoe Saldaña as Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite (Neytiri Sully)
  3. Sigourney Weaver as Kiri te Suli Kireysi'ite (Kiri Sully) and Dr. Grace Augustine
  4. Stephen Lang as Colonel Miles Quaritch and the original human Quaritch in a video recording
  5. Kate Winslet as Ronal
  6. Cliff Curtis as Tonowari
  7. Joel David Moore as Dr. Norm Spellman and his Na'vi Avatar
  8. CCH Pounder as Mo'at
  9. Edie Falco as General Frances Ardmore
  10. Brendan Cowell as Captain Mick Scoresby
  11. Jemaine Clement as Dr. Ian Garvin
  12. Jamie Flatters as Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan (Neteyam Sully)
  13. Britain Dalton as Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk'itan (Lo'ak Sully)
  14. Chloe Coleman as young Lo'ak
  15. Trinity Jo-Li Bliss as Tuktirey "Tuk" te Suli Neytiri'ite (Tuktirey "Tuk" Sully)
  16. Jack Champion as Miles "Spider" Socorro
  17. Bailey Bass as Tsireya ("Reya")
  18. Filip Geljo as Aonung
  19. Duane Evans, Jr. as Rotxo
  20. Giovanni Ribisi as Parker Selfridge.
  21. Cast of Avatar: The Way of Water Spider Name is Jack Champion

Avatar: The Way of Water Crew

Here is the full crew of the movie "Avatar: The Way of Water":

  1. Director: James Cameron
  2. Writers: James Cameron, Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver, Josh Friedman, Shane Salerno
  3. Producers: James Cameron, Jon Landau, Richard Baneham, David Valdes, Peter M. Tobyansen, Brigitte Yorke
  4. Music: Simon Franglen
  5. Cinematography: Russell Carpenter
  6. Film Editing: David Brenner, James Cameron, John Refoua, Stephen E. Rivkin
  7. Casting: Margery Simkin
  8. Production Design: Dylan Cole, Ben Procter
  9. Art Direction: Greg Allison, Robert Bavin, Alister Baxter, Simon Bright, Andrew Chan, Steve Christensen, Sarah Delucchi, Luke Freeborn, Robert Andrew Johnson, Aashrita Kamath, Steven Light-Orr, Andy McLaren, Ben Milsom, Rudie Schaefer, Kim Sinclair, Sam Storey, Ken Turner
  10. Set Decoration: Vanessa Cole
  11. Costume Design: Bob Buck, Deborah L. Scott
  12. Makeup Department: Vinnie Ashton, Don Brooker, Susan Durno, Cody Dysart, Katie Fox-Heywood, Franca Gallo, Janice Heaton, Michael Krehl, Shay Lawrence, Georgia Lockhart-Adams, Carly Marr, Elizabeth McCarthy, Thomas Nellen, Jose Noriega, Rhonda O'Neal, Lali Peer, Michele Perry, Beate Petruccelli, Pam Phillips, Léa-Marie Pmt, Sanchia Reed, Jess Reedy, Sarah Rubano, Warren Dion Smith, Maggie Sugar, Brae Toia, Nancy Vincent, Patty York
  13. Production Management: Kate Mulligan, David Valdes

Avatar: The Way of Water Box Office

avatar the way of water 2022 is an science-fiction film directed by James Cameron, set to be released in December 2022. avatar 2 making cost With a reported budget of $350-460 million, this film is set to be one of the most expensive movies ever made. However, if history is any indication, the film is likely to more than make up for its cost. Also you can download avatar the way of water full movie free from subscenelk.com.

The previous installment in the Avatar franchise, released in 2009, was the highest-grossing movie of all time, with a box office gross of over $2.7 billion. Given the popularity of the first movie and the hype surrounding the upcoming release, it is expected that "Avatar: The Way of Water" will be another box office success, potentially earning well over $2.315 billion.

Avatar: The Way of Water Release Date. 

"Avatar: the Way of Water" is set to release on December 6, 2022, in London and on December 16, 2022, in the United States. The highly anticipated sequel to the 2009 blockbuster "Avatar" is expected to take audiences on another thrilling adventure in the alien world of Pandora. Also, Avatar 2 release date on Disney plus we don't know but you can download The Way of Water Full Movie From the subscenelk Sinhala Sub Website Free.

Avatar The Way of Water Full Movie Story With Review.

In this story, Jake Sully is the leader of the Omatikaya clan and is raising a family with Neytiri on Pandora, 16 years after the Na'vi repelled the RDA invasion. The RDA, led by their new leader, Frances Ardmore, returns to colonize Pandora due to Earth's dying state. Among the new arrivals are Recombinants, Na'vi avatars implanted with the memories of deceased human soldiers, with Quaritch's recombinant serving as the leader.

During a counterinsurgency mission, Quaritch and his subordinates capture Jake's children. Jake and Neytiri arrive and free them, killing several of Quaritch's soldiers, but Quaritch's son, Spider, remains captured. 

Aware of the danger posed by Spider's knowledge of his whereabouts, Jake and his family exile themselves from the Omatikaya and retreat to Pandora's eastern seaboard, where the Metkayina clan gives them refuge.

After defending Kiri against Aonung, Tonowari's son, Lo'ak is left stranded in the sea predator's territory but is saved and befriended by Payakan, a Tulkun, an intelligent and pacifistic whale-like species whom the Metkayina consider their spiritual brethren. 

During a link-induced trance, Kiri spiritually meets her biological mother, Grace, whose consciousness lives within Pandora. Quaritch tracks Norm and Max's aircraft to the archipelago where the Metkayina live, bringing Spider with him. Quaritch and his team raid the archipelago, interrogating the tribes about Jake's location to no avail.

Quaritch then orders the whalers to kill Tulkuns near the villages to draw Jake out. Lo'ak mentally links with Payakan and learns that he was cast out because he attacked the whalers who killed his mother. 

When the Metkayina learn of the Tulkun killings, Lo'ak rushes off to warn Payakan, followed by his siblings and friends. They find Payakan being hunted, and Quaritch captures Lo'ak, Tsireya, and Tuk.

Jake, Neytiri, and the Metkayina set out to confront the humans and rescue the kids. Quaritch forces Jake to surrender, but Payakan attacks the whalers, triggering a fight between the Metkayina and the humans. Spider cripples the vessel, and Neteyam rescues Lo'ak, Tsireya, and Spider but is fatally shot by one of Quaritch's men.

Jake and Neytiri go back to save their remaining children that were recaptured. Jake faces Quaritch, who uses Kiri as a hostage. When Neytiri does the same with Spider, Quaritch at first denies their relationship, but desists once Neytiri cuts Spider across the chest.

Jake, Quaritch, Neytiri, and Tuk end up trapped inside the sinking vessel. After a tense skirmish, Jake strangles Quaritch unconscious and is rescued by Lo'ak and Payakan, while Kiri recovers Neytiri and Tuk. 

Spider rescues Quaritch, but refuses to go with him and rejoins Jake's family. After Neteyam's funeral, Jake informs Tonowari of his decision to leave the Metkayina. Still, the chief respectfully identifies Jake as part of the clan and welcomes him and his family to stay. Before vowing to resume their campaign against the RDA, Jake and his family accept and live their new life at sea.

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Pranaya Vilasam 2023 Sinhala Subtitle & Review Full Cast & Crew Story

Pranaya Vilasam: A Refreshing Take on Tragic Romance

Pranaya Vilasam, directed by Nikhil Muraly, is a 2023 Malayalam movie that tries to blend tragedy and romance with a touch of humor. The film, produced by Siby Chavara and Renjith Nair under the banner Green Room Productions, features a star-studded cast including Arjun Ashokan, Anaswara Rajan, Mamitha Baiju, Miya George, Hakkim Sha, and Manoj K U. Released on 24 February 2023, the movie is an enjoyable drama with a lot of potential for refinement also It has a 6.8/10 IMDB rate and google likes 84%.

The movie revolves around Suraj, an aspiring singer who studies at Payyannur college; Rajeevan, his father, a village officer; and Anusree, his mother. Suraj is in love with his friend from college, while Rajeevan had a relationship back in college that never went ahead. 

Things take an interesting turn when both Rajeevan and Suraj get to know that Anusree, in her past, was in a relationship. The curiosity inside the father and son to discover Anu’s love drives Pranaya Vilasam forward.

The director opts for a traditional approach in the making of the movie. Still, the writing in the initial portions knows how to keep it light and interesting, establishing Suraj first and then going to Rajeevan and eventually exploring Anusree through the lenses of both of them. Two of the love stories in the film are about lost love, and writers Sunu AV and Jothish M explore those tracks with a pinch of nostalgia.

The performances of Manoj KU, Arjun Ashokan, and Anaswara Rajan are noteworthy, creating a positive impression on the audience. However, the action somewhere lacks intensity. While the idea and humor were in favor of the movie, the emotional weight that the plot required was not entirely there. Despite that, Pranaya Vilasam is an enjoyable movie that attempts to break away from the traditional cliches of Malayalam cinema.

The cinematography by Shinoz is commendable, with some breathtaking shots of the lush green landscapes of Kerala. The music by Shaan Rahman is also noteworthy, especially the romantic tracks that tug at your heartstrings.

The movie's first look was released on 31 December 2022, and the production company announced the release date on 17 February 2023, which was postponed to 24 February 2023. Later, a teaser, lyrics video, and trailer were also released, building up the hype around the movie's release.

According to the Times of India, the movie collected Rs. 2.05 crores in ten days, a decent number for a Malayalam movie.

You can get the Aami 2018 movie with Sinhala subtitles from the website subscenelk, which includes the biography of Kamala Dass, who is mentioned at a certain point in the movie Pranaya Vilasam 2023.

In conclusion, Pranaya Vilasam is a movie that attempts to blend tragedy, romance, and humor. While the film's idea and execution are in favor of the movie, the drama lacks intensity. Nevertheless, it is an enjoyable movie with a lot of potential for refinement. With impressive performances, breathtaking cinematography, and soul-stirring music, it is a movie worth watching.

Pranaya Vilasam Ott Release Date

Pranaya Vilasam is a Malayalam movie directed by Nikhil Muraly and produced by Green Room Productions. The movie was released on February 24, 2023, and stars Arjun Ashokan, Anaswara Rajan, Mamitha Baiju, Hakkim Sha, Manoj K U, and Miya George. 

The film revolves around the characters of Suraj, Rajeevan, and Anusree, portrayed by the lead actors. The script structure and the performances of the actors are commendable, and the movie attempts to blend tragic romances with a humorous narrative without mocking them. However, the drama lacks intensity at times, which could have been improved upon.

 The film was a box office success, collecting Rs 2.05 crores in 10 days according to Times of India The movie was later released on ZEE5 on April 7, 2023, for digital streaming.

Pranaya Vilasam Songs

  1. Song Name : Naruchiriyude Minnayam...
  2. Movie : Pranaya Vilasam
  3. Composed, Programmed and Arranged by: Shaan Rahman
  4. Lyrics : Vinayak Sasikumar
  5. Singer : Mithun Jayaraj
  6. Additional Production : Nevil George
  7. Guitar : Liboy 
  8. Percussion : Rajeev  Bellikoth
  9. Shehnai : Gopi O K
  10. Kazoo : Mithun Jayaraj
  11. Mixed and Mastered by : Biju James

  1. Kaathal Marangal Pookkane
  2. Nanda J Devan · 2023
  3. Song Name : Kaathal Marangal Pookkane…
  4. Movie : Pranaya Vilasam
  5. Composed, Programmed And Arranged by : Shaan Rahman
  6. Singers : Sreejish Subramanian, Nanda J Devan
  7. Lyrics : Suhail Koya
  8. Guitars : Bharath Sajikumar 
  9. Mixed And Mastered by : Biju James
  10. Assisted by : Abin Ponnachan At Studio Uno Records, Chennai
  11. Artist Management : Mithun Jayaraj

  1. Megham Poothu Thudangi
  2. Aswin Vijayan · 2023
  3. Song Name – Megham Poothu Thudangi...
  4. Original song composed By: Perumbavoor G Revindranath
  5. Lyrics: Sreekumaran Thampi
  6. Programmed and Rearranged by: Shaan Rahman
  7. Sung By: Aswin Vijayan, Bharat Sajikumar, Sreejish Subrahmanyam, Sachin Raj
  8. Guitars : Bharath Sajikumar
  9. Directed By: Nikhil Muraly 
  10. Produced By: Siby Chavara, Renjith Nair

  1. Karayan Marannu Ninno
  2. G. Venugopal · 2023
  3. Song Name : Karayan Marannu Ninno.
  4. Composed, Programmed and Arranged by : Shaan Rahman
  5. Lyrics : Manu Manjith
  6. Sung by : G.Venugopal
  7. Guitars : Bharath Sajikumar
  8. Sarod : Kishore Kumar
  9. Mixed and Mastered by : Biju James 
  10. Assisted by : Abin Ponnachan at Studio Uno Records Chennai

  1. Song Name : Nizhalayi Neeye...
  2. Movie : Pranaya Vilasam
  3. Composed, Programmed and Arranged by : Shaan Rahman
  4. Lyrics by:  Dr. Shilpa Sivadas
  5. Sung by : Shaan Rahman
  6. Mixed and mastered by : Biju James
  7. Assisted by : Abin Ponnachan at Studio Uno Records, Chennai

Pranaya Vilasam (2023) Full Cast & Crew

  1. Arjun Ashokan As - Sooraj
  2. Miya George As - Prof Meera
  3. Abhina  As - Indhu
  4. Hakkim Shah As - Vinod
  5. Anaswara Rajan As - Anusree
  6. Mamitha Baiju As- Gopika
  7. Manoj K.U. As - Rajeevan
  8. Unnimaya Nalappadam As - Ramla, Sooraj's neighbour
  9. Sabeeta George as - Sreedevi, Anusree's sister
  10. Arjun Unnikrishnan as - Vinay, Sooraj is friend
  11. Sarath Sabha as- Satheeshan, Rajeevan's office mate and neighbor

Naruchiriyude Minnayam Lyrics (നറു ചിരിയുടെ മിന്നായം)

Naruchiriyude Minnaayam Kannoram Kande
Nadhiyozhukana Polaaro Pinnaale Vanne
Nada Vazhiyudeyorangal Poochoodaan Enthe
Kodakarikile Thoomanjo Kannuril Peythe

Manamaakeyo Puthu Sourabham
Pakarunnoraal Athilolamaayi
Viralodithaa Viral Cherkkave
Aliyunnu Naam Pranayaardramaayi

Naruchiriyude Minnaayam Kannoram Kande
Nadhiyozhukana Polaaro Pinnaale Vanne
Nada Vazhiyudeyorangal Poochoodaan Enthe
Kodakarikile Thoomanjo Kannuril Peythe

Thanuvani Theruvil
Thina Vayal Karayil
Iru Nizhal Cherum Pole
Parichithamaakum Pole

Muriyil Nirayum
Madhura Vichaaram
Pala Kadha Chollum Pole
Parimridhu Gaanam Pole
Irulaakilum Manavaakilum
Ivamoodumen Niradeepame
Cheruthaakilum Valuthaakilum
Ini Ninnilaanen Lokame

Etho Anuvaadham Thedi
Neeyente Thanuvoram Nilke
Njan Melle Urukunnathenthe
Ilaneer Kuliraayi
Mizhikal Thammil
Pakarukayaanee Choodil
Pranaya Swakaram Melle

Naruchiriyude Minnaayam Kannoram Kande
Nadhiyozhukana Polaaro Pinnaale Vanne
Nada Vazhiyudeyorangal Poochoodaan Enthe
Kodakarikile Thoomanjo Kannuril Peythe

Naruchiriyude Minnayam English Lyrics

"Caught a glimpse of your adorable smile"
"Someone came behind me like a rivulet"
"To envelope the sidewalks in blooms"
"Kodagu mist showed up here in Kannur"

"A fresh scent fills up my heart"
"Gently, someone shares it with me"
"As we entwine our fingers"
"We melt away, soaked in love"

"Caught a glimpse of your adorable smile"
"To envelope the sidewalks in blooms"
"Kodagu mist showed up here in Kannur"
"In tree-lined streets, on the banks of millet fields"

"Like two shadows merge"
"We become acquaintances"
"The sweet thoughts that fill my talks"
"Like telling scores of tales"

"Like a silky sweet song"
"In complete darkness and dampness"
"You're the luminescence that fills my lashes"
"Be it small or big"

"You are my world from now on"
"Waiting for my approval"
"You stood next to me"
"Why am I slowly melting?"

"Between our dewy damp eyes"
"With passion, I listen to you"
"Will you beckon me with love?"
"Nothing is forbidden anymore"

"It's all about unconditional love"
"Caught a glimpse of your adorable smile"
"Someone came behind me like a rivulet"

Pranaya Vilasam (2023) Full Crew

  1. Directed by - Nikhil Muraly
  2. Second Unit Director or Assistant Director - Suhail M. Ali
  3. Writing Credits - Sunu A.V. and Jyothish M.
  4. Produced by - Siby Chavara and Renjith Nair
  5. Music by - Shaan Rahman
  6. Cinematography by - Shinoz
  7. Film Editing by - Binu Nepolean
  8. Art Direction by - Rajesh P. and Velayudhan
  9. Costume Design by - Sameera Saneesh
  10. Makeup Department - Ronex Xavier
  11. Production Management - Shabeer Malavattath
  12. Art Department - Kishore
  13. Sound Department - Sankaran A.S.-Arun Prasad - K.C. Sidharthan - Vishnu Sujathan
  14. Camera and Electrical Department - Anup Chacko - Nidad K.N.
  15. Editorial Department - Liju Prabhakar
  16. Music Department - Suhail Koya - Manu Manjith - Vinayak Sasikumar
  17. Additional Crew - A.S. Dinesh

Pranaya Vilasam Movie Download

You can now get Pranaya Vilasam movies through the subscenelk.com website. You can also get English subtitles and Sinhala subtitles of Pranaya Vilasam movie through the subscenelk website Click On this link Aami 2018.

Pranaya Vilasam Review & Story

The story of the movie pranaya vilasam starts around a college student Suraj and his family.

Here, Suraj always wishes to advance in the music field, but in the end, due to his father's insistence, he has to go to another university to study other subjects that he does not like, and is always unhappy with his life being controlled according to his father's wishes, and does not have a very good relationship between his father and him. It is seen that

Also, his father Wena Rajeev is shown in the film as a government employee who works in a village officer's office and he is portrayed as a selfish person who often controls their lives according to his own wishes without caring much about his wife Anushri and the child.

During his university career, Rajeev is in a relationship with a girl named Meera and after it breaks up, he becomes a person who is in a state of mind and starts a new life further away from his family members due to his relationship with Meera during a university prom meeting.

In the meantime, after the breakup of his first romantic relationship with a girl named Rehana, Sooraj starts a new relationship with his best friend Gopika.

There, Gopika is shown in the film as a girl who understands Sooraj's thoughts well and encourages him to do what he likes, and even when Sooraj does something she doesn't like in certain situations, she makes him understand that he is doing something wrong through her own method. Also, Suraj's life story suddenly changes with the sudden death of his mother, Anushree.

Here, Anushree's husband Rajeev suddenly finds a diary belonging to Anushree and reads it, where he gets to know information about an old relationship of hers as well as a chain of events that happened in her youth. And it is shown in the beginning of the film in a scene where she is searching for the village where she lived.

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Pranaya Vilasam

Normal Film

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Pranaya Vilasam


537 KB .zip

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Pranaya Vilasam


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Dasara 2023 Sinhala Subtitle & Reviews, Full Cast & Crew, Story


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Dasara: The 2023 Indian Telugu-Language Period Action Drama Film

Dasara Movie Review: The 2023 Indian Telugu-Language Period Action Drama Film

Dasara is an ambitious debut film by director Srikanth Odela that has impressed audiences with its powerful performances, stunning visuals, and gripping storytelling. Set in the coal mines of Telangana, the film is a period-action drama that explores the lives of coal miners and their struggles against exploitation and oppression.

The film boasts an impressive ensemble cast, with Nani delivering a standout performance as the lead character, a coal miner who rises up against the corrupt management of the mines. Keerthy Suresh also shines in her role as Nani's love interest, bringing depth and nuance to her character. Dheekshith Shetty, Shine Tom Chacko, Samuthirakani, Sai Kumar, and Poorna also deliver impressive performances, adding to the film's powerful emotional impact.

One of the film's strongest assets is its cinematography, which captures the beauty and harshness of life in the coal mines with stunning visual detail. The dark, claustrophobic mine shafts are contrasted with sweeping landscapes and breathtaking aerial shots that give the film a cinematic grandeur that is rare in Indian cinema. also, Dasara 2023 imdb 6.9/10 and Google users 93% liked this film. 

The film's soundtrack, composed by Santhosh Narayanan, is another standout element, perfectly capturing the film's emotional intensity and adding to the overall immersive experience and Dasara 2023 Telugu Film Running time 156 minutes.

But what sets Dasara apart from other action dramas is its powerful message about the importance of standing up against oppression and fighting for justice. The film doesn't shy away from showing the harsh realities of life in the mines, where workers are treated as disposable commodities and their lives are at the mercy of greedy corporate interests. But it also shows that even in the face of overwhelming odds, there is still hope for change and that the power of unity and solidarity can overcome even the strongest oppressors.

Overall, Dasara is a stunning debut film that marks Srikanth Odela as a director to watch out for in the future. With its powerful performances, stunning visuals, and gripping storytelling, the film is a must-watch for anyone who loves powerful, socially conscious cinema. It's a film that not only entertains but also inspires, and its message of hope and resilience is one that will stay with audiences long after the credits roll. If you haven't seen it yet, make sure to add Dasara to your must-watch list.

Dasara box office collection

Dasara has broken all records and received a warm welcome from audiences. Reports suggest that the movie has already collected Rs. 100 crore worldwide and has surpassed the 75 crore mark at the domestic box office. Keerthy Suresh, who stars in Dasara, has also made her debut in a pan-India movie. The Telugu film Dasara had a budget of ₹65 crore and it grossed an estimated ₹117 crore at the box office.

Dasara Movie Cast

Here is the cast of the Telugu film "Dasara":

  1. Nani as Dharani
  2. Keerthy Suresh as Vennela
  3. Shine Tom Chacko as Chinna Nambi
  4. Dheekshith Shetty as Suri
  5. Samuthirakani as Shivanna
  6. Sai Kumar as Rajanna
  7. Jhansi as Vennela's Mother
  8. Kundan Alexzed as Kundan
  9. Rajsekhar Aningi as Inspector Nagaraju
  10. DJ Express
  11. Ahmad Harhash (credit only)
  12. Md Ariful Islam as Killer
  13. Koushik Mahata
  14. Tarak Satish as Yellesh
  15. Zarina Wahab

Dasara Film Full Crew

Directed by
Srikanth Odela (credited as Srikanth Odhela)

Writing Credits (in alphabetical order)
Srikanth Odela (credited as Srikanth Odhela)
Thota Srinivas (dialogue)

Produced by
Sudhakar Cherukuri (producer)
Vijay Kumar Chaganti (executive producer)

Music by
Santhosh Narayanan

Cinematography by
Sathyan Sooryan

Film Editing by
Navin Nooli

Production Design by
Kolla Avinash

Art Department
David Kumar Bapannapally (assistant art director)

Sound Department
Nagavenkatakumar (sound effects editor)
Neriyanwilbert (sound editor)

Visual Effects by
Sayan Chattopadhyay (VFX Compositor)
Alok Ranjan (Matchmove: visual effects)
Junaid Ullah (visual effects supervisor)

Camera and Electrical Department
Chintu Sarangi (Stedeaycam Oprater)

Editorial Department
Vijay Mukthavarapu (on-line editor)

Music Department
Pavithra Chari (playback singer)
Shan Vincent de Paul (playback singer)
Dhee (playback singer)
F.A.M.E.'S. Project (orchestra & studio contractor)
Kanakavva (Lyricist)
Shyam Kasarla (Lyricist)
Anurag Kulkarni (playback singer)
Ram Miriyala (playback singer)
Santhosh Narayanan (playback singer)
Rahul Sipligunj (playback singer)
Gaddam Suresh (Lyricist)

Additional Crew
Manish Bokkisa (Censor Script writer)
Jeet Dutta (hindi dubbing director)
Varun Gupta (Marketing Director)
Kabilan (publicity design)
Zubair Khan (Celebrity Manager)
Subhodip Sarkar (assistant)
Vamsi Shekar (pro)

Dasara 2023 song Ammalalo Song English Translation

Oh Mother, Mother, Mother
With a sweet lullaby, I swing on your lap
Oh Mother, Mother, Mother
With a pure heart, I praise your beauty

We sway and hum, we sway and hum
Resting on the bamboo bed
We sing sweet songs, we sing sweet songs
And drink water from the silver pot

I wander around, I wander around
With the holy water of the river Ganges
I ask for alms, I ask for alms
And distribute food to the poor

In the midst of these struggles
I find solace in your embrace
Oh Mother, Mother, Mother
With you, I find my true home

Oh Ammalalo Ammalalo Ammalalo
La Lallallayilo Nalla Nallani Boggu Podilona
Oh Ammalalo Ammalalo Ammalalo
La Lallallayilo Tella Tellani Suddhamukkalaga

Tooruthutthu Tooruthutthu, O Theneteegalle Padukunta
Tooruthutthu Tooruthutthu, Agipokunda Ye Chota
Na Nalla Barrekki Oorantha Ooregi
Buva Neellu Iga Marshepotha

Badilona Kusunna Endhendho Rasthunna
Soopiyaleka Lopata Dasthunna
Pulla Ice U Thinukunta Kandlemo Atu Dhikke Joose
Edurosthe Ennela Nake Chai Lona Appale Thinnatte

Oh Ammalalo Ammalalo Ammalalo
La Lallallayilo Nalla Nallani Boggu Podilona

Mungata Ennela Enakane Needala
Jareti Nikkaruku Moldharam Gatti
Rye Rye Rayantu Thana Yenta Vothunta
Arasheyini Batti Uff Antu Oodhindha
Pala Pittai Itta Buru Burruna Lestha

Aa Jamakullo Shinthapande Galipi Kasakasamani Thintu
Aa Shenu Gattupai Meka Pillala
Shengu Shenguna Dhunkestha
Poddhu Poddhuna Lega Dhoodala Adi Padukunta
Oh Ammalalo Ammalalo Ammalalo

"Dasara" is a soundtrack album composed by Santhosh Narayanan for the Telugu film of the same name. The album was released on 19 April 2023 under the label Saregama, and consists of 10 tracks with a total length of 28:08.

The album features vocals from various artists, including Rahul Sipligunj, Gotte Kanakavva, Gannora Dasa Laxmi, Palamuru Jangireddy, Narsanna (Nalgonda Gaddar), Palamuru Jangireddy, Ram Miriyala, Dhee, Anurag Kulkarni, Shan Vincent de Paul, and Pavithra Chari.

The album's first single, "Dhoom Dhaam Dhosthaan", was released on 3 October 2022, followed by "Ori Vaari" on 13 February 2023, "Chamkeela Angeelesi" on 8 March 2023, "Oh Ammalaalo Ammalaalo" on 28 March 2023, and "Cricket Rap" on 13 April 2023. The album has received positive reviews, with critics praising Santhosh Narayanan's unique compositions and the vocals of the featured artists.

Here is the tracklist of the Telugu soundtrack album "Dasara" with lyrics, singers, and lengths:

  1. "Dhoom Dhaam Dhosthaan" - Lyrics by Kasarla Shyam, sung by Rahul Sipligunj, Gotte Kanakavva, Gannora Dasa Laxmi, Palamuru Jangireddy, Narsanna (Nalgonda Gaddar), and Kasarla Shyam. Length: 4:02
  2. "Ori Vaari" - Lyrics by Sri Mani, sung by Santhosh Narayanan. Length: 3:34
  3. "Chamkeela Angeelesi" - Lyrics by Kasarla Shyam, sung by Ram Miriyala and Dhee. Length: 3:23
  4. "Oh Ammalaalo Ammalaalo" - Lyrics by Rehman, sung by Anurag Kulkarni. Length: 2:48
  5. "Cricket Rap" - Lyrics by Kasarla Shyam and Shan Vincent de Paul, sung by Shan Vincent de Paul and Santhosh Narayanan. Length: 2:44
  6. "Silk Bar" - Lyrics by Gaddam Suresh, sung by Narsanna and Kanakavva. Length: 3:06
  7. "Chithu" - Lyrics by Gaddam Suresh, sung by Kanakavva. Length: 1:56
  8. "Ee Dharani" - Lyrics by Rehman, sung by Anurag Kulkarni. Length: 0:54
  9. "Monna Badilo" - Lyrics by Gaddam Suresh, sung by Pavithra Chari. Length: 4:40
  10. "Celebration of Vennela" - Instrumental. Length: 0:47
The soundtrack album has a total length of 28:08 and was composed by Santhosh Narayanan. The music rights are held by Saregama

Dasara 2023 Film Story Review

In 2009, Dharani is a young man living with his grandmother in the village of Veerlapally. He and his two best friends, Suri and Vennela, spend their days stealing coal and getting involved in family drama. Dharani has always loved Vennela, but he discovers that she loves Suri instead. Dharani sacrifices his own feelings and helps the couple get married, but Vennela's mother objects due to Suri's involvement in coal theft.

Dharani helps Suri win a local cricket match in the hopes of getting a job at the famous "Silk" bar, which is offering a cashier position to the winner as a campaign promise from the village's candidate for the sarpanch, Thurpugutta Chinna Nambi. However, Dharani and Suri get into a fight with Chinna Nambi's supporters at the bar, leading to their arrest. Rajanna, a kind step-brother of Chinna Nambi's opponent Thurpugutta Shivanna, bails them out and advises them to stay out of village politics. Suri suggests that Rajanna run for sarpanch, and with his encouragement, Rajanna wins the election. Dharani becomes his Deputy Sarpanch and Suri and Vennela's marriage is arranged.

On the day of the wedding, Suri learns of Dharani's sacrifice and is deeply moved. As he makes his way to the bar to talk to Dharani, they are attacked by a mysterious gang. Three of their friends are killed, another has a heart attack, and Dharani is injured. Suri tries to flee with Dharani on a bicycle, but he is beheaded in the chase. Dharani hides from the gang and begins to investigate the attack. He discovers that Chinna Nambi was responsible for Suri's death because he was jealous of his relationship with Vennela. Chinna Nambi had also killed Radha's husband for the same reason.

Dharani realizes that Vennela is in danger and decides to protect her by marrying her. At first, Vennela hates Dharani for forcing her into marriage, but she grows to love him over time. On the day of Dasara, Chinna Nambi confesses his involvement in Suri's death to Vennela, shocking her. Dharani and his friends manage to kill the gang that attacked them during the Ravana dahanam festival, but they are arrested by the police. Dharani reveals Chinna Nambi's crimes to the village before he is taken away.

Years later, after serving their sentences, Dharani and his friends return to the village. Dharani discovers that the women in the village are suffering due to their husbands' alcoholism and decides to burn down the Silk bar, realizing that alcohol is ruining everyone's lives. Dharani and Vennela have an emotional reunion after seven years.

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Thuramukham (2023) Sinhala Subtitle & English Subtitle Review Recap Cast & Crew


Thuramukham (Harbour): Unveiling the Struggles of Laborers in Cochin District

Thuramukham (Harbour) is a captivating Indian Malayalam-language historical drama film that delves into the harrowing tale of laborers in the Cochin district of Kerala during the 1940s and 50s. Directed by Rajeev Ravi, who also served as the film's cinematographer, and written by Gopan Chidambaran, Thuramukham sheds light on the protests staged by harbor workers against the Chappa labor allocation system. 

With a stellar cast led by Nivin Pauly, Indrajith Sukumaran, Joju George, and many other talented actors, the film takes viewers on an emotional journey through a pivotal chapter in Kerala's history.

Table of Contents


  1. Uncovering Thuramukham's Historical Significance
  2. The Plot: A Glimpse into the Chappa System and the Laborers' Struggles
  3. Behind the Scenes: Director, Writer, and Cast
  4. Release and Reception: Mixed Reviews and Box Office Performance
  5. Conclusion: A Powerful Story of Struggle and Resistance
  6. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Introduction: Uncovering Thuramukham's Historical Significance

Thuramukham (Harbour) offers a glimpse into the historical backdrop of Kerala, specifically the Cochin district, during the 1940s and 50s. It sheds light on the Chappa system, a labor allocation system that subjected workers to harsh conditions and uncertainty. Through powerful storytelling and compelling performances, the film highlights the struggles faced by the harbor laborers and their fight against exploitation.

2. The Plot: A Glimpse into the Chappa System and the Laborers' Struggles

The film centers around the Mattancherry harbor in Kochi, where the Chappa system was practiced. Laborers eagerly awaited metal tokens called "Chappa," which were thrown into the crowds. The workers would fight for these tokens, as they guaranteed a day's work at the wharves or godowns. However, obtaining a Chappa was a fierce competition, leading to conflicts among the laborers.

Thuramukham narrates the story of the protests that emerged against this unjust system. The struggles of the laborers reached a boiling point, resulting in a tragic event where three workers lost their lives due to police firing. The film brings forth the bravery and resilience of the laborers who fought against the oppressive Chappa system and stood up for their rights.

3. Behind the Scenes: Director, Writer, and Cast

Rajeev Ravi, known for his exceptional cinematography, took on the directorial reins for Thuramukham. Gopan Chidambaran, inspired by his father K. M. Chidambaran's play, penned the screenplay. The film boasts an ensemble cast of talented actors, including Nivin Pauly, Indrajith Sukumaran, Joju George, Arjun Ashokan, Sudev Nair, Manikandan R. Achari, Senthil Krishna, Nimisha Sajayan, Poornima Indrajith, and Darshana Rajendran. Their impeccable performances bring the characters to life, evoking a range of emotions from the audience.

Thuramukham (2023) Full Cast

Here is the cast of the film "Thuramukham" released in 2023:

  1. Nivin Pauly as Mattancherry Moidu
  2. Poornima Indrajith
  3. Indrajith Sukumaran as Santo Gopalan
  4. Sudev Nair as Pacheek
  5. Arjun Ashokan as Hamza
  6. Nimisha Sajayan as Ummani
  7. Manikandan R. Achari as Umboocha
  8. Darshana Rajendran as Kacchi
  9. Joju George as Mayimu
  10. Vaisakh Shankar
  11. Shiva Raaj
  12. German Bava
  13. Geethi Sangeetha as Ayishumma
  14. Shabin Shajahan as Communist Party Associate
  15. Antony Sanal Thomas

Thuramukham (2023) Full Crew

Here is the full crew of the film "Thuramukham" released in 2023:

  1. Directed by: Rajeev Ravi
  2. Written by: Gopan Chidambaran
  3. Produced by: Sukumar Thekkepat, Jose Thomas, Listin Stephen
  4. Cinematography: Rajeev Ravi
  5. Edited by: B. Ajithkumar
  6. Music by: K Shahabaz Aman
  7. Production companies: Collective Phase One, Pauly Jr. Pictures, Thekkepat Films, Queen Mary Movies
  8. Art Direction: Gokul Das
  9. Stunts: Rock Prabhu, Mafia Sasi
  10. Action Director: Dinesh Subbarayan
  11. Assistant Editor: Akhil Prakash
  12. Associate Editor: Rinju R V
  13. Assistant Camera: Godly Timo Koshy

4. Release and Reception: Mixed Reviews and Box Office Performance

After facing multiple delays, Thuramukham finally hit the theaters on 10th March 2023. The film received mixed reviews from critics, who appreciated its historical significance and powerful performances but had varying opinions on its execution. Despite its critical acclaim, the film faced challenges at the box office and did not achieve the expected commercial success.

Thuramukham box office collection

Reportedly, the movie "Thuramukham" managed to collect Rs 65 lakhs at the box office on its opening day. However, despite the initial collection, the film was considered a failure at the box office. It was released theatrically on March 10, 2023, after facing several delays. The film received mixed reviews from critics.

The movie "Thuramukham" starring Nivin Pauly is set to be released on the OTT platform SonyLIV on April 28th.

Movie Name: Thuramukham

OTT Platform: SonyLIV

Release Date: April 28th

You can watch the drama movie "Thuramukham" online on SonyLIV. It is a full HD movie directed by Rajeev Ravi and stars Nivin Pauly and Nimisha Sajayan.

Please note that availability and streaming options may vary depending on your location and the current status of the movie on the SonyLIV platform. Also, you can watch this Film from the subscenelk.com with Sinhala Subtitle

5. Conclusion: A Powerful Story of Struggle and Resistance

Thuramukham (Harbour) is an essential addition to the realm of historical dramas in Indian cinema. It sheds light on a lesser-known chapter of Kerala's history, bringing attention to the plight of laborers and their fight against injustice. The film serves as a reminder of the struggles faced by ordinary people in their pursuit of dignity and fair treatment. By addressing these important themes, Thuramukham becomes a thought-provoking and impactful cinematic experience.

Here are the songs from the movie "Thuramukham" released in 2023 along with the respective details:

01. Song: "Karakkenne Thanichakkeettu"

Lyrics: Anwar Ali

Music: K

Singer(s): Sayanora Philip

Length: 04:20

02. Song: "Kappal Paatu"

Lyrics: Anwar Ali

Music: Shahabaz Aman

Singer(s): Shahabaz Aman

Length: 09:03

03. Song: "Maravi"

Lyrics: Anwar Ali

Music: K

Singer(s): Biju Narayanan, K

Length: 03:41

6. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Is Thuramukham a true story?

A1: Thuramukham is based on the play of the same name by K. M. Chidambaran and is inspired by true events that took place during the 1940s and 50s in Cochin district.

Q2: Who are the lead actors in Thuramukham?

A2: The film stars Nivin Pauly, Indrajith Sukumaran, Joju George, Arjun Ashokan, Sudev Nair, Manikandan R. Achari, Senthil Krishna, Nimisha Sajayan, Poornima Indrajith, and Darshana Rajendran in prominent roles.

Q3: What was the impact of the Chappa system on laborers?

A3: The Chappa system subjected laborers to uncertainty and intense competition for work. It contributed to exploitation and poor working conditions, which led to protests and resistance.

Q4: Who directed Thuramukham?

A4: Rajeev Ravi directed Thuramukham, showcasing his skills as both a director and cinematographer.

Q5: When was Thuramukham released?

A5: Thuramukham was theatrically released on 10th March 2023.

In conclusion, Thuramukham (Harbour) stands as a testament to the struggles faced by laborers in the Cochin district. Through its compelling narrative and powerful performances, the film sheds light on a dark chapter in Kerala's history, emphasizing the need for social justice and fair treatment. 

It serves as a reminder of the strength and resilience of ordinary people who stood up against exploitation. Don't miss the opportunity to witness this remarkable film that showcases the power of storytelling and the importance of historical representation.


Q1: Is Thuramukham a true story?

A1: Thuramukham is based on historical events but fictionalized to some extent for cinematic purposes.

Q2: Are English subtitles available for Thuramukham?

A2: Yes, English subtitles are provided for the wider audience to enjoy the film and understand the dialogue.

Q3: Where can I watch Thuramukham online?

A3: The availability of Thuramukham for online streaming may vary depending on your location and the platform you prefer. Check with popular streaming services or local distributors for more information.

Q4: Did Thuramukham receive any awards?

A4: While Thuramukham didn't receive major awards, it garnered critical acclaim for its performances and historical significance.

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Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum 2023 Sinhala subtitle & Review Full Cast & Crew Story


Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum 2023 | A Captivating Tale of Love and Adventure

  1. Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum 2023 Review
  2. Directed :- Akhil Sathyan
  3. Written :- Akhil Sathyan
  4. Produced :- Sethu Mannarkkad
  5. Cinematography :- Sharan Velayudhan
  6. Edited-:- Akhil Sathyan
  7. Music :-Justin Prabhakaran
  8. Production company :- Full Moon Cinema
  9. Release date :- 28 April 2023
  10. Running time :- 171 minutes
  11. Country:- India
  12. Language :- Malayalam

In the world of cinema, there are moments when a film transcends its medium, leaving an everlasting impression on those fortunate enough to experience it. "Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum," directed and written by Akhil Sathyan, is one such cinematic gem that takes audiences on an emotional rollercoaster. Produced under the banner of Full Moon Cinema by Sethu Mannarkkad, this masterpiece seamlessly weaves together an intricate narrative, captivating performances, and a tapestry of emotions that leave viewers spellbound.

Set against the backdrop of India and delivered in the eloquent language of Malayalam, the film presents an enchanting tale that lingers long after the credits roll. At its heart is Prasanth, portrayed with depth and authenticity by the remarkably talented Fahadh Faasil. As the protagonist, Fahadh delivers a performance that is nothing short of mesmerizing, drawing the audience into his world and allowing them to feel the highs and lows of his emotional journey.

Anjana Jayaprakash, Dhwani Rajesh, and Viji Venkatesh join the ensemble with performances that add layers to the film's emotional fabric. Their chemistry and portrayal of complex characters breathe life into the narrative, making it relatable and deeply impactful.

Cinematographer Sharan Velayudhan's mastery shines through, as each frame captures the beauty of Kerala's landscapes and the intricate emotions of the characters. The visuals, more than just a backdrop, become a visual narrative, complementing the storytelling with finesse. Sharan's interplay of light and composition evokes a myriad of feelings, enhancing the cinematic experience.

The music by Justin Prabhakaran is a symphony that resonates in the hearts of the audience. With his melodies, Justin creates an emotional atmosphere that enhances the storytelling. The music becomes a companion to the characters, guiding the audience through their ups and downs, and elevating the film's impact.

Clocking in at 171 minutes, "Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum" isn't just a film; it's an experience. The meticulous editing by Akhil Sathyan ensures that each scene contributes to the narrative's progression, keeping the audience engaged throughout.

Released on April 28, 2023, the film has taken the cinematic world by storm, captivating audiences and critics alike. Its universal themes of love, self-discovery, and redemption are told with a depth that transcends language and culture.

In conclusion, "Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum" is a triumph in cinematic storytelling. Under the skillful direction of Akhil Sathyan, the film's performances, visuals, music, and production values create a symphony of emotions that resonate deeply. This cinematic masterpiece is a journey that every film enthusiast should embark upon, a journey that invites you to explore the depths of human emotions and connection.

Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum ott Released Date

Mark your calendars, because the eagerly awaited moment has arrived! "Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum" is all set to illuminate screens around the world as it makes its grand debut on a leading OTT platform on May 26. This exciting release isn't limited by geographical boundaries; audiences in India and across a staggering 240 countries and territories will be able to savor the magic of this cinematic masterpiece. And that's not all – for those who prefer the rich cadence of Tamil and Telugu, the film will also be available in its dubbed versions. Get ready to embark on a captivating journey filled with emotion, adventure, and the power of human connections, all from the comfort of your own screen.

Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum Cast

  1. Fahadh Faasil as Prasanth 'Pachu' Rajan, Pharmacist
  2. Anjana Jayaprakash as Hamsadhwani
  3. Dhwani Rajesh as Nidhi, Geeta's daughter
  4. Viji Venkatesh as Laila alias 'Ummachi'
  5. Mukesh as Rajan, Pachu's father
  6. Shanthi Krishna as Anitha Rajan, Pachu's mother
  7. Innocent as Vasumaman 'Vasu', Rajan's friend
  8. Vineeth as Riyas, Laila's son
  9. Indrans as Raveendran 'Ravi'
  10. Althaf Salim as Sujith
  11. Abhiram Radhakrishnan as Peter, Riyas's driver
  12. Nandhu as Pradeep
  13. Avyukth Menon as Ashwin
  14. Remya Suresh as Sulochana, Riyas' house help
  15. Jain K Paul as Sub Inspector Lokesh Naik
  16. Sanju Sivram as Vivek
  17. Mohan Agashe as Nana, Nidhi's Grandfather
  18. Chhaya Kadam as Nani
  19. Piyush Kumar as Savio
  20. Govind Pai as Loki
  21. Naslen K. Gafoor in a cameo appearance as Arun, Ashwin's elder brother
  22. Ahaana Krishna in a cameo appearance as Aishwarya 'Achu' Pradeep
  23. Shruti Ramachandran in a cameo appearance
  24. Anoop Sathyan as man in the bus (cameo)

Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum Actress

  1. Devika Daftardar as Geeta
  2. Viji Venkatesh as Ummachi
  3. Anjana Jayaprakash as Hamsadhwani
  4. Dhwani Rajesh as Nidhi
  5. Shantikrishna as Anitha
  6. Chhaya Kadam as Nani
  7. Veenah Naair as Dr. Alice
  8. Sonia Giri as Latha
  9. Maria Dominic as Aleena
  10. Radha Gomati as Vivek's Mother
  11. Remya Suresh as Sarojini
  12. Jess Sweejan as Young Nidhi
  13. Nakshatra as Young Nidhi
  14. Nisha Oommen as Woman on Singing App
  15. Anjana Appukuttan as Head Nurse

Each actor's contribution to the film adds depth and dimension to the rich tapestry of characters, making "Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum" a cinematic experience to remember.

"Pachu" Rajan, a dedicated pharmacist with a heart as profound as his profession, comes alive through the artistry of Fahadh Faasil. Playing the lead role, Fahadh's portrayal of Prasanth 'Pachu' Rajan is a testament to his versatility and ability to breathe life into complex characters. With a mesmerizing performance, he navigates the intricate emotions and transformations that define Pachu's journey.

Anjana Jayaprakash steps into the shoes of Hamsadhwani, a character that adds a layer of enigma to the narrative. Anjana's nuanced portrayal captures Hamsadhwani's complexities, making her a character that intrigues and resonates with the audience.

Dhwani Rajesh, as Nidhi, Geeta's daughter, shines as a young talent with her touching portrayal. Her on-screen presence and emotional depth bring out the vulnerabilities and strengths of Nidhi's character.

Viji Venkatesh, playing the role of Laila alias 'Ummachi', delivers a performance that evokes empathy and admiration. Her presence as an elderly woman on a profound mission adds depth to the storyline.

Mukesh portrays Rajan, Pachu's father, with a finesse that only seasoned actors can achieve. His portrayal adds a layer of warmth and relatability to the father-son relationship.

Shanthi Krishna, portraying Anitha Rajan, Pachu's mother, beautifully captures the essence of a mother's love and support. Her on-screen chemistry with other characters adds authenticity to the family dynamics.

Innocent as Vasumaman 'Vasu', Rajan's friend, adds a touch of lightheartedness and humor to the film. His interactions and camaraderie with the other characters create moments of laughter and connection.

The talented Vineeth takes on the role of Riyas, Laila's son, adding depth and dimension to the family relationships. His portrayal of Riyas brings out the complexities of his character's journey.

Indrans, as Raveendran 'Ravi', contributes his impeccable comic timing to the film, providing moments of levity and laughter.

Althaf Salim as Sujith and Abhiram Radhakrishnan as Peter, Riyas's driver, embody their characters with authenticity, enriching the overall ensemble.

The supporting cast, including Nandhu, Avyukth Menon, Remya Suresh, and many others, infuse the film with a depth that adds layers to the narrative tapestry.

In addition to the main cast, notable cameos by Ahaana Krishna, Shruti Ramachandran, Anoop Sathyan, and Naslen K. Gafoor, among others, create a sense of interconnectedness within the film's universe.

Each actor, whether in a lead role, a supporting role, or a cameo appearance, contributes to the intricate web of emotions that defines "Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum." Their collective performances create a tapestry of human experiences that resonate deeply, making the film an unforgettable cinematic journey.

Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum Ummachi

In "Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum," the character of Ummachi is brought to life by the talented Viji Venkatesh. With her impeccable portrayal, Viji Venkatesh embodies the essence of Ummachi, adding depth and authenticity to the character. Ummachi's presence in the film contributes to its emotional depth, and Viji Venkatesh's performance allows viewers to connect with the character on a profound level. Through her portrayal, Viji Venkatesh lends a voice to Ummachi's aspirations, emotions, and journey, making her an integral part of the captivating narrative.

Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum 

you can get it from subscenelk.com website with sinhala subtitle and without subtitle.

Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum Trailer

you can get it from subscenelk.com website with sinhala subtitle and without subtitle.

Melodic Journey Through "Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum" Songs

The soul of any cinematic masterpiece lies not only in its visuals and performances but also in its music. "Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum" (2023) is no exception, as its music breathes life into the narrative, creating an emotional symphony that resonates long after the credits roll.

1. "Nin Koode Njan Illayo":

Artists Chinmayi, Justin Prabhakaran, and Gowtham Bharadwaj collaborate in this heartfelt track. Released as part of the album "Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum," the song transports listeners into a world of emotions. The seamless blend of voices, backed by evocative music, captures the essence of the film's narrative. With its soul-stirring melody, "Nin Koode Njan Illayo" becomes an anthem of love and self-discovery.

2. "Thinkal Poovin - Anne Amie Song":

A musical gem crafted by Justin Prabhakaran, Manu Manjith, Anne Amie, and Raj Shekhar, this track is a testament to their collaborative brilliance. The song's ethereal quality, combined with Anne Amie's captivating vocals, paints a picture of love and longing. It seamlessly blends into the film's tapestry, enhancing the emotional depth of the characters' journey.

3. "Thinkal Poovin - Hesham":

In this rendition of "Thinkal Poovin," Justin Prabhakaran, Hesham Abdul Wahab, Manu Manjith, and Raj Shekhar offer a fresh perspective. Hesham Abdul Wahab's vocals infuse the song with a unique charm, making it a musical experience that stands on its own. The collaboration between these talented artists results in a rendition that resonates with listeners' hearts.

4. "Chalte Raho":

The track "Chalte Raho," composed by Justin Prabhakaran, features the melodious voices of Chitralekha Sen, Raj Shekhar, and Gazi Khan Barna. This song is a blend of soulful lyrics and captivating music, creating an atmosphere of resilience and hope. The song's evocative nature captures the essence of the characters' journeys, making it an integral part of the film's emotional landscape.

5. "En Jeevan Urugatume":

Artists Gowtham Bharadwaj and Padmaja Sreenivasan collaborate to bring forth "En Jeevan Urugatume." This song's soothing melody and heartfelt vocals create a sense of introspection and connection. As the characters navigate their personal and emotional landscapes, this track serves as a musical companion, guiding listeners through their journeys.

In the rich tapestry of "Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum," the songs are not merely an accompaniment; they are integral threads that weave the story's emotional fabric. Through melodies that range from introspective to soul-stirring, the music transports listeners into the intricate web of human emotions, making the film a multisensory experience that resonates deep within the heart.

Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum imdb

"Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum" has made a notable impact on the audience, garnering a commendable 7.4/10 rating on IMDb. This accomplishment is further underscored by the fact that 90% of Google users have expressed their liking for the film. This positive reception reflects the movie's ability to captivate viewers and resonate with their emotions. The numbers stand as a testament to the film's engaging narrative, impressive performances, and overall cinematic prowess, making "Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum" a noteworthy addition to the world of cinema.

Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum 2023 Rating

Google: An impressive 90% of Google users expressed their liking for the film, showcasing its resonance with a wide range of viewers.

The Times of India: The film has been awarded a 3.5/5 rating by The Times of India, indicating a positive assessment by this reputable source.

Rotten Tomatoes: On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds a 67% approval rating, suggesting a generally favorable response from both critics and audiences.

Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum 2023 Malayalam

"Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum" (Pachu and the Magical Lamp) is a 2023 Indian Malayalam-language adventure-comedy-drama film directed by Akhil Sathyan. Starring Fahadh Faasil, Anjana Jayaprakash, Dhwani Rajesh, and Viji Venkatesh, the film follows Pachu's enthralling journey. Produced by Sethu Mannarkkad under Full Moon Cinema, it released on 28 April 2023, garnering critical acclaim and commercial success. Tragically, it marked veteran actor Innocent's final appearance after his demise on 26 March 2023. Akhil Sathyan's directorial finesse and a remarkable cast seamlessly blend adventure, comedy, and drama, creating an unforgettable cinematic experience.

Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum 2023 English Subtitle

Follow a middle-class Malayali man's journey as he navigates life in Mumbai and embarks on a transformative trip to his homeland, Kerala, India. Amidst the breathtaking landscapes and vibrant culture, he must unravel the complexities of unexpected incidents that unfold, leading to self-discovery and newfound strength.

Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum Story

The narrative of "Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum" revolves around Prasanth, affectionately known as Pachu, who operates an ayurveda pharmacy store/clinic in Mumbai. He finds himself unmarried due to past rejections, and due to business reasons, he's compelled to return to his hometown in Kerala. While attending a wedding in his hometown with his father, Rajan, Pachu becomes smitten with a woman. Encouraged by Rajan's friend, they visit her residence, but an unexpected turn of events lands Pachu in the hospital, causing him to miss his flight back to Mumbai.

Riyas, the proprietor of Pachu's store, proposes that he accompany his elderly mother, Laila, on a train journey to Mumbai. Pachu agrees, and together they embark on the train. During their journey, they encounter a young boy traveling solo to Mumbai. In a mix-up, Laila mistakenly disembarks at Karmali, Goa, during the night. Pachu, concerned for Laila, follows her off the train, along with the boy who believes they've reached Mumbai. A surprising encounter with Laila results in an unexpected pepper spray incident, leaving Pachu and the boy momentarily disoriented.

Pachu eventually discovers that Laila has headed to Hamsadhwani's residence. He urgently contacts Riyas, who rushes to retrieve his mother. Once Laila is located, they prepare to return to Mumbai, where Laila opens up about her peculiar behavior.

Laila reveals the heartrending story of Nidhi, the daughter of their maid. Laila had undertaken Nidhi's education until circumstances forced her to return to Goa and work as a maid. Determined to rescue her, Laila embarks on a journey to Goa and arrives at Hamsadhwani's home, where Nidhi now works. Presently, Laila offers Pachu ownership of his ayurveda store if he can successfully bring Nidhi back. Pachu accepts the challenge and sets out to find Nidhi at Hamsadhwani's abode.

Upon locating Nidhi, Pachu faces a challenging ordeal, enduring physical assault and robbery at the hands of her brothers and family. Despite the setbacks, Pachu recovers his belongings, bides his time, and meticulously plans an escape with Nidhi. Meanwhile, Pachu finds himself forming a deeper bond with Hamsadhwani, helping her extricate herself from a toxic relationship with her boyfriend. Pachu, harboring a secret about his recovered belongings, intentionally spends more time with Hamsadhwani. However, the escape plan is thwarted by Nidhi's vigilant brothers, and complications arise as Hamsadhwani discovers the truth about Pachu's retrieved items.

Riyas, who was initially against Laila's intervention, has a change of heart and supports the endeavor to bring Nidhi back. Pachu makes a renewed attempt to retrieve Nidhi, and her grandfather emerges as an unexpected ally, enabling her departure. Hamsadhwani and Pachu reconcile their differences, paving the way for a harmonious resolution. The story culminates with Pachu and Nidhi traveling to Kerala, reuniting Nidhi with Laila.

As the train journey back to Mumbai unfolds, Pachu disembarks at Karmali, driven by a desire to meet Hamsadhwani once more. The tale is a poignant exploration of relationships, determination, and the journey of self-discovery.

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King of Kotha (2023) Sinhala Subtitle & Review Story & Cast and Crew


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King of Kotha (2023) Sinhala Subtitle & Story & Cast and Crew ,
king of Kotha (2023) Poster

King of Kotha (2023) Review

"King of Kotha" is a 2023 Indian Malayalam-language period action drama film directed by Abhilash Joshiy, marking his directorial debut. The movie is a collaborative effort between Wayfarer Films and Zee Studios and boasts an impressive ensemble cast featuring Dulquer Salmaan, Shabeer Kallarakkal, Prasanna, Gokul Suresh, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Nyla Usha, Chemban Vinod Jose, Shammi Thilakan, Saran, Shanthi Krishna, and Anikha Surendran.

Set against the backdrop of the fictitious, crime-ridden city of Kotha near the Kerala-Tamil Nadu border, "King of Kotha" narrates a gripping tale spanning two timelines:

  1. Director: Abilash Joshiy
  2. Writer: Abhilash N. Chandran
  3. Producers: Dulquer Salmaan and Zee Studios
  4. Narration: Mohanlal
  5. Cinematography: Nimish Ravi
  6. Editing: Shyam Sasidharan
  7. Music: Songs by Jakes Bejoy
  8. Score by Jakes Bejoy
  9. Production Companies: Wayfarer Films and Zee Studios
  10. Release Date: 24 August 2023
  11. Running Time: Approximately 174 minutes
  12. Country: India
  13. Language: Malayalam
  14. Budget: Estimated to be ₹50 crore
  15. Box Office: Estimated to have earned ₹38.30 crore

These production details provide insight into the creative team behind the film, its cast, the music composers, and the financial aspects such as the budget and box office performance. The film was released in August 2023 and received attention both for its star-studded cast and its financial performance at the box office.

King of Kotha (2023) Full Cast

  1. Dulquer Salmaan as Raju
  2. Aishwarya Lekshmi as Tara
  3. Soubin Shahir as Suitcase Lesley
  4. Ritika Singh in a special dance number
  5. Anikha Surendran as ponnu
  6. Chemban Vinod Jose as Renjith
  7. Prasanna as CI Shahul
  8. Nyla Usha
  9. Shabeer Kallarakkal as Kannan
  10. Gokul Suresh as Tony Titus
  11. Saran Shakthi
  12. Senthil Krishna
  13. Shammi Thilakan as Kotha Ravi
  14. Sudhi Koppa as Rafi
  15. Md. Nadim Mostofa Jibon as Jibon Vauu
  16. Shanti Krishna
  17. Govind Krishna as Katta
  18. Sanoop Dinesh as Erilan
  19. Jibin V. Joseph as Gunda

king of kotha (2023) Box office

The box office performance of "King of Kotha" in 2023 was estimated to be approximately ₹38.30 crore. This figure reflects the total earnings generated by the film during its theatrical run. While it achieved a respectable box office collection, it's important to note that the film's success is influenced by various factors, including production costs, marketing, critical reception, and audience response.

king of kotha (2023) IMDB 

IMDb rating for "King of Kotha" (2023), which is 6.6/10. IMDb ratings are a valuable source of information for assessing the reception and popularity of a film among viewers. Please note that ratings on IMDb can change over time as more people watch and review the movie.

King of Kotha (2023) OTT

the closing weekend of September 29, 2023, to October 1, 2023, is expected to see a surge in the availability of Indian films on OTT platforms, including "King of Kotha,"  also King of Kotha (2023) Trailer you find it here in subscenelk

King of Kotha (2023)  Music and Soundtrack 

Here is the information about the music and soundtrack of "King of Kotha" (2023):

  1. Background Score:The background score for the film was composed by Jakes Bejoy.
  2. Songs: The songs for the movie were composed by both Jakes Bejoy and Shaan Rahman separately.
  3. The music rights for the film were acquired by Sony Music India.
  4. Song Releases:
  5. "People of Kotha," which was featured in the motion poster video, was released on June 23, 2023, along with the promo.
  6. The first single, titled "Kalapakkaara," was released on July 28, 2023, to coincide with Dulquer Salmaan's birthday.
  7. The second single, titled "Ee Ulakin," was released on August 19, 2023.
  8. Track Listing:

01."Kotha Raja"

Lyrics: Muhsin Parari, Asal Kolaar, Roll Rida

Music: Jakes Bejoy

Singer(s): Asal Kolaar, Dabzee, Roll Rida, Resmi Sateesh

Length: 4 minutes and 33 seconds

02. "Kalapakkaara"

Lyrics: Joe Paul, Fejo

Music: Jakes Bejoy

Singer(s): Shreya Ghoshal, Benny Dayal, Jakes Bejoy, Fejo

Length: 4 minutes and 12 seconds

03"Ee Ulakin"

Lyrics: Manu Manjith

Music: Shaan Rahman

Singer(s): Sreejish Subramanian

Length: 4 minutes and 2 seconds

04."King of Kotha (Title Track)"

Lyrics: Fejo

Music: Shaan Rahman

Singer(s): Fejo, Nithya Mammen

Length: 3 minutes and 2 seconds

05. "Doore"

Lyrics: Manu Manjith

Music: Shaan Rahman

Singer(s): Sreejish Subramanian, Shaan Rahman

Length: 3 minutes and 52 seconds

06. "People of Kotha"

Lyrics: Travis King

Music: Jakes Bejoy

Singer(s): Travis King, Shatadru Kabir, Anand Sreeraj R, Jakes Bejoy, Niranj Suresh, Srikrishna Vishnubhotla

Length: 1 minute and 32 seconds

07. "King of Kotha (Teaser Theme)"

Music: Jakes Bejoy

Length: 1 minute and 38 seconds


08. "Kalapakkaara (Karaoke)"

Music: Jakes Bejoy

Length: 4 minutes and 12 seconds


These details provide a comprehensive overview of the songs featured in the movie, including the lyrics, music composers, singers, and song lengths.

King of Kotha (2023)  Story


In this era, we are introduced to Raju, a formidable gangster who holds sway over Kotha. Raju is not just a criminal but also a key player in the local football team known as "Winners Kotha." His life takes a twist when he falls in love with Tara, only to break ties with her later due to suspicions arising from her association with a journalist.

Things take a darker turn when Kannan, a close friend of Raju, decides to plunge into the drug trade. Raju vehemently opposes this decision, setting the stage for a conflict between the two friends. Matters escalate, leading to a violent confrontation, and Raju decides to leave Kotha on the night of the FIFA World Cup Finals.


The narrative shifts to 1996, where CI Shahul Hassan is assigned to Kotha, a city grappling with a narcotics epidemic. Shahul begins his investigation into the drug problem and quickly learns about Kannan Bhai, a notorious gangster who wields immense power in Kotha.

Shahul's inquiries about the enigmatic figure known as Raju unveil a turbulent past. Raju, it turns out, is not just an ordinary man but a retired assassin with a formidable reputation. Shahul's investigation further reveals that Raju receives a telegram, which draws him back to Kotha due to his sister Rithu being in grave danger.

From this point onward, the story takes a riveting turn with intricate relationships, drug trafficking, personal vendettas, and betrayals weaving a complex web. As the characters' fates intermingle, the film races toward an electrifying climax.

In the final act, Raju plots his revenge against Kannan, setting the stage for a high-stakes showdown between these two formidable figures in Kotha's gritty, crime-infested landscape.

"King of Kotha" delves deep into themes of crime, retribution, and the intricate dynamics between its multifaceted characters, all set against the backdrop of a city plagued by lawlessness and vice.

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---------------------------------King of Kotha (2023) ------------------------------------


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King of Kotha

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King of Kotha

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King of Kotha

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Chattambi (2022) Sinhala subtitle & Reviews with Full Cast & Crew

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Chattambi (2022) Sinhala subtitle & Reviews with Full Cast & Crew,chattambi movie wikipedia,chattambi movie real story,chattambi movie real life characters,chattambi 2022 review,chattambi 2023,chattambi 2023 ott,
Chattambi (2022) Sinhala subtitle & Reviews with Full Cast & Crew

Chattambi (2022) Sinhala subtitle & Reviews

In the bustling world of cinema, there are films that grip our hearts, taking us on a journey through the realms of human emotions and experiences. One such film that has caught the attention of audiences is Chattambi (2022). 

Chattambi (2022) Sinhala subtitled movie IMDb Rate 4.3/10, set in rural Idukki in 1995, delves into the life of a village goon named Kariah George, portrayed brilliantly by Sreenath Bhasi. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of the plot, delve into the characters that breathe life into the story, uncover the efforts behind the film's production, and examine the critical reception that this cinematic creation has garnered.

Plot Summary

The storyline of Chattambi revolves around Kariah George, a henchman of the formidable John Muttatil, played by Chemban Vinod. Together with their associate Baby Paikapprambilla, portrayed by Binu Pappu, they control Kuttar, a border village in Idukki. Their activities include illegal arrack production and money lending. 

Kariah, a rough yet complex character, embarks on this dark path as a 'chattambi' after a childhood incident. While he is both feared and admired in the village for his good deeds and high-handedness, he starts feeling undervalued by John, leading to a rift in their relationship. As Kariah plans to part ways, the story unfolds, exploring the consequences of his decisions and the reactions of those around him.

Chattambi 2022 Movie Budget, Total Box Office Collection

  1. Movie: Chattambi (2022)
  2. Release Date: 22 September 2022
  3. Running Time: 2 hours 2 minutes
  4. Certification: A
  5. Total Worldwide Collection: 0.39 Crore
  6. Budget: Approximately 10 Crore

Chattambi (2022) Malayalam Film Cast:

  1. Grace Antony as Cicily John Muttatil
  2. Sreenath Bhasi as Kariah George
  3. Sherin Catherine (character name not provided)
  4. Chemban Vinod Jose as John Muttatil
  5. Uma K.P. (character name not provided)
  6. Mythili as Raji
  7. Ansal Palluruthy (character name not provided)
  8. Binu Pappu as Baby Paikapprambilla
  9. Guru Somasundaram as Muniyandi

Chattambi (2022) Malayalam Film Crew:

  1. Director: Abhilash S Kumar
  2. Screenplay: Alex Joseph
  3. Story: Don Palathara
  4. Producer: Assif Yogi
  5. Co-Producer: Jesna Ashim
  6. Director of Photography: Alex Joseph
  7. Editing: Joel Kavi
  8. Production Design: Sebin Thomas
  9. Art Direction: Sebin Thomas
  10. Associate Directors: Shibin Murukesh, Sudharshan Narayanan
  11. Digital Compositor (Visual Effects): Vishnu Babu
  12. Digital PR (Additional Crew): Pixelbird

Chattambi (2022) Songs

  1. Song: Ingattu Nokku
  2. Composed, Arranged & Programmed by: Sekhar Menon
  3. Original Song & Lyrics by: Kripesh
  4. Vocals: Sreenath Bhasi
  5. Guitars and Bass: Sreekanth Bhasi
  6. Synth Bass: Basic Organics
  7. Percussion: Basic Organics
  8. Vocal Takes recorded by: Shreeshankar @ Muzik Ministry Studios, Kochi
  9. Pitch Editing by: Pitchworxx
  10. Mixed & Mastered by: Shreeshankar @ Muzik Ministry Studios, Kochi
  11. Promo video edited by: Anandhu Chakravarthy

Character Analysis

1. Kariah George (Sreenath Bhasi)

Kariah, the central character, is portrayed with raw intensity by Sreenath Bhasi. His journey from a troubled past to becoming a feared village goon is both captivating and poignant. Bhasi's nuanced portrayal adds depth to Kariah's character, making him a living, breathing entity on screen.

2. Cicily John Muttatil (Grace Antony)

Grace Antony embodies the character of Cicily, offering a powerful performance as she navigates the complexities of her relationship with Kariah. Her presence adds emotional weight to the narrative, making the audience empathize with her struggles.

3. John Muttatil (Chemban Vinod)

Chemban Vinod's portrayal of John, the ruthless leader of the group, is both menacing and charismatic. His dynamic presence on screen serves as a formidable foil to Kariah's character, creating tension and intrigue.

Chattambi (2022) Film Production

The film's success can be attributed to the cohesive efforts of the talented team behind the scenes.

Director: Abhilash S Kumar's direction brings out the authenticity of rural Idukki, capturing the essence of the 1995 setting.

Scriptwriter: Alex Joseph's screenplay, coupled with Don Palathara's compelling story, weaves a narrative that keeps the audience engaged from start to finish.

Cinematography: Alex Joseph's cinematography adds visual depth to the film, capturing the scenic beauty of Idukki while also highlighting the grittiness of the characters' lives.

Editing: Joel Kavi's editing ensures a seamless flow of the story, enhancing the impact of pivotal moments.

Production Design: Sebin Thomas's meticulous production design and art direction create an immersive environment, enriching the overall viewing experience.

Chattambi (2022) Critical Reception

Chattambi (2022) has garnered widespread acclaim for its compelling narrative, exceptional performances, and realistic portrayal of rural life. Critics have praised the film's non-linear storytelling, highlighting the efforts of the director, scriptwriter, and cast in bringing the story to life. 

Sreenath Bhasi's standout performance as Kariah has been particularly lauded, earning him accolades in the industry. The film's ability to balance action with emotional depth has resonated with both critics and audiences, making it a memorable cinematic experience.

Chattambi (2022) stands as a cinematic triumph, seamlessly blending an engaging storyline with stellar performances. Sreenath Bhasi’s portrayal of Kariah George is a revelation, capturing the essence of a conflicted character with remarkable depth. The film’s exploration of loyalty, identity, and the human condition is masterfully executed, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

The chemistry between the characters adds layers of complexity to the narrative. Grace Antony’s Cicily is a beacon of strength, providing a stark contrast to the vulnerability she allows herself to reveal. 

Chemban Vinod’s John is a formidable presence, embodying the darkness and power of the antagonist. The supporting cast, including Binu Pappu as Baby Paikapprambilla, adds authenticity to the world of Chattambi.

The film’s technical brilliance is evident in every frame. Abhilash S Kumar’s direction captures the raw beauty of rural Idukki, creating a visually captivating backdrop for the unfolding drama. 

The cinematography by Alex Joseph enhances the film’s mood, immersing the audience in the characters’ emotions. Joel Kavi’s editing ensures a seamless flow, allowing the story to unfold organically.

Chattambi (2022) Movie Credits:

  1. Directed by: Abhilash S Kumar
  2. Produced by: Assif Yogi
  3. Story by: Don Palathara
  4. Screenplay / Dialogues / Director of Photography: Alex Joseph
  5. Co-Producers: Siraj, Sandeep, Shanil, Jesna Ashim
  6. Executive Producer: Siraj
  7. Art Director: Sebin Thomas
  8. Costume Designer: Mashar Hamsa
  9. Music: Sekhar Menon
  10. Makeup: Ronex Xavier
  11. Editor: Joel Kavi
  12. Stunts: Phoenix Prabhu
  13. Sound Designer: Arun Rama Varma
  14. Sound Mix: Dan Jose
  15. Production Sound Mix: Jithu C Rathnan
  16. Lyrics: Kripesh Ayyappankutty
  17. Singers: Sreenath Bhasi, Kripesh Ayyappankutty
  18. Colourist: Sreekumar Nair
  19. Stills: Akhil Raj
  20. Designs: Yellowtooth
  21. Production Banner: Art Beat Studios
  22. Production Controller: JInu P K
  23. Line Producer: Kate Darling
  24. PRO: Athira Diljith
  25. PR Strategy: Content Factory Media LLP, Kochi
  26. Music Label: Muzik247

In conclusion, Chattambi (2022) is a cinematic gem that transcends the boundaries of traditional storytelling. It is a testament to the power of narrative and character-driven cinema, leaving audiences with a profound sense of introspection. This film is not just a viewing experience; it is a journey into the complexities of the human soul, portrayed with finesse and authenticity.

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Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham (2023) Sinhala Subtitle & Review Full Cast & Crew


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Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham (2023) Sinhala Subtitle With Review Full Cast & Crew,Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham (2023) Review,Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham (2023) Film,Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham Song Lyrics,Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham ott,Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham Trailer,Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham Song,Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham (2023) Sinhala Subtitle,Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham (2023) Sinhala Sub,Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham Sinhala Subtitle,Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham Sinhala Sub,kadina kadoramee andakadaham box office collection
Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham (2023) Sinhala Sub

Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham (2023) Review & Story

"Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham" (2023) is a deeply moving portrayal of human resilience and determination set against the backdrop of challenging circumstances. Directed by debutant Muhashin and written by Harshad, this Indian Malayalam-language film delves into the life of Bashirudeen, affectionately known as Bachu. Bachu, played by the talented Basil Joseph, is a young man torn between his familial responsibilities and his entrepreneurial dreams.(Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham (2023) Sinhala Subtitle,Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham (2023) Sinhala Sub,Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham Sinhala Subtitle,Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham Sinhala Sub)

The story unfolds within a family facing myriad challenges. Bachu's father, who has been working overseas for 26 years, plans to return home due to deteriorating health. Despite the family's hope for stability through foreign employment, Bachu harbors a burning desire to establish local businesses and shun the allure of working abroad. This internal conflict forms the crux of the narrative, showcasing the tension between tradition and individual aspirations.

Amidst the trials and tribulations, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbates Bachu's struggles. Operating a small-scale event company becomes even more challenging, leading to strained relationships, especially with his father. The situation worsens when Bachu becomes embroiled in a controversy involving his sister's necklace, adding familial discord and societal scrutiny to his already burdened shoulders.

In an attempt to sustain himself and his family during the pandemic, Bachu ventures into mask-selling. However, his business faces a setback when the masks he supplies are of inferior quality, resulting in financial troubles and legal complications. The film brilliantly captures Bachu's unwavering determination as he confronts these adversities, illustrating his resilience in the face of personal dilemmas and societal pressures.

Tragedy strikes the family when Bachu's father passes away overseas, amplifying their challenges. The rising COVID-19 cases add another layer of complexity, compelling Bachu to navigate bureaucratic hurdles and societal norms to bring his father's body back home for proper cremation. His dedication and resourcefulness are put to the test as he battles against time and protocol, driven by his mother's last wish to bid farewell to her husband with dignity.

"Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham" is a heart-wrenching tale that explores themes of perseverance, love, and sacrifice. The film skillfully portrays the emotional turmoil faced by individuals trapped between societal expectations and personal ambitions. Basil Joseph's stellar performance breathes life into Bachu, whose resilience serves as a beacon of hope amidst despair . Also, You can watch the trailer of 'Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham Trailer' with Sinhala subtitles on subscenelk.com.

Govind Vasantha's musical compositions enrich the movie, infusing it with emotional depth. The soul-stirring soundtrack, featuring songs like "Kuthithiruki" and "Premakkathu Pattu," enhances the film's emotional impact, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

In conclusion, "Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham" stands as a powerful testament to the indomitable human spirit in the face of adversity. Through its compelling storytelling, exceptional performances, and soulful music, the film underscores the significance of resilience, love, and familial bonds, even amidst the most formidable challenges. Muhashin and Harshad have created a cinematic masterpiece that resonates deeply, offering a poignant and memorable viewing experience for audiences worldwide.

Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham (2023) Full Crew

  1. Directed by: Muhashin
  2. Harshad (writer)
  3. Produced by:Shinas Ali (line producer),Martin George Attavelil (line producer),Naizam Salam (producer)Vinish Varghese (executive producer)
  4. Music by: Govind Vasantha
  5. Cinematography by: S. Mundol, Arjun Sethu
  6. Editing by: Sobin K. Soman
  7. Art Direction by: Pradeep M.V.
  8. Costume Design by: Azeem Ashraf, Visakh Sanalkumar S.R.
  9. Makeup Department:Sudhi Surendran (makeup)
  10. Second Unit Director or Assistant Director:Aneesh George (chief associate director)
  11. Art Department:Manu Michael Joseph (design)
  12. Sound Department:Amal Antony (Assistant Re-Re cording Mixer),Ramabhdran B (sound effects editor),Raj Marthandam (foley artist),Vipin V Nair (re-recording mixer),Dhanush Nayanar (sound designer),Justin E. Thomas (OTT Mixing Engineer),C. Arjun Varma (foley recordist)
  13. Camera and Electrical Department:Shijin P. Raj (still photographer),
  14. Costume and Wardrobe Department:Anantha Pathmanabhan (Assistant Costume Designer)
  15. Music Department:Sharfu (lyricist)
  16. Additional Crew:Aparna Ashok (Subtitles),Anju MA (Subtitles),P. Sivaprasad (p.r.o.),Shyam Narayanan TK

Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham Box Office Collection

  1. Total Collection: 0.29 crore
  2. Movie Verdict (Hit or Flop): To Be Announced (TBA)
  3. Additional Mention: 6 crore (Context unclear)

Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham Song Lyrics - PREMA KATHU PATTU SONG

Priyane Priyane Priyane Priyane

Varikal Nee Vayikkyanay Eyuthunnathare

Raa Pakaludayonayonte Namamodi Premathale

O beloved… O beloved… O beloved… O beloved…

These lines I pen for you to read

With love that sears my soul, in the name of the master, keeper of days and nights

Nee Illa Maniyarayulil,

Njan Alle Maqbara Ullil

Nee Ullora Irularayil

Njan Ille Theeeyaay

If not by your side in our bridal bower,

My heart becomes a lonely tomb.

In whatever darkness you may dwell,

A warm ember’s light I will be.

Kulirumbol Choodekan

Thalarumbol Koottekan

Priyane Nee Novalle

Poomeni Thalodave

In the cold, I’ll be your fire

In weariness, I’ll be your rest

Do not despair, my dearest

Let me caress your tender body

Murivellam Maykkame

Poonkavilil Muthame

Kanne Kann Nirayalle Karunamayanayonte

Kannil Nee Kuliranee

Let me heal your wounds

Let me kiss your brow

Do not weep, my love. For you are precious and honored

In the eyes of the Divine

Nari Njan Ithee Meni

Mara Nin Manatharil Maramakki

Kayay Poovay Koodaay

Kiliyay Mozhiyay Pazhamay

My body, a tree in your heart I grow

Sown with berries, blooms and sweet fruits

And nests abound with chirping birds

Verazham Vannu Nee Kathil Thannu

Puthu Pookkal Vannu Rithu Kaval Ninnu

Nee Poyeram Poovadi

My roots in your depths, deep and profound

You ushered love so pure

New flowers bloomed for me

Seasons stood guard for us

Come back, my love Come home

Kulirumbol Choodekan

Thalarumbol Koottekan

Priyane Nee Novalle

Poomeni Thalodave

In the cold, I’ll be your fire

In weariness, I’ll be your rest

Do not despair, my dearest

Let me caress your tender body

Murivellam Maykkame

Poonkavilil Muthame

Kanne Kann Nirayalle Karunamayanayonte

Kannil Nee Kuliranee

Let me heal your wounds

Let me kiss your brow

Do not weep, my love. For you are precious and honored

In the eyes of the Divine

Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham ott

The Basil Joseph-starrer "Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham" will be available for streaming on Sony LIV starting from May 19. The film, which was released on April 20, received positive reviews from audiences and critics alike.

Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham Song

01. "Kuthithiruki"

Lyrics: Sharfu

Singer: Govind Vasantha

Duration: 02:33

02."Insha Allah"

Lyrics: Sharfu

Singer: Kapil Kapilan

Duration: 04:10

03."Swargakkathu Pattu"

Lyrics: Rafeek Thiruvallur (Umbachy)

Singer: Govind Vasantha

Duration: 03:05

04."Premakkathu Pattu"

Lyrics: Muhsin Parari

Singer: Fathima Jahaan

Duration: 03:03

05."Ya Rabbe"

Lyrics: Rafeek Thiruvallur (Umbachy)

Singer: Mena Melath

Duration: 02:55

Total Length of the Soundtrack: 15:48

The music was composed, produced, and arranged by Govind Vasantha. The lyrics were written by Muhsin Parari, Sharfu, and Rafeek Thiruvallur (Umbachy). The soundtrack, featuring five songs, was released on April 21, 2023, by Think Music. The song "Premakkathu Pattu" in particular received positive feedback from both music enthusiasts and critics, praising Govind Vasantha for his soulful compositions and Muhsin Parari for the profound lyrics.

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Madhura Manohara Moham (2023) Sinhala Subtitle & Review


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Madhura Manohara Moham (2023) Sinhala Subtitle With Review & Full Cast & Crew,Madhura Manohara Moham (2023) Sinhala Subtitle, Madhura Manohara Moham (2023) Sinhala Sub, Madhura Manohara Moham Sinhala Subtitle, Madhura Manohara Moham Sinhala Sub,#Madhura Manohara Moham,#Madhura Manohara Moham sinhala sub,#Madhura Manohara Moham sinhala subtitle,#Madhura Manohara Moham 2023 sinhala sub,#Madhura Manohara Moham 2023 sinhala subtitle,#Stephy Zaviour,#Sharaf U Dheen,#Rajisha Vijayan,#Bindu Panicker,#Aarsha Chandini Baiju,#Malayalam Cinema,#Comedy Drama,#Family Relationships,#Kumbazha Setting,#Ensemble Cast,#Cinematography,#Hesham Abdul Wahab,#B3M Creations,#Indian Film Industry,#Kerala Box Office,#Romantic Comedy,#Sibling Dynamics,#Cultural Satire,#Modern Love Story,#Jai Vishnu (Writer),#Box Office Gross,#Indian Express Review,#Soulful Music,#Background Score,#Malavika V. N. (Editor),#Saiju Kurup,#Jibin Gopal (Music),#Contemporary Indian Cinema,#Traditional vs. Progressive,#subscenelk
Madhura Manohara Moham (2023) Sinhala Subtitle With Review & Full Cast & Crew

"Madhura Manohara Moham (2023) - A Heartwarming Blend of Comedy, Drama, and Unexpected Twists"

Madhura Manohara Moham (2023) Sinhala Subtitle, Madhura Manohara Moham (2023) Sinhala Sub, Madhura Manohara Moham Sinhala Subtitle, Madhura Manohara Moham Sinhala Sub.   

In the realm of Indian cinema, "Madhura Manohara Moham" emerges as a delightful 2023 Malayalam-language film that effortlessly weaves together elements of comedy and drama, leaving audiences captivated by its unexpected twists and stellar performances. Directed by Stephy Zaviour and penned by Mahesh Gopal and Jai Vishnu, this film takes viewers on a journey through the lives of siblings Manu and Meera, unfolding a narrative set in the picturesque town of Kumbazha.

The ensemble cast, led by Sharaf U Dheen and Rajisha Vijayan, delivers compelling performances that add depth to the storyline. Supported by talented actors like Bindu Panicker, Aarsha Chandini Baiju, Vijayaraghavan, and Saiju Kurup, the film boasts a cast that brings their characters to life with authenticity and charm.

At its core, "Madhura Manohara Moham" explores the complexities of relationships and unveils unexpected truths. The narrative is set against the backdrop of the Kumbazha Saraswati Vilasam Nair Service Society Karayogam, adding a cultural and familial dimension to the storyline. The film's 117-minute runtime is expertly utilized to engage the audience in a rollercoaster of emotions, blending heartwarming moments with thought-provoking insights.

One of the film's strengths lies in its meticulous craftsmanship, evident in the beautiful cinematography by Chandru Selvaraj. The visuals capture the essence of Kumbazha, enhancing the overall viewing experience. The seamless editing by Appu N. Bhattathiri and Malavika V. N. contributes to the film's pacing, ensuring a smooth flow that keeps the audience engrossed.

Hesham Abdul Wahab's musical compositions, coupled with Jibin Gopal's background score, add depth and emotion to the narrative. The lyrics by Harinarayanan B. K. and Suhail Koya resonate with the film's themes, creating a melodic backdrop that lingers in the audience's memory.

The film's success is not confined to its creative aspects alone; its box office performance is a testament to its widespread appeal. "Madhura Manohara Moham" grossed an impressive ₹9.8 crore (US$1.2 million) worldwide, with Kerala contributing ₹7 crore (US$880,000), the rest of India adding ₹40 lakh (US$50,000), and overseas collections reaching ₹2.4 crore (US$300,000).

Critical reception has been varied, reflecting the diversity of opinions on the film. Anjana George of The Times of India commends the film's craftsmanship, citing its beautiful cinematography, soulful music, and engaging performances. S. R. Praveen of The Hindu, while acknowledging its progressive themes, notes a veering towards a more harmless direction.

The film has garnered an IMDb rating of 6.4/10, and an impressive 88% of Google users express their liking for this captivating cinematic creation. Sanjith Sidhardhan of OTTPlay praises the film for its mockery of hypocrisy and feudal mindsets, highlighting the commendable performances of Rajisha Vijayan and Sharafudheen.

In contrast, some reviews suggest a shift in focus, with Cris of The News Minute expressing a sense of questioning the lens through which certain aspects are portrayed. Anandu Suresh of The Indian Express offers a critical perspective, describing the film as one that inadvertently reinforces societal practices while seemingly attempting to critique them.

"Madhura Manohara Moham" is a testament to the dynamic nature of Indian cinema, offering a narrative that resonates with audiences while sparking discussions on societal norms. With its blend of comedy, drama, and unexpected revelations, this film stands as a commendable addition to the diverse landscape of Malayalam cinema, leaving an indelible mark on those who embark on its cinematic journey.Also Madhura Manohara Moham ott Files you can Get from subscenelk.

Madhura Manohara Moham 2023 Songs

The soundtrack of "Madhura Manohara Moham" features a diverse range of songs, each contributing to the musical tapestry of the film. Here is a list of the tracks along with their respective artists and durations:

Oru Nokkil - From "Madhura Manohara Moham"

  1. Artists: Hesham Abdul Wahab, Arvind Venugopal, Bhadra Rajin
  2. Duration: 4:09

Madhura Manohara Moham

  1. Artist: Jibin Gopal
  2. Duration: 2:52

Thathana Thathana - From "Madhura Manohara Moham"

  1. Artists: Hesham Abdul Wahab, K. S. Chithra
  2. Duration: 4:21

Ayyappaswamiyalle - From "Madhura Manohara Moham"

  1. Artists: Hesham Abdul Wahab, Sannidhanandan
  2. Duration: 3:45

Kandu Kandu - From "Madhura Manohara Moham"

  1. Artists: Hesham Abdul Wahab, Madhu Balakrishnan, K. S. Chithra
  2. Duration: 3:32

Chakkappattu - From "Madhura Manohara Moham"

Artist: Vazhappally T S Satheesh Kumar

The soundtrack showcases the musical talents of various artists, combining different genres and styles to enhance the overall cinematic experience of "Madhura Manohara Moham."

Madhura Manohara Moham (2023) Full Cast & Crew

  1. Directed by: Stephy Zaviour
  2. Written by:Mahesh Gopal,Jai Vishnu
  3. Produced by:B3M Creations
  4. Starring:Sharaf U Dheen as Manu Mohan
  5. Rajisha Vijayan as Meera Mohan
  6. Bindu Panicker as Ushamma
  7. Aarsha Chandini Baiju as Salabha
  8. Vijayaraghavan as Indrasena Kurup
  9. Saiju Kurup as Jeevan Raj
  10. Biju Sopanam as Jose
  11. Althaf Salim as Ambadi
  12. Meenakshi Warrier
  13. Sunil Sukhada as Janardhanan Nair
  14. Neena Kurup as Mrs. Indrasena Kurup
  15. Malavika V.N.
  16. Niranjan
  17. Aravind SK
  18. Sooraj Nair as Bipish Menon
  19. Srikanth Mohan as Matrimonial Office Manager
  20. Sanju Madhu as Sanju
  21. Shine Tom Chacko as Vishnu
  22. Music by:Hesham Abdul Wahab
  23. Cinematography by:Chandru Selvaraj (credited as Selvaraj Chandru)
  24. Edited by:Appu N. Bhattathiri,Malavika V.N.
  25. Art Direction by:Crayon Jayan
  26. Costume Design by:Sanooj Khan
  27. Makeup Department:Ronex Xavier (makeup)
  28. Production Management:Abin E.A. (production executive),Shabeer Malavattath (production controller),Suhail Varattippalliyal (production executive)
  29. Second Unit Director or Assistant Director:Sree Hari (first assistant director),Jubin Oommen Joseph (associate director),Syamanthak Pradeep (chief associate director),Arun Shibu (assistant director)
  30. Sound Department:Sankaran A.S. (sound designer),K.C. Sidharthan (sound designer),Vishnu Sujathan (sound mixer)
  31. Camera and Electrical Department:Dinesh K. (associate cinematographer),Rohit K. Suresh (still photographer)
  32. Editorial Department:Shamal Chacko (Making Video Editor),Nirmal Gylson (assistant editor),Ramesh Iyer Colorist (colorist),Vista Obscura (D.I Studio)
  33. Additional Crew:Imthiyas Aboobacker (choreographer),Athira Diljith (p.r.o.),Vazhoor Jose (p.r.o.),Vijeesh Ravi (Finance controller),Tinson Thomas (Finance Manager)

Madhura Manohara Moham (2023) Box Office Collection and Rating

  1. Box Office: ₹9.8 crore (US$1.2 million)
  2. IMDb Rating: 6.4/10
  3. Google User Liked: 88%

Madhura Manohara Moham (2023) Story

In the Mohan family of Kumbazha, Ushamma, widow of the late Mohan, oversees three children: Manu, Meera, and Malu. Manu, now a second-grade overseer, replaces his deceased father at the Public Works Department. He becomes the new secretary of the Kumbazha Saraswati Vilasam Nair Service Society Karayogam.

Manu is romantically involved with Shalabha, the daughter of Karayogam president Indrasena Kurup. Simultaneously, Meera, a final-year MCom student, manages a tuition center. Trouble arises when Shalabha's parents unexpectedly return home, catching Manu and Shalabha together. To avoid disgrace, Indrasena Kurup promises Shalabha's marriage to Manu.

Complications arise as Manu discovers Meera's love affairs. Meera, returning from a college tour, faces scrutiny. With Manu's coworker Jose Oommen, they navigate Meera's romantic entanglements with Christian teen Disney James and others.

Manu, desperate to resolve Meera's affairs, arranges her marriage through a matrimonial site. Confusion ensues as Meera happily receives the news. Jeevan Raj, the prospective groom, and his family visit, unaware of Meera's complex love life.

Amidst midnight revelations and family tensions, Manu learns of Meera's multiple boyfriends. The wedding proceeds, with Meera's lovers in attendance. Post-wedding revelations include a surprising marriage proposal from Bijukuttan, Meera's former lover.

The story climaxes as Jeevan Raj confesses his secrets to Meera on their wedding night, weaving a tale of family dynamics, romantic entanglements, and unexpected twists.

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Toby 2023 Sinhala Subtitle & English Subtitles with Review Unlock the Mystery


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Toby 2023 Sinhala Subtitle, Toby 2023 Sinhala Sub, Toby Sinhala Sub, Toby Sinhala Subtitle, Toby 2023 English Subtitle,Toby 2023 Sinhala Subtitle, Toby 2023 English Subtitle, Toby 2023 Full Movie, Toby 2023 Review, Toby movie a hit or flop?, Toby 2023 budget, Toby 2023 Full Cast, Toby Kannada Movie Cast, Toby 2023 Full Crew,
Toby 2023 Sinhala Subtitle, Toby 2023 Sinhala Sub, Toby Sinhala Sub, Toby Sinhala Subtitle, Toby 2023 English Subtitle

Toby 2023 Kannada Film: Sinhala Subtitle and English Subtitle Available for Enhanced Viewing Experience!

Toby 2023 Sinhala Subtitle & Toby 2023 English Subtitle: Unveiling the Box Office Triumph and Review Insights

Toby 2023 Sinhala Subtitle, Toby 2023 Sinhala Sub, Toby Sinhala Sub, Toby Sinhala Subtitle, Toby 2023 English Subtitle and Toby 2023 Review Released in Subscenelk.com Website.

"Toby," the 2023 Indian Kannada-language action drama directed by Basil Alchalakkal and produced by Ravi Rai Kalasa, is a cinematic journey that seamlessly blends elements of crime, mystery, and redemption. Starring Raj B. Shetty as the titular character alongside a talented ensemble cast, the film unfolds in the picturesque Kumta region of Uttara Kannada district in Coastal Karnataka. Released on August 25, 2023, the film has generated mixed to positive reviews, showcasing its impact on audiences.

The film centers around Sampath, a newly appointed SI at Tamas Katte police station, who is confronted by Jenny, seeking help to find her missing foster father, Toby. What follows is a gripping narrative that takes the audience through Toby's complex past, interwoven with crime, betrayal, and a quest for redemption. Raj B. Shetty's portrayal of Toby is commendable, capturing the nuances of a character whose life is entangled with the dark underbelly of the village.

The plot takes unexpected turns as Sampath delves deeper into Toby's life, encountering characters like Savithri, a sex worker, Damodar, a mortuary worker, and Shalini, Toby's neighbor. The revelation of Toby's past as an unwitting assassin for the village chief, Anand, adds layers to the narrative. The film masterfully explores themes of love, betrayal, and the consequences of one's actions, creating a compelling storyline that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. if you need another kannada film of KGF chapter 2 you can choose this link. 

Director Basil Alchalakkal, in his debut venture, showcases a keen understanding of storytelling, using the scenic backdrop of Coastal Karnataka to enhance the film's atmosphere. The cinematography by Praveen Shriyan and editing by Nithin Shetty contribute to the film's visual appeal, capturing both the beauty and the shadows of the coastal landscape. you can find Toby 2023 Sinhala Subtitle and Toby 2023 English Subtitle subscenelk.com.

Raj B. Shetty, who also penned the screenplay, successfully translates T.K. Dayanand's 8-page short story into a gripping cinematic experience. The music by Midhun Mukundan complements the narrative, adding emotional depth to key moments. The performances, including Samyukta Hornad as Savithri, Chaithra J. Achar as Jenny, and Raj Deepak Shetty as the menacing Ananda, contribute to the film's overall impact.

The film's box office performance, with an opening weekend collection of approximately ₹3.84 Crores against a budget of Rs 10 Crores, indicates a decent reception. While the numbers suggest a moderate success, the true strength of "Toby" lies in its narrative complexity, engaging characters, and the emotional resonance it achieves.

In conclusion, "Toby" (2023) Review stands as a commendable addition to Kannada cinema, offering a thrilling and thought-provoking experience. With its compelling plot, strong performances, and effective storytelling, the film transcends the boundaries of a conventional action drama, leaving audiences with a resonant exploration of justice, vengeance, and redemption. if you need Toby 2023 Click here

Toby 2023 Full Cast / Toby Kannada Movie Cast

01.Raj B. Shetty as Toby
02.Samyukta Hornad as Savithri
03.Chaithra J. Achar as Jenny
04.Raj Deepak Shetty as Ananda
05.Gopalkrishna Deshpande as Damodhara
06.Sandhya Arakere as Shalini
07.Bharath GB as Sampath
08.Yogi Bankeshwar as Priest

Toby 2023 Full Crew / Toby Kannada Movie Crew

Toby 2023 Writing Credits:

Basil Alchalakkal

Toby 2023 Produced by:

Raj B. Shetty

Toby 2023 Executive Producers

Arpith Adyar , Shamil Bangera.

Toby 2023 ProducerRavi Rai Kailasa

Toby 2023 Music byMidhun Mukundan

Toby 2023 Cinematography by: Praveen Shriyan

Toby 2023 Editing by: 
Nitin Shetty

Toby 2023 Production Design by: Arshad Nakkoth

Toby 2023 Art Direction by: Jithu

Toby 2023 Costume Design by: Varsha Acharya

Toby 2023 Makeup Department: Ronex Xavier (makeup artist)

Toby 2023 Production Management: Kabbinale Shabareesh (production manager)

Toby 2023 Second Unit Director or Assistant Directors:

Binu Balakrishnan (associate director)
Chetak Kulal (associate director)
Rohith Shetty (associate director)

Toby 2023 Sound Department:

01.Sandeep Kumar (sound effects editor)
02.Vineeth Kumar Kunchala (sound editor)
03.Aravind Menon (sound mixer)
04.Raj Mohan (Foley Supervisor / foley artist)
05.Balakesavan Shanmugam (sound effects editor)

Toby 2023 Visual Effects:

01.Anandhan.S (visual effects artist)
02.Arun K Asokan (visual effects line producer)
03Sagar Burman (VFX Compositor)
04Jijo Cleetus (visual effects artist)
05.Renjith Kallinal (visual effects artist)
06.Nikhil M (compositor)
07.Swaraj Ravi (visual effects artist)
08.Richu Roy (compositor)
09.Kanahaiya Tiwari (visual effects artist)

Toby 2023 Additional Crew:

Balu Parameswar (Digital Content Support: Aarox Studios)

Toby 2023 Box Office Collection

"Toby" released in 2023, including its budget and box office collection. Here's a summary:

Budget (Approx): Rs 10 Crores

Box Office Collection:

Day 1 [1st Friday]: ₹1.3 Cr
Day 2 [1st Saturday]: ₹1.24 Cr (rough data)
Day 3 [1st Sunday]: ₹1.30 Cr (may earn)

Total Collection: ₹3.84 Cr

Toby movie a hit or flop?

The success or failure of a movie can be subjective and depends on various factors, including the budget, marketing, critical reception, and audience feedback. The box office collection provided suggests the movie earned a total of ₹3.84 Cr in its initial days of release. For a more comprehensive assessment of its performance, one would need to consider additional factors and reviews.

Toby 2023 Plot

The film revolves around Sampath, a newly appointed Sub-Inspector, who takes charge at Tamas Katte police station. The narrative unfolds when Jenny arrives at the station, agitated by the authorities' failure to locate her missing foster father, Toby. Intrigued, Sampath decides to investigate the case, seeking guidance from Kushalappa.

As they delve into Toby's past, they encounter various characters who share pieces of his complex history. Fr. Iglesias reveals that Toby lost his voice in a previous incident and had a troubled history in a remand home. The investigation leads Sampath to Savithri, a sex worker, who discloses her past romantic involvement with Toby and the circumstances that led her to marry another man.

Damodar, a mortuary worker, shares insights into his friendship with Toby. Shalini, Toby's neighbor, reveals a darker side to his life, suggesting his involvement in criminal activities orchestrated by the village chief, Anand. Anand, seeking Toby's release from prison, concocts a plan involving impregnating Jenny.

Misunderstandings lead Toby to believe Prashantha is responsible, and he attempts to harm him. Jenny intervenes, disclosing the truth. Determined to mend his ways, Toby sets out to apologize to Prashantha. However, a tragic turn of events unfolds as Shalini informs Toby and Prashantha that Jenny had been searching for them.

Ananda and his henchmen attack Toby and Prashantha, resulting in their hospitalization. Simultaneously, Shalini discovers from a doctor that Jenny had intended to kill Ananda but was murdered and concealed in a meat grinder. An awakened Toby learns of this tragedy and confronts Ananda at a fair. A fierce battle ensues, concluding with Toby avenging Jenny's death by decapitating Ananda. Unfortunately, Sampath shoots Toby, leading to his demise from the inflicted injuries. The film explores themes of revenge, redemption, and the complexities of Toby's past.

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Madhura Manohara Moham (2023) සිංහල උපසිරැසිය සමාලෝචනය සහ සම්පූර්ණ නළු නිළියන් සහ කාර්ය මණ්ඩලය සමඟ

Voice of Sathyanathan (2023) Sinhala Subtitle & Voice of Sathyanathan (2023) Review: A Comedy Thriller Unveiled

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Dileep shines in the lead role in 'Voice of Sathyanathan' (2023) Sinhala Sub &English Sub

Unveiling the Enigma: Voice of Sathyanathan (2023) Sinhala Subtitle & English Subtitle - A Comprehensive Review

voice of sathyanathan (2023) review,voice of sathyanathan (2023) sinhala subtitle,voice of sathyanathan (2023) sinhala sub,voice of sathyanathan sinhala subtitle,voice of sathyanathan sinhala sub,

"Voice of Sathyanathan (2023) Review" is an Indian Malayalam-language comedy thriller film that has garnered mixed reviews but proved to be a commercial success at the box office. Directed and written by Rafi, the film stars Dileep in the lead role, supported by a talented ensemble cast.

The movie, set in a fictional village in Kerala, follows the escapades of Sathyanathan, played by Dileep, who owns a furniture shop and finds himself entangled in a series of comedic and thrilling situations due to his uncontrollable tongue. The plot takes unexpected turns as Sathyanathan gets mistakenly involved in a plot against the President of India, ultimately leading to a mission to prove his innocence.

The film's production value is commendable, with principal photography spanning various locations, including Kerala, Mumbai, Delhi, Rajasthan, and Hyderabad. "Voice of Sathyanathan" successfully blends comedy, drama, and sarcasm, creating an engaging family-friendly experience.

The cast delivers notable performances, with Dileep's portrayal of Sathyanathan receiving praise. The supporting cast, including Joju George, Veena Nandakumar, Jagapathi Babu, Siddique, and Vijayaraghavan, adds depth to the narrative.

Despite mixed critical reviews, the film achieved significant success at the box office, grossing ₹23 crore (US$2.9 million) worldwide. The commercial success is a testament to its entertainment value and audience appeal.

For those eagerly awaiting its online release, "Voice of Sathyanathan" is expected to be available on subscenelk.com in September 2023, adding anticipation for fans who missed its theatrical run. The film initially released on July 28, 2023, and its online streaming debut is scheduled for September 21, 2023.

In conclusion, "Voice of Sathyanathan" presents a unique blend of comedy and thriller elements, making it an entertaining watch for audiences. Despite varying critical opinions, its success at the box office and upcoming online release on subscenelk.com indicate a positive reception among viewers and also voice of sathyanathan release date 2023 ott is in subscenelk.com.

A Tale of Redemption Voice of Sathyanathan (2023) The Plot Unraveled: Sathyanathan's Journey

In a small town in Kerala, Sathyanathan, the owner of a furniture shop, finds himself entangled in a web of troubles due to his unrestrained tongue. His rivalry with Tabala Varkeychan, the panchayat president, takes an unexpected turn when he unwittingly becomes the target of a misguided investigation.

One fateful morning, Sathyanathan is summoned to the police station, where he is interrogated about his alleged threats to the President of India. A series of misunderstandings lead him to face imprisonment and an encounter with Balan, accused of a crime he didn't commit.

Determined to clear his name, Sathyanathan embarks on a journey to Mumbai, only to be detained again when the police suspect his involvement in a sinister plot. Inside the Mumbai central jail, he encounters Saahi Bhai, a terrorist who underestimates Sathyanathan until a revelation changes their dynamic.

Released with a new alliance, Sathyanathan returns to Kerala, but his troubles are far from over. Accused once again, he faces interrogation and imprisonment. Amidst his struggles, he forms an unlikely friendship with Balan, vowing to bring justice to the wrongly accused man.

As events unfold, Sathyanathan stumbles upon crucial information about the real perpetrators. Collaborating with the police, he helps apprehend a key member of the terrorist group, bringing them one step closer to justice.

However, the climax takes a dark turn when Saahi Bhai, feeling betrayed, puts Sathyanathan in a life-threatening situation. As authorities attempt to defuse the crisis, a tragic event leaves Sathyanathan in shock.

In a surprising turn of events, the court exonerates Balan, reuniting him with his daughter. The President of India, recognizing Sathyanathan's efforts for justice, acknowledges him in a public speech. Watching from his jail cell, Sathyanathan witnesses the restoration of his reputation, proving that even in the face of adversity, redemption is possible.

This gripping tale of redemption, misunderstandings, and unexpected alliances serves as a reminder that sometimes, the unlikeliest heroes emerge from the darkest corners. Also, You can find another pachuvum athbutha vilakkum 2023 Malayalam film From Subscenelk

Voice of Sathyanathan (2023) Cast Ensemble: Stellar Performances Taking Center Stage

Voice of Sathyanathan Cast:

  1. Dileep as Sathyanathan / Sathyan
  2. Joju George as Balan
  3. Veena Nandakumar as Susan, Sathyanathan's wife
  4. Jagapathi Babu as Nambiar
  5. Siddique as Tabala Varkeychan (Thavala)
  6. Vijayaraghavan as Susan's father
  7. Anupam Kher as President of India (Voice dubbed by Sai Kumar)
  8. Johny Antony as Cleetus, Panchayat president
  9. Benny P. Nayarambalam as Thomas "Thomachan"
  10. Janardhanan as Vaidyar
  11. Jude Anthany Joseph as Sabu, Sathyanathan's friend (cameo appearance)
  12. Abhiram Radhakrishnan as DYSP Shihab Imran
  13. Makarand Deshpande as Saahi Bhai, terrorist leader
  14. Jaffer Sadiq as Tango, a terrorist group member
  15. Ramesh Pisharody as Stephen, a YouTube vlogger
  16. Alencier Ley Lopez as SP Vincent Koshy
  17. Boban Samuel as Saghavu Anirudhan
  18. Srikant Murali as Advocate Aravindakshan
  19. Neena Kurup as Susan's mother
  20. Sminu Sijo as Thresyakkutty, Varkeychan's wife
  21. Kottayam Ramesh as Constable Sugunan
  22. Thennal Abhilash as Balan's daughter
  23. Vineeth Thattil as Balan's brother-in-law
  24. Rafi as Ikka, Balan's father-in-law
  25. Vijilesh Karayad as Chandran
  26. Ambika Mohan as Vaidyar's patient
  27. Unni Marimayam as a prisoner
  28. KP Naisal as a prisoner
  29. Sinoj Varghese as a prisoner
  30. Thankachan Vithura as a bus conductor
  31. Anusree as Balan's wife (cameo appearance)

Voice of Sathyanathan Crew: A Comprehensive List of Cast and Film Contributors

  1. Directed by: Raffi
  2. Writing Credits:
  3. Raffi ... Dialogue
  4. Raffi ... Screenplay
  5. Raffi ... Story
.Produced by:
  1. Badusha ... Producer
  2. Manju Badusha ... Executive Producer
  3. Rajan Chirayil ... Producer
  4. Dileep ... Producer
  5. Prijin Jayaprakash (as Prijin J.P.) ... Producer
  6. Jibin Joseph ... Co-Producer
  7. Shinoy Mathew ... Producer
  8. Neethu Shinoy ... Executive Producer
  9. Vinod Unnithan ... Line Producer
  10. Music by:Ankit Menon

Cinematography by:
  1. Swaroop Philip
  2. Jithin Stanislaus
  3. Editing by: Shameer Muhammed
  4. Art Direction by: M. Bava
  5. Costume Design by:Sameera Saneesh
Production Management:
  1. Robin Augustine ... Finance Controller
  2. Nazir Hussain ... Production Manager
  3. Sandeep Mishra ... Unit Production Manager
  4. Ayansh Paandey ... Unit Production Manager
Sound Department:
  1. Avinash Chirammal ... Location Sound Recordist
  2. Ajith Abraham George ... Sound Mixer
  3. VS Krishnaprasad ... Assistant Mixing Engineer
  4. Sanjith Punnose (as Sanjith_Punnose) ... Assistant Sound Mixer
Visual Effects by:
  1. Coconut Bunch ... Visual Effects
  2. Delson David ... Business Head
  3. E S Rahul (as E s Rahul) ... Visual Effects Supervisor
Camera and Electrical Department:
  1. Ankit Sharma Laddi ... Steadicam Operator
  2. K J Sarat ... Assistant Camera
Casting Department:
  1. Shekhar Kalra ... Extras Casting
  2. Kalra Shekhar ... Casting Coordinator
Location Management:
  1. Shekhar Kalra ... Local Line Production
  2. Rakesh Kondvilkar ... Location Manager
  3. Pradeep Mohod ... Assistant Location Manager
Music Department:
  1. Ankit Menon ... Music
  2. Sooraj Santhosh ... Singer
  3. Vinayak Sasikumar ... Lyricist
  4. Abin Thomas ... BGM
Transportation Department:
  1. Shekhar Kalra ... Transportation

Discover the Charm of 'Voice of Sathyanathan': A Family Movie with Sarcasm and Drama Set in a Fictional Village in Kerala

"Voice of Sathyanathan" is a family movie. This film combines elements of family entertainment with sarcasm and drama. Set in a fictional village in Kerala, the story revolves around Sathyanathan, who operates a furniture shop. The plot involves him selling new furniture as antiques by distressing them, adding a unique and engaging dimension to the narrative.

Voice of Sathyanathan: Budget, Box Office Success, and Global Impact Unveiled

Discover the financial journey of "Voice of Sathyanathan Budget" as we delve into its budget and box office performance. While the exact budget remains undisclosed, the film emerged as a resounding success at the box office, grossing ₹23 crore (US$2.9 million) worldwide. Kerala played a significant role, contributing ₹16 crore (US$2.0 million), with an additional ₹1 crore (US$130,000) coming from the rest of India and ₹6 crore (US$750,000) from overseas earnings. This stellar performance solidifies "Voice of Sathyanathan" as a hit, resonating with audiences globally and making its mark in the world of cinema also voice of sathyanathan trailer can find subcenelk.

Voice of Sathyanathan: Diverse Ratings Reflect the Subjective Nature of Film Reception

The film "Voice of Sathyanathan" has received varying ratings across different platforms. On IMDb, it holds a rating of 6.1/10, indicating a moderate reception from the audience. The Times of India has given it a rating of 2.5/5, suggesting a somewhat mixed or average review from the critics. 

However, a positive sign is that 88% of Google users have expressed their liking for the movie. This divergence in ratings highlights the subjective nature of opinions, and individual preferences may play a significant role in one's enjoyment of "Voice of Sathyanathan." It's always recommended to explore diverse reviews and ratings to form a comprehensive understanding of the film's reception.

ප්‍රහේලිකාව එළිදැක්වීම: Voice of Sathyanathan (2023) සිංහල උපසිරැසි ඉංග්‍රීසි උපසිරැසි - විස්තීර්ණ සමාලෝචනයක්
මිදීම, වරදවා වටහාගැනීම් සහ අනපේක්ෂිත සන්ධාන පිළිබඳ මෙම ග්‍රහණ කතාව සමහර විට, අකැමැති වීරයන් අඳුරුතම කොනෙන් මතුවන බව මතක් කිරීමක් ලෙස සේවය කරයි.

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Hi Nanna (2023) Sinhala Subtitle and Review – A Cinematic Journey of Love and Redemption


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Hi Nanna (2023) Sinhala Subtitle, Hi Nanna (2023) Sinhala Sub,Hi Nanna Sinhala Subtitle,Hi Nanna Sinhala Sub,Hi Nanna (2023),Hi Nanna (2023) IMDB,hi nanna movie release date,Hi Nanna Movie Story,Hi Nanna Movie Ott,Hi Nanna (2023) Review,Hi Nanna (2023) Cast,Hi Nanna (2023) Crew,Hi Nanna 2023 ,Hi Nanna Sinhala Subtitle ,Hi Nanna IMDB rating ,Hi Nanna movie release date ,Hi Nanna Movie Story ,Hi Nanna Movie Ott ,Hi Nanna Review ,Hi Nanna Cast ,Hi Nanna Crew ,Nani ,Mrunal Thakur ,Shouryuv ,Indian Telugu romantic drama ,Hi Nanna Box Office ,2023 Telugu film ,Romantic drama film ,Shouryuv directorial debut ,Hesham Abdul Wahab ,Sanu Varghese ,Praveen Anthony ,Mahi, Viraj and Yashna's daughter ,Cystic fibrosis ,Inspired from "Definitely Maybe" ,T-Series ,Artificial intelligence in film music ,Film soundtrack ,Hesham Abdul Wahab collaboration ,Background score ,YRF Studios Mumbai ,Telugu-language film ,Viraj as a fashion photographer ,Yashna and Mahi's bond ,Varsha's memories ,Goa trip ,Mahi's birthday in Goa ,Cystic fibrosis symptoms ,Lung transplant ,Viraj and Yashna reconciliation ,Grown-up Mahi ,T-Series music label ,Soundtrack album ,10-song album ,Anantha Sriram ,Krishna Kanth ,"Samayama" song ,"Gaaju Bomma" song ,"Ammadi" song ,"Odiyamma" song ,"Idhe Idhe" song ,Background music AI reconstruction ,Kochi studio ,Hyderabad studio ,Chennai studio ,Mumbai studio ,Telugu language ,Box office success ,Shilpa Tulaskar cameo ,Neha Sharma cameo ,Shouryuv screenplay ,Bhanu Dheeraj Rayudu screenplay ,Vasanth Sameer Pinnamaraju screenplay ,Nagendra Kasi dialogues ,Vamshi Bommena dialogues ,Mohan Cherukuri producer ,Dr. Vijender Reddy Teegala producer ,Murthy K. S. producer ,Jayaram supporting role ,Kiara Khanna supporting role ,Priyadarshi Pulikonda supporting role ,Angad Bedi supporting role ,Viraj Ashwin supporting role ,Nassar supporting role ,Box office gross ,Indian film with AI background score ,Hi Nanna Wikipedia ,Hi Nanna release details ,Hi Nanna budget ,Hi Nanna 8.3/10 IMDb ,Google users 97% liked ,155 minutes runtime ,India country ,₹40 crore budget ,7 December 2023 release ,Viraj's studio in Mumbai ,Viraj's daughter Mahi ,Varsha's aversion to parenthood ,Varsha's regret ,Varsha and Viraj's relationship strain ,Varsha's memories erased ,Varsha revealed as Yashna ,Mahi's birthday in Goa ,Mahi's lung transplant ,Aravind Bhatia character ,Shouryuv's directorial style ,Hesham Abdul Wahab's music style ,Viraj's promise to Mahi ,Yashna's love confession ,Viraj's fear of hurting Varsha ,Film's emotional sequences ,Hopeful ending for Mahi and Viraj
"Unlocking Emotions: Hi Nanna (2023) Sinhala Subtitle and Review – A Cinematic Journey of Love and Redemption"

Unlocking Hearts: Hi Nanna (2023) Sinhala Subtitle & Review – A Tale of Love and Redemption

"Hi Nanna," a 2023 Indian Telugu romantic drama directed by Shouryuv, takes viewers on an emotional rollercoaster with its compelling storyline, stellar cast, and soulful music. Released on December 7, 2023, the film has garnered acclaim for its poignant narrative, powerful performances, and a captivating soundtrack by Hesham Abdul Wahab. (Hi Nanna (2023) Sinhala Subtitle, Hi Nanna (2023) Sinhala Sub,Hi Nanna Sinhala Subtitle,Hi Nanna Sinhala Sub,Hi Nanna (2023),Hi Nanna (2023)).

Hi Nanna (2023) Sinhala Subtitle and Review IMDb and Audience Reception:

With an impressive 8.3/10 on IMDb and a staggering 97% approval rating from Google users, "Hi Nanna" has resonated well with both critics and audiences alike. The film's success at the box office, grossing over ₹75 crores worldwide, speaks volumes about its widespread appeal and emotional impact.

Hi Nanna (2023) Movie Story Plot Overview:

"Hi Nanna" revolves around Viraj, a renowned fashion photographer in Mumbai, and his six-year-old daughter Mahi, who battles cystic fibrosis. The narrative delves into Viraj's past, exploring his love story with Varsha, played by Mrunal Thakur. As Viraj recounts the ups and downs of their relationship, secrets unfold, leading to a gripping tale of love, loss, and redemption.

Viraj is a famous fashion photographer with his own studio in Mumbai with his six-year-old daughter Mahi, with cystic fibrosis. Curious about her mother, Mahi earns her story's promise from her father if she tops her class, but Viraj delays telling it, causing a rift. Mahi goes missing but is saved by Yashna. Both Yashna and Mahi force Viraj to tell the story of Varsha. Viraj recalls falling in love with Varsha, who Mahi is told to visualize as Yashna, in Coonoor. 

They marry, but Varsha's aversion to parenthood due to her parents failed relationship and divorce, strains their relationship. Mahi's birth reveals her cystic fibrosis, leading to further strain and regret from Varsha for marrying Viraj and conceiving Mahi. Here, a tearful Mahi requests Viraj to stop telling the story. Later, Viraj tells to Yashna that the couple gets into an accident while arguing.

After the accident erases Varsha's memories, Varsha's mother makes Viraj leave her along with Mahi. It is later revealed that Varsha is none other than Yashna, and Viraj has narrated the story with her name as Varsha to throw her off the scent. Mahi's and Yashna's bond starts to strengthen and Viraj, sensing this and fearing the return of the memories of her past which hurt her deeply, decides to go on an impromptu trip to Goa. Yashna plans Mahi's birthday in Goa, uncovering Viraj's forgetfulness. 

As a result, fights and emotional sequences result. Mahi, Pluto, Viraj and Yashna share a fleeting but cherished moment together. As Yashna's wedding approaches, Mahi yearns for Yashna's promised surprise. Feeling a true connection, Yashna confesses her love to Viraj, but Viraj, minding the promise he made in the past and fearful of hurting Varsha again, rejects her before her wedding begins. 

Mahi learns the truth about Yashna from a angered Varsha's mother, which prompts Viraj to angrily make a scene and warn her.

Unfortunately before the wedding, Mahi has a recurrence of cystic fibrosis symptoms and is rushed to a nearby hospital. However, the doctors say that she has a very little survival chance to Viraj, making him anxious and tense. During the wedding, Yashna's father (who has been living with Viraj this entire time and is now revealed) interrupts and talks to Yashna about whether she really wants this marriage, motivating her to fight harder for her love and informing her of Mahi's situation. 

Calling the wedding off with her fiancée Aravind's consent (the surgeon who saved Yashna from the coma originally), immediately rushes to the hospital to see him and Mahi. Mahi is currently in need of a lung transplant to save and protect her. Yashna's fiancée Aravind comes to know about her diagnosis and empathizes with her. 

Aravind, along with his physician friends, performs an operation to save Mahi that has a supposed 0.1% success probability, reigniting the hope within Viraj. The surgery is successfully completed and Mahi survives. Viraj and Yashna reconcile. The film ends with a grown-up Mahi singing a song about her life in front of an audience.

Hi Nanna (2023) Crew:

The film boasts a talented cast, featuring Nani and Mrunal Thakur in the lead roles, supported by Kiara Khanna, Priyadarshi Pulikonda, Angad Bedi, Jayaram, and Viraj Ashwin. Directed by Shouryuv, the screenplay is co-written by Shouryuv, Bhanu Dheeraj Rayudu, and Vasanth Sameer Pinnamaraju. The music, composed by Hesham Abdul Wahab, adds a soul-stirring dimension to the narrative.

Director and Writers:

Directed by Shouryuv, the creative mind behind the film's inception, Hi Nanna credits Nagendra Kasi for the compelling dialogue and Shouryuv for both the story and the screenplay. Hindi dialogue by Rashmi Singh adds depth to the narrative.


Mohan Cherukuri, Rahul Gandhi from Mumbai, K.S. Murthy, EVV. Satish, and Vijender Reddy Teegala join forces to bring Hi Nanna to life, each contributing to the film's success.

Key Crew:

  1. Music: Hesham Abdul Wahab
  2. Cinematography: Sanu John Varughese
  3. Editing: Praveen Antony
  4. Casting: Vishal Saroye
  5. Production Design: Kolla Avinash
  6. Costume Design: Lakshmi Kilari, Sheetal Sharma
Supporting Departments:

  1. Art Department: Madhu Varma (set dresser)
  2. Sound Department: Nagavenkatakumar (sound effects editor)
  3. Visual Effects: Ravi Varma Janagama (VFX Line Producer), Sreeram Nagineni (visual effects coordinator), Arun Pawar (visual effects supervisor), Kishore Sarakadam (3D artist)
  4. Stunts:Pruthvi impressively choreographed stunts, ensuring Hi Nanna's action sequences were both thrilling and safe.

Camera and Electrical Department:

  1. Gaffer: Mohammad Rafi Khan
  2. Jimmy Jib Operator: Pradeep Kumar Medarametla
  3. Second Assistant Camera: K J Sarat
  4. Animation Department:
  5. Bobby Kasimedha contributed as an animator, adding visual flair to the film.
Music Department:
  1. Lyricists Krishna Kanth, Kausar Munir, and Ananth Sriram infused soulful lyrics into the memorable soundtrack.
Additional Crew and Thanks:
  1. Aashian Ahluwalia, Rakesh Madderla Anand, Hemachandra Vedala, and Vinayakkini played crucial roles in various aspects, while special thanks were extended to Borde Abhijeet and Charantej Uppalapati.

Hi Nanna is a collaborative effort, blending the talents of numerous individuals to create a cinematic masterpiece.

Hi Nanna (2023) Crew:

  • Nani as Viraj:
Nani portrays the character of Viraj, a renowned fashion photographer based in Mumbai, central to the film's narrative.Mrunal Thakur as Yashna/Varsha (voice dubbed by Chinmayi):
  • Mrunal Thakur:
 skillfully takes on the dual role of Yashna and Varsha, with Chinmayi providing the emotive voice for her character.
  • Kiara Khanna as Mahi:
Kiara Khanna breathes life into Mahi, the daughter of Viraj and Yashna, pivotal to the storyline.
  • Ritika Nayak (Cameo) as Adult Mahi:
Ritika Nayak makes a cameo appearance as the grown-up Mahi, adding layers to the character's development.
  • Nassar as Dr. Ranjan:
Nassar takes on the role of Dr. Ranjan, contributing to the film's medical aspects and storyline.
  • Jayaram as Yashna/Varsha and Neha’s Father:
Jayaram plays a crucial role as the father of Yashna and Varsha, as well as the grandfather of Mahi, contributing to family dynamics.
Priyadarshi Pulikonda as Justin:

  • Priyadarshi Pulikonda
portrays Justin, Viraj's friend, adding a touch of camaraderie to the narrative.
Angad Bedi as Dr. Aravind Bhatia:

  • Angad Bedi 
assumes the role of Dr. Aravind Bhatia, Yashna’s fiancé, introducing a key element to the love story.

  • Shilpa Tulaskar as Yashna and Neha’s Mother:
Shilpa Tulaskar plays a significant role as the mother of Yashna and Neha, Viraj's mother-in-law, and Mahi's grandmother.
Viraj Ashwin as Dr. Ashok Bhatia:

  • Viraj Ashwin
 takes on the character of Dr. Ashok Bhatia, Aravind’s brother, contributing to the overall family dynamics.
Drishty Talwar as Neha:

  • Drishty Talwar plays Neha, Yashna and Varsha’s sister, adding depth to the familial relationships.
  • Shruti Haasan (Cameo) as a Model in "Odiyamma" song:
Shruti Haasan makes a special appearance as a model in the song "Odiyamma," bringing star power to the film.
Neha Sharma (Cameo) as a Model:

  • Neha Sharma makes a cameo appearance as a model, contributing to the visual appeal of the film.
The diverse and talented cast of Hi Nanna contributes to the film's rich storytelling and emotional impact, creating a memorable cinematic experience.

Hi Nanna (2023) Musical Brilliance:

  1. Album Title: Hi Nanna (2023)
  2. Release Date: December 18, 2023
  3. Recording Year: 2023
  4. Recording Studios:
  5. HW Studio, Kochi
  6. Jubilee10 Studios, Hyderabad
  7. Soundtown Studios, Chennai
  8. YRF Studios, Mumbai
  9. Genre: Film soundtrack
  10. Total Length: 31:32 minutes
  11. Language: Telugu
  12. Label: T-Series
  13. Producer: Hesham Abdul Wahab

1."Gaaju Bomma"Anantha Sriram Hesham Abdul Wahab4:25
2."Samayama"Anantha Sriram Anurag Kulkarni, Sithara Krishnakumar3:24
3."Asalelaa"Anantha Sriram Shakthisree Gopalan, Anurag Kulkarni1:04
4."Ammaadi"Krishna Kanth Kaala Bhairava, Shakthisree Gopalan3:39
5."Enno Enno"Anantha Sriram Bhavana Isvi1:06
6."Adigaa"Krishna Kanth Karthik3:30
7."Idhe Idhe"Krishna Kanth Hesham Abdul Wahab3:35
8."Odiyamma"Anantha Sriram Dhruv Vikram, Shruti Haasan, Chinmayi Sripaada3:15
9."Chedhu Nijam" Krishna Kanth Geetha Madhuri, Hesham Abdul Wahab4:17
10."Needhe Needhe" Krishna Kanth Aavani Malhar3:15
Total Length: 31:32

Hesham Abdul Wahab's soundtrack for "Hi Nanna" is nothing short of a masterpiece. The album, released on December 18, 2023, features 10 soulful tracks, each contributing to the film's emotional depth. Notably, Wahab employed artificial intelligence to re-record the background score, marking a groundbreaking achievement in Indian cinema.

Hi Nanna (2023) Memorable Tracks:

The soundtrack includes standout singles like "Samayama,""Gaaju Bomma,""Ammadi,""Odiyamma," and "Idhe Idhe." Each song complements the film's narrative, creating a harmonious blend of melody and emotion.

Hi Nanna (2023) Development Insights: Film Budget and Box Office Performance:

Budget: ₹40 crore

The production of Hi Nanna involved a budget of ₹40 crore, encompassing various aspects such as cast salaries, production costs, marketing, and distribution expenses.
Box Office Earnings: Estimated ₹75 crore

Hi Nanna proved to be a commercial success, surpassing expectations by earning an estimated ₹75 crore at the box office. The film's compelling storyline, talented cast, and effective marketing likely contributed to its financial success. This impressive box office performance reflects the film's popularity and positive reception among audiences.

Hesham Abdul Wahab, in his second Telugu film after "Kushi," describes the scoring process as imperative to reflecting the tranquility of visuals and production design. The composer's innovative use of artificial intelligence in re-recording the film's score sets "Hi Nanna" apart as a trailblazer in the industry.

Hi Nanna (2023) Conclusion:

"Hi Nanna" stands as a testament to the power of storytelling, supported by a stellar cast, an emotive soundtrack, and innovative filmmaking techniques. Its success at the box office and critical acclaim reaffirm its place as a must-watch in the realm of Indian cinema, offering audiences a poignant and unforgettable cinematic experience.
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Bramayugam (2024) Sinhala Subtitle and Review - Unveiling the Age of Madness

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Bramayugam (2024) Sinhala Subtitle,Bramayugam (2024) Sinhala Sub,Bramayugam Sinhala Subtitle,Bramayugam Sinhala Sub,Bramayugam 2024 plot and Story,Bramayugam 2024 Cast,Bramayugam 2024 Crew,Bramayugam (2024) Film,Bramayugam (2024) Released Date,Bramayugam 2024,Bramayugam Sinhala Subtitle,Rahul Sadasivan,Mammootty,Arjun Ashokan,Sidharth Bharathan,Amalda Liz,Chakravarthy Ramachandra,S. Sashikanth,Night Shift Studios,YNOT Studios,Horror film,Indian cinema,Film launch,Dark ages of Kerala,T. D. Ramakrishnan,Dialogues,Production house,Bhoothakaalam,Mammootty antagonist,Arjun Ashokan protagonist,Shehnad Jalal cinematographer,Christo Xavier music director,Jothish Shankar production designer,Principal photography,Kerala New Year,MJI Studios,Pooja ceremony,Ottapalam,Mammootty shooting,Release date,Malayalam,Tamil,Telugu,Kannada,Hindi,First look poster,Black and white avatar,Yakshaganam,The Age of Madness,Mammootty caption,#HappyNewYear 2024,Rahul Sadasivan direction,Chakravarthy Ramachandra producer,S. Sashikanth producer,Fan reactions,Malayalam fan comment,Mammootty fan excitement,Mammootty versatility,Indian film industry,Plot details under wraps,Theatrical release,Ensemble cast,Jisshu Sengupta,Amanda Liz,Recent work,Lijo Jose Pellissery,Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam,B Unnikrishnan,Christopher,Kannur Squad,Jeo Baby,Kaathal- The Core,Director Rahul Sadasivan,T. D. Ramakrishnan dialogues,Story by Rahul Sadasivan,Victor Prabaharan executive producer,Christo Xavier music,Shehnad Jalal cinematography,Shafique Mohamed Ali editing,Jotish Shankar production design,Abhijith costume design,Preetisheel Singh D'souza character designer,S. George makeup artist,Ronex Xavier makeup artist,Aroma Mohan production controller,Aesthetic Kunjamma publicity design,Shameer Ahammed sound designer,Jayadevan Chakkadath sound designer,Rajakrishnan M.R. sound mixer,Premsanker S. associate sound designer,Digibricks visual effects,Aswin Sanfran VFX line producer,Kalai Kingson stunts,Navin Murali still photographer,Sourinath V.S associate cinematographer,Abhishek Ayyanoth associate editor,Liju Prabhakar colorist,Bramayugam 2024 plot,Mammootty dark and nuanced role,Atmospheric films,Vidheyan 1994 classic,Theyyam dance form,Horror excellence,Film industry commitment,Inclusivit,Language barriers,Sinhala subtitles,Cinematic journey,Must-watch experience
Unlocking the Mysteries: Bramayugam (2024) with Sinhala Subtitles - A Comprehensive Review for a Thrilling Cinematic Experience!

Bramayugam (2024) - Unveiling the Age of Madness in Rahul Sadasivan's Horror Spectacle

The highly anticipated Indian Malayalam-language horror film, Bramayugam: The Age of Madness, is poised to be a cinematic experience like no other. Directed and written by the talented Rahul Sadasivan, the film boasts a stellar cast, including the legendary Mammootty, Arjun Ashokan, Sidharth Bharathan, and Amalda Liz.  (Bramayugam (2024) Sinhala Subtitle,Bramayugam (2024) Sinhala Sub,Bramayugam Sinhala Subtitle,Bramayugam Sinhala Sub,Bramayugam 2024 plot and Story,Bramayugam 2024 Cast,Bramayugam 2024 Crew,)

Produced by Night Shift Studios and YNOT Studios, the film promises to unravel a tale deeply rooted in the dark ages of Kerala. In this comprehensive review, we will delve into the plot, cast, crew, filming details, and the buzz surrounding the release of Bramayugam (2024).

Unveiling the Enigmatic Plot and Storyline of Bramayugam (2024): Dive into the Dark Ages of Kerala with Mammootty's Terrifying Antagonist Role!

Set against the historical backdrop of the dark ages of Kerala, Bramayugam is shrouded in mystery, with the plot details carefully guarded. Mammootty, taking on the role of the antagonist, is expected to deliver a performance that will send shivers down the audience's spines. The latest poster, featuring Mammootty in traditional Malabar's Theyyam dance form headgear, hints at a film that explores the depths of horror with an atmospheric touch. Rahul Sadasivan's penchant for dark and nuanced storytelling, as showcased in his previous work Bhoothakaalam, adds to the anticipation surrounding Bramayugam.

Bramayugam (2024) Cast and Crew: A Stellar Ensemble Led by Mammootty in Rahul Sadasivan's Horror Masterpiece!

The casting choices for Bramayugam add an extra layer of intrigue. Mammootty, known for his versatility, embraces the role of the antagonist, allocating 30 intense days to the film. Arjun Ashokan, portraying the protagonist, commits 60 days to the project. Sidharth Bharathan and Amalda Liz join the ensemble cast, bringing their own unique flair to the narrative. Cinematography by Shehnad Jalal, music by Christo Xavier, and production design by Jothish Shankar ensure a visual and auditory feast for the audience.

Main Cast of Bramayugam (2024):

  1. Mammootty
  2. Arjun Ashokan
  3. Amalda Liz
  4. Sidharth Bharathan

Full Crew of Bramayugam (2024):

  1. Directed by:  Rahul Sadasivan
  2. Writing Credits: Rahul Sadasivan and T. D. Ramakrishnan (Dialogues)
  3. Produced by: Chakravarthy Ramachandra and S. Sashikanth
  4. Cinematography: Shehnad Jalal
  5. Edited by: Shafique Mohammed Ali
  6. Music by: Christo Xavier
  7. Production Companies: Night Shift Studios and YNOT Studios
  8. Country: India
  9. Language: Malayalam
  10. Produced by: Victor Prabaharan (Executive Producer) ,Chakravarthy Ramachandra (Producer)and S. Sashikanth (Producer)
  11. Music by: Christo Xavier
  12. Cinematography by: Shehnad Jalal
  13. Editing by: Shafique Mohamed Ali
  14. Production Design by: Jotish Shankar
  15. Costume Design by: Abhijith and Melwy J.
  16. Makeup Department: Preetisheel Singh D'souza (Character Designer) , S. George (Makeup Artist) and Ronex Xavier (Makeup Artist)
  17. Production Management: Aroma Mohan (Production Controller)
  18. Art Department: Aesthetic Kunjamma (Publicity Design)
  19. Sound Department: Shameer Ahammed (Associate Sound Designer / Sound Effects Editor) , Jayadevan Chakkadath (Sound Designer) ,Rajakrishnan M.R. (Sound Mixer) ,Premsanker S. (Associate Sound Designer / Sound Effects Editor)
  20. Visual Effects by: Digibricks (Visual Effects) and Aswin Sanfran (VFX Line Producer)
  21. Stunts: Kalai Kingson (Stunts)
  22. Camera and Electrical Department: Navin Murali (Still Photographer) , Sourinath V.S (Associate Cinematographer)
  23. Editorial Department:Abhishek Ayyanoth (Associate Editor) and Liju Prabhakar (Colorist)

This dedicated and talented crew collaborated to bring the vision of Bramayugam (2024) to the screen, showcasing their expertise in various aspects of filmmaking

Bramayugam (2024) Filming Journey: Capturing the Essence of Horror - Behind the Scenes with Mammootty and Director Rahul Sadasivan!

The journey of bringing Bramayugam to life commenced on August 17, 2023, coinciding with the Kerala New Year. The picturesque locations of Kochi's MJI Studios and Ottapalam set the stage for the film's eerie narrative. Mammootty wrapped up his portions by September 16, and the entire filming concluded on October 18, 2023, promising a visually stunning and meticulously crafted cinematic experience.

Bramayugam (2024) Buzz and Fan Reactions: Mammootty's Menacing Avatar Sparks Excitement Across Social Media!

The unveiling of the first look poster, showcasing Mammootty in a black and white avatar with the tagline "The Age of Madness," set social media ablaze. Fans expressed their excitement, lauding Mammootty's versatility and the intriguing premise of Bramayugam. The film's simultaneous release in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Hindi on February 15, 2024, adds to the anticipation, making it a pan-Indian cinematic event.

Mammootty's Recent Triumphs: A Cinematic Odyssey from Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam to Bramayugam (2024)

Mammootty's recent endeavors, including Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam, Christopher, and Kaathal- The Core, have showcased his unparalleled acting prowess. The actor's commitment to diverse roles and genres demonstrates his dedication to delivering compelling performances, setting the stage for another memorable portrayal in Bramayugam.

Bramayugam (2024) Release Date

Prepare for an unparalleled cinematic experience as "Bramayugam," the much-anticipated horror film, is set to hit theaters in five languages on February 15, 2023. Audiences can immerse themselves in the haunting narrative in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Hindi, ensuring a widespread release that caters to diverse linguistic preferences. 

Save the date for a journey into the dark and mysterious realms of Kerala's bygone eras, as "Bramayugam" promises to captivate audiences across the Indian cinematic landscape. Mark your calendars and get ready for the Age of Madness!

Conclusion: Bramayugam (2024) - An Eerie Journey Awaits in the Dark Ages of Kerala, Promising Horror Excellence

In the realm of Indian horror cinema, Bramayugam (2024) emerges as a promising venture, blending the vision of Rahul Sadasivan, the prowess of Mammootty, and the expertise of the talented cast and crew. As the release date approaches, the excitement surrounding this atmospheric horror film continues to escalate. Prepare for an immersive journey into the dark ages of Kerala, where madness and horror intertwine, leaving an indelible mark on the audience. Bramayugam is not just a film; it's an experience that transcends the conventional boundaries of horror storytelling.

Expect Sinhala subtitles and English subtitles soon

අභිරහස් අගුළු හැරීම: Bramayugam (2024) සිංහල උපසිරැසි සමඟ - ත්‍රාසජනක සිනමා අත්දැකීමක් සඳහා විස්තීර්ණ සමාලෝචනයක්!